
  • 网络history of chinese thought;Intellectual History of China
  1. 这一思想,在整个中国思想史的脉络中,无疑具有着高度的创新意义。

    The thoughts made high sense of innovating in the whole history of Chinese thoughts .

  2. 这场运动无论在新中国思想史还是社会主义建设史上都具有重要影响。

    This movement has important effects in both the history of Chinese thoughts and the history of the Socialist Construction .

  3. 中国思想史中身体观研究的新视野

    New Horizon in Study of Body View in History of Chinese Thougths

  4. 中国思想史研究的新探索

    Study of China 's Ideology History : A New Perspective

  5. 整合的趋向是中国思想史使中国艺术不是走向宗教,而是走向美学;整合的类型是审美形态和思维方式;

    The type of conformity is the aesthetic shape and thinking mode .

  6. 论韩愈在中国思想史上的地位

    On Han Yu 's Important Place in Chinese Intellectual History

  7. 寻求“精英思想”与“民众观念”的统一&对中国思想史的一些思考

    Seeking Unity between Elitism and Populism & Some Viewpoints on Chinese Intellectual History

  8. 思想的无端骄傲&评《中国思想史》第一卷

    Gratuitous Arrogance in thoughts & Comments on Volume One of Chinese Ideological History

  9. 道家在中国思想史上一直占有重要地位,魏晋时期达到鼎盛。

    Taoists has been keeping a vital position in Chinese history of thought .

  10. 从研究视域的转变解析中国思想史的书写

    Writing the History of Chinese Thought : From the Perspective of Research Horizon

  11. 道统、系谱与历史&关于中国思想史脉络的来源与确立

    Orthodoxy , Pedigree and History & Origin and Establishment of Thread of Chinese Intellectual History

  12. 梁漱溟是中国思想史上不可忽视的人物。

    Liang Shuming is thinking of the history of China can not be neglected figure .

  13. 在中国思想史上,李贽具有极其重要的地位。

    Li zhi has an extremely important position in the history of traditional Chinese thought .

  14. 语境化研究和反现代化叙事&本杰明·艾尔曼的中国思想史研究述评

    Contextualization Research and Anti-modernization Narrative & Commentary on Benjamin Elman 's Research on Chinese Intellectual History

  15. 走向多元的中国思想史研究(专题讨论)

    Studies on History of Chinese Thought That Go Toward Multi-elements ( Special topic for discussion );

  16. 五四是中国思想史上千载难逢的黄金时代。

    May 4 is a very rare golden age in the history of the Chinese thoughts .

  17. 春秋战国时期是中国思想史的黄金时代。

    The Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period was a golden age of Chinese ideology .

  18. 《思想史研究课堂讲录》,是葛兆光近年来探讨中国思想史研究方法的一次集中总结。

    In Lectures of Thought History Study , the study method of Chinese Thought History is discussed .

  19. 其哲学思想在中国思想史上也有重要位置。

    His philosophy has also been accounted as an influential one in the history of Chinese philosophy .

  20. 意识形态的普遍紧张化是中国思想史上的一个长期问题。

    The universal existence of this tension is a long-term problem in the history of Chinese thought .

  21. 陈序经是20世纪中国思想史上“全盘西化”论的代表人物。

    Chen Xujing was a representative of " wholesale westernization " in the20th century history of Chinese thinking .

  22. 困难在于,从史学史的角度,陈述历史观念史,与一般的中国思想史或中国哲学史的分工,如何体现?

    The difficulty lies in how to distinguish it from the intellectual history or the history of Chinese philosophy .

  23. 晚明异端思想的社会化,是中国思想史上的典型范例。

    The socialization of the heresy in late Min dynasty is a paradigm in the history of Chinese ideology .

  24. 狂范畴在中国思想史及文学史上是一个不容忽视的客观存在。

    The category of " Kuang " plays a vital role in the history of Chinese literature and literary theory .

  25. 在中国思想史上,朱熹的人生境界理论曾有相当的影响。

    Zhu Xi 's theory on life state had left a considerable influence in the history of thought in China .

  26. 庄子在中国思想史上首次提出了关于个体存在与自由的问题。

    Zhuang Zi was the first in Chinese history of thinking to raise the issue of individual existence and freedom .

  27. 当中国思想史出现重大理论成就时,艺术思想必然产生一次激变。

    The art thoughts are sure to have a great change when great achievements in Chinese thoughts history are accomplished .

  28. 民众思想、思想家与思想史&对中国思想史几个基本问题的思考

    Popular Thought , Thinker and History of Thought : A Consideration to a Few Questions on the Chinese History of Ideas

  29. 在中国思想史上,许多著名的思想家对道德社会化问题从不同的角度进行了有价值的研究。

    In the history of Chinese social ideology , many famous thinkers made valuable studies of moral socialization from different perspectives .

  30. 因此,关于鲁迅的不同层面、不同取向的论争,凸显的无疑是当代中国思想史的一个侧面。

    Therefore , debates over LU Xun in different levels and among different orientations presents one aspect of contemporary Chinese intellectual history .