
zhé kòu jià ɡé
  • discounted price;prices at a discount
  1. 这是一个很好的机会,尝试一些更贵的餐厅在折扣价格和尝试一些新的东西。

    It 's a great opportunity to try some of the more expensive restaurants at a discounted price and try something new .

  2. 在缅甸,中石油(petrochina)因一份以折扣价格购买天然气的合同而受到批评。

    In Burma , PetroChina faces criticism over a contract to buy natural gas at a discount .

  3. cmcmarkets驻澳大利亚的大卫泰勒(davidtaylor)向澳大利亚联合新闻社(aap)表示,中国正在寻求机会,在各发达国家的经济进入复苏之前,以折扣价格买入资产和公司。

    David Taylor , an analyst at CMC markets in Australia , told the AAP news wire that China was seeking to buy assets and companies at discount prices before the economies of developed country went into recovery .

  4. Embraer对记者表示成龙购买了这架飞机,但一些媒体认为,这是打了很大的折扣价格。

    While Embraer said Chan " bought " the plane in its press release , some media outlets suggested that the sales price had been heavily discounted .

  5. 一类带有折扣价格且预定销售期可变的库存模型

    An Inventory Model with Price Discount and Variable Advance Sales Period

  6. 丧失的自我折扣价格与固定价格比较

    The Comparison Between Discount Price and Fixed Price

  7. 我们主管对贵公司所提供的折扣价格很满意。

    Gary , our boss is very satisfied with the discount offered by your-company .

  8. 折扣价格受到政府税费、服务费的影响。

    Discount rates are subject to government tax and service charges , and are non-commissionable .

  9. 购买方可在所提供折扣价格条件下从有限种订货量中选择最小的订货量,但不一定是最优订货量。

    Buyers may select from a limited number of available order quantities at the reduced price .

  10. 但按照限制性股票的概念,其可以无偿赠与经理人,也可以一定折扣价格售与经理人;而且我国目前实施限制性股票激励的上市公司也是两种方式授予的情况均有。

    The implementation of the current restricted stock incentive in China listed companies are also the two situations .

  11. 随函附上本公司出口目录及详细的折扣价格,请查收。

    Meanwhile we have pleasure in sending you our export catalog with full details of our discount prices .

  12. 世界银行和斯坦福大学以高折扣价格支付埃森哲的咨询费用;工厂主不用支付任何费用。

    The world bank and Stanford paid Accenture at a heavily discounted rate ; the factory owners paid nothing .

  13. 折扣价格应以客房出租率和总经理的书面授权为依据。

    At all times , discount rates are subjects to availability of rooms and written approval from the General Manager .

  14. 而且折扣价格仅适用于在促销期出售给顾客的产品,而不是零售商购入的产品。这种方法消除了超前采购的所有动力。

    The price discount be fit to the product that sale to customer during promotion not product that retailer buy .

  15. 嘉年华游轮不仅全额偿还游客费用,还另加500美金补偿费,并且提供下次乘坐的折扣价格。

    Carnival is offering passengers a full refund , an additional $ 500 in compensation and discounts on future cruises .

  16. 为解决分布环境下的无协调中心的供应链生产计划的协调问题,提出了一种基于拉格朗日松弛算法的折扣价格协调优化策略。

    To the supply chain planning problem without a coordination center , a decentralized asynchronous coordination method based on Lagrangian relaxation algorithm is presented .

  17. 主体计划包括兴建楼宇,并以折扣价格售予合资格的申请人,但这些楼宇不得在五年内转售。

    The Main Scheme involves the construction of flats which are sold to eligible applicants at discounted prices subject to a five-year resale restriction .

  18. 如果你能以折扣价格购买第一世界的资产在那些拥有成熟监管框架和一贯尊重产权的国家你为何还要购买中国的资产呢?

    If you can buy first world-assets at bargain prices in countries with established regulatory frameworks and historical respect for property rights why would you buy in China ?

  19. 最后生产商根据平均价值来制定价格,这样产品的价格在一段时间是稳定的,且生产商也能够在整个生命周期的不同时期得到相应的折扣价格。

    This kind of price will keep stable in a period of time and the discount price of the whole lift-cycle in different periods will also come out .

  20. 如果他们同样买了当天音乐会的票的话,维多利亚的交响乐也提供折扣价格,同时,交响乐经常在学校中央举行表演。

    The Victoria Symphony offers reduced price tickets to students if tickets are purchased the day of the concert . The symphony also performs frequently at the University Center .

  21. 基于数量柔性契约的制造型企业的最优国际订购策略购买方可在所提供折扣价格条件下从有限种订货量中选择最小的订货量,但不一定是最优订货量。

    The Optimal International Order Strategy of the Manufacturer under Quantity Flexible Contract ; Buyers may select from a limited number of available order quantities at the reduced price .

  22. 大多数的网站也有凭单,您可以打印出来并且使用得到的单据在分店里享受折扣价格,例如在一家流行的连锁餐厅你就可以一周吃两次。

    Most sites also have vouchers that you can print off and use to get discounts in high street outlets , such as two-for-one meals at popular restaurant chains .

  23. 对制造商而言,该模型不仅可实现一般文献中求解折扣价格的目的,还可计算出起始折扣点(或折扣区间);

    To supplier , not only can these models obtain discount price in current literatures , but also can get the initial points ( or intervals ) of quantity discounts .

  24. 遭窃石油的交易目前包括一个复杂的犯罪网络和国际交易商,后者以折扣价格向西非、中国和印度的精炼厂提供石油。

    The trade in stolen oil now involves a sophisticated criminal network and international traders who provide oil at discounted prices to refineries in West Africa , China and India .

  25. 因此这些投资者只愿意以折扣价格购买股份,价格往往低于公司所有者愿意接受的水平,导致交易无法达成。

    Investors are willing to buy shares only at bargain prices , which are often lower than their owners are willing to accept , in which case the deal gets pulled .

  26. 该决策模型综合考虑了承运人根据运输收益给予不同折扣价格环境下运输价格、运输质量和交货绩效等因素,有助于托运人有效而合理地选择承运人和分配货载,因此具有综合性;

    The decision model jointly considers transportation price , transportation quality and delivery performance in transportation revenue discount environments , and helps shippers select carriers and allocate cargo volume using a comprehensive approach .

  27. 每天,大多数团购网站都要刊登一批又一批来自网上商家的优惠券,一旦签约加入这项交易的人达到规定的数字,这些优惠券就能让顾客享受到折扣价格。

    Each day , most group buying websites post batches of coupons from online merchants that offer customers a discount once a set number of people sign up to participate in the deal .

  28. 此外,外国公司还发现,在全世界竞标时都会遭遇中国企业短兵相接的竞争,中国企业以折扣价格销售消化了的高速铁路技术,往往还得到国有银行廉价信贷的慷慨支持。

    Furthermore , the foreigners find themselves competing head-to-head for tenders all over the world with Chinese companies selling digested high-speed technology at discount prices , often with cheap state bank financing thrown in .

  29. 价格方面,论述制订价格的策略,运用差别定价、折扣价格和产品组合价格等多种定价策略形成对广告客户的吸引力;

    The price aspect elaborated makes price strategy , uses many kinds of fixed prices strategy including the difference fixed price , the reduced price and the product combination price , forms to the advertisement customer attraction ;

  30. 正在商议的重组计划还包括发行权证,让持有者有权在未来以相对当前股价存在折扣的价格购买aig股票。

    A plan being considered involves an offer of warrants giving the holders the right to buy AIG shares in the future at a discount to the current price .