
  • 网络engineering design phase
  1. 地铁工程设计阶段的投资控制

    Investment control of metros in engineering design phase

  2. 浅谈国际化学工程通用设计体制中的工程设计阶段&在上海法国德希尼布(TECHNIP)化学工程有限公司工作体会

    Preliminary Discussion on the Engineering Design Phase in General International Chemical Engineering Design System

  3. 工程设计阶段的HSE审查

    HSE review procedure during design phase

  4. 在CIMS工程设计阶段采用项目管理技术,对CIMS工程项目的进度、费用、质量进行管理、协调和控制,有利于项目的顺利实施。

    In order to carry out the CIMS project smoothly , project management technology is applied in the CIMS system design to control the plan , the investment , and the quality of the project .

  5. 浅谈750KV变电站工程设计阶段的造价控制

    Primary Discussion of Cost Control of 750 kV Substation Engineering at the Design Stage

  6. 工程设计阶段如何进行工程造价控制

    How to control the project cost in the engineering design stages

  7. 三电系统工程设计阶段划分及工作内容

    Division for engineering stage of automatic system and its working content

  8. 浅谈工程设计阶段的建设监理

    Simple Discussion about Construction Supervision on the Project Design Stage

  9. 钢结构工程设计阶段工程建设监理研究

    Study on engineering construction supervision in design stage of steel structure works

  10. 电网建设工程设计阶段的投资控制探讨

    Discussion on Investment Control in Design Stage of Power Network Construction Project

  11. 报告的具体格式应在工程设计阶段最终确定。

    The exact formats of reports shall be finalized during engineering stage .

  12. 工程设计阶段造价控制存在问题与对策

    Problems of Cost Control in Project Design and Their Solutions

  13. 浅谈建设工程设计阶段的造价管理

    Management of the cost of building engineering in design phases

  14. 工程设计阶段应最终确定配色方案。

    The coloring scheme shall be finalized during engineering stage .

  15. 第三为推荐方案工程设计阶段。

    The third , recommend the design of project phase .

  16. 论交通工程设计阶段的造价控制

    Discussion on cost control of transporting project design stage

  17. 工程设计阶段应实行监理制

    Supervision System Should Be Taken in Engineering Design Stage

  18. 浅谈工程设计阶段监理工作的必要性

    Necessity of Supervision & Management Job at Design Stage

  19. 浅谈价值管理在建设工程设计阶段的应用

    Simply Talking about Application of Value Management at Stage of Building Engineering Design

  20. 新疆公路工程设计阶段工程造价控制的实践研究

    The fulfiling research on the cost control of design stage about Xinjiang highway engineering

  21. 基于建筑工程设计阶段的投资控制与管理措施分析探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Investment Control and Management Measures Based on Design Phase of Construction

  22. 遥感在工程设计阶段有特别重要的作用。

    Remote sensing has a particularly valuable role to play at the design stage of a project .

  23. 在功能设计和工程设计阶段,要做出一个切实可行的设计。

    In the functional design and the engineering design stage , needs to make a practical feasible design .

  24. 本文介绍了工程设计阶段直升机旋翼系统部件强度设计的流程和方法。

    In this paper a kind of fatigue design method of helicopter rotor system in detail engine design phase is presented .

  25. 提出综合布线系统是智能建筑的一个重要组成部分,在建筑工程设计阶段应进行合理的规划和设计。

    As one major constituent of intelligent buildings author points out that proper planning and design should be made in engineering design stage .

  26. 并提出在项目的环境影响评价和工程设计阶段,应注意加强环保措施,减免开发中的水利环境影响。

    It is pointed out that attention must be paid to the measures for environment protection during design to mitigate the unfavorable impacts .

  27. 公路工程设计阶段的造价控制方法文中仅从工程管理模式和阶段经济分析的角度初步探讨工程造价控制的方法。

    This paper only studies the methods of highway engineering cost managing by way of construction management modes and construction economy analysis at each stage .

  28. 而一旦投资决策确定后,工程设计阶段对造价的影响最深,也是最关键的阶段。

    And once the investment decision is made , design phase turns to be the most crucial phase , which has great influence on the project cost .

  29. 阐述工程设计阶段进行优化设计和造价控制的重要性,并对工程建设概预算定额及计价依据进行分析。

    Importance of optimization design and cost control during the design stage of a project is put forward . Project budget rating and pricing basis are also analyzed .

  30. 找到固定资产投资和运行费用的均衡点是在确定经营意图并据此完成工程设计阶段的主要工作目标之一。

    At this stage , strong emphasis has to be laid upon finding out the correct balance point between the fixed - asset investment and the operation expenses .