
  1. 苏士澍,全国政协委员、中国书法协会主席

    Su Shishu , member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of China Calligraphers Association

  2. 33岁的画家维多利亚•纳扎尔丘克(ViktoriyaNazarchuk)说,她爱好中国书法,并由此喜欢上了汉语。

    Viktoriya Nazarchuk , a 33-year-old painter , says she became interested in the language through an enthusiasm for Chinese calligraphy .

  3. 论大众传媒对当代中国书法的影响

    Study on Influence of the Mass Media on Contemporary Chinese Calligraph

  4. 试探佛教对中国书法艺术的影响

    An Initial Probe into the Influence of Buddhism On Chinese Calligraphy

  5. 意境是中国书法高层次的审美内容。

    Artistic conception is a high-grade aesthetic essential of Chinese calligraphy .

  6. 简:中国书法具有很高的观赏价值。

    Jane : Chinese calligraphy is as beautiful as a picture .

  7. 一种中国书法作品的骨架提取算法

    An Algorithm for Distilling the Skeletons of the Works of Chinese Calligraphy

  8. 中国书法艺术形成原因探析

    Analysis on Reasons of How Chinese Art of Calligraphy formed

  9. 佛经刻写与中国书法艺术的发展

    The Engraving of Buddhist Sutra and the Development of Chinese Calligraphy Art

  10. 中国书法艺术中蕴涵的辩证唯物主义思想。

    The paper analyzes the dialectical materialist thought embodied in Chinese calligraphy .

  11. 想象一个正在展示艺术家的、关于中国书法杰作的景点吧!

    Imagine a scenery spot displaying artists ' masterpieces of Chinese calligraphy !

  12. 中国书法是一门古老和具有丰富内涵的艺术。

    Documents of ancient Chinese calligraphy are valuable cultural heritages .

  13. 从《兰亭集序》探讨中国书法的艺术魅力

    Study on Artistic Charm of Chinese Calligraphy in Preface to Lanting Poetry

  14. 中国书法艺术对现代设计艺术的影响

    The impact of Chinese art of calligraphy on art of modern design

  15. 中国书法的美学表达与人文主义价值诉求

    The Aesthetical Expression and Humanistic Valuable Pursuit of Chinese Calligraphy

  16. 书法由来见性真&陈独秀与中国书法艺术

    Calligraphy : Mirror of Personality & CHEN Du xiu and Chinese Calligraphic Art

  17. 你想体验中国书法的魅力吗?

    Do you want to experience the allure and fascination of Chinese calligraphy ?

  18. 唐代书学是中国书法美学之建构期。

    Tang 's calligraphy theory is the establishing era of Chinese calligraphy theory .

  19. 有一种研磨剂通常被用作古代中国书法。

    The certain kind of abrasives is usually used for old chinese writing .

  20. 现为中国书法艺术家协会常务理亊。

    Currently he is member of Chinese calligraphy artist association executive Richard personnel .

  21. 谈中国书法艺术在现代标志设计中的运用

    Study On Chinese Calligraphy Art And Modern Logo Design

  22. 从一幅中国书法作品中,你能收获很多东西。

    You can really get a lot from a piece of Chinese calligraphy .

  23. 有些人喜欢中国书法,因为书法本身就有一种艺术品味。

    Some love Chinese calligraphy for there is an artistic flavour in itself .

  24. 中国书法与绘画的历史十分悠久。

    Chinese calligraphy and painting has a long history .

  25. 东方美学视野下的中国书法

    On Chinese Handwriting From The View Of Eastern Esthetics

  26. 中国书法是动感的造型艺术。

    Chinese calligraphy is the motional and plastic art .

  27. 小学时,中国书法是我们要修读的一门课程。

    In my Chinese primary school , Chinese calligraphy was an academic subject .

  28. 中国书法是用毛笔、墨汁写的。

    Brush and ink is used in Chinese calligraphy .

  29. 中国书法与诗歌发展的同步现象

    The Parallel Development of Chinese Calligraphy and Poetry

  30. 中国书法的传统生存与发展方式&从传播的视角

    Traditional Existence and Development Methods of Chinese Calligraphy : In the Perspective of Spreading