
zhé zhī
  • massage;snap a twig;bend over to pick up sth.
折枝 [zhé zhī]
  • [give massage] 按摩。枝通肢

  • 为长者折枝。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  • 是折枝之类

  1. 莫待无花空折枝。

    Lest you but wait for an empty bough .

  2. 而且,这种重折枝的风气到了文人画家那里,便被发扬光大了。

    Moreover , such culture of place emphasis on Folds among literati painters has been carried forward .

  3. 他又独创“折枝”法,择取花草中最美的部分入画。

    He founded " segmentation method " and selected the most beautiful parts of flowers or plants for drawing .

  4. 而以折枝这一形式出现的中国古典文人园林窗景,其原型大多是来源于文人画家所创作的折枝画。

    The classical Chinese literati garden folds the window scenery was created by artists from the literati of painting broken in branch .

  5. 随着花鸟画的日益成熟,折枝画作为后起渐渐赢得重要地位。

    Painting broken in branch as a rising star gradually won an important position with the growing maturity of Flowers and Birds Painting .

  6. 什么应该被道路是折枝,一个压扁拖拉机和电力的电缆已被击落大量覆盖。

    What should have been a road was covered in broken branches , a squashed tractor and lots of electricity cables that had been brought down .

  7. 论文成果的价值主要在以下三个方面:1、把折枝画引入到对中国古典文人园林窗景的思考之中。

    The value of the paper is in three aspects in the following : 1 、 To introduce painting broken in branch into the thinking of the classical Chinese literati garden window scenery .

  8. 到了元代,出现了以梅、兰、竹、菊为主题的折枝画作品,这是当时社会审美趣味和艺术家审美追求影响下的结果。

    At Yuan Dynasty , the theme of painting broken in branch were plum , orchid , bamboo and chrysanthemum , it was the result under the influence of community aesthetic tastes and artists pursuits .