
  1. 社会主义荣辱观与中华人文精神

    Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace and Chinese Humanist Spirit

  2. 最后,人们不得不以它来给整个方块汉字、汉文化、中华人文精神命名,使它统帅了数以万计的汉字和浩繁丰厚的汉文化。

    Finally , it commands millions of Chinese characters and Han culture .

  3. 中华人文精神是中华民族发展进程中一以贯之的根本精神。

    Chinese humanism spirit is the fundamental spirit in the development of Chinese society .

  4. 中国传统管理思想是中华人文精神最丰富、最全面的汇聚和文化价值观最集中的体现。

    Chinese traditional management thoughts are the most abundant , comprehensive aggregation of Chinese human spirit , and the most concentrated expression of cultural values .

  5. 工笔人物画的发展和创新要始终保持优秀的传统审美境界和中华人文精神。

    The development of the fine brushwork figure painting still should contain the traditional ambit of appreciation of the beauty and the spirit of china humanity .

  6. 中国古典文学是世界古典文学的一朵奇葩,是中华人文精神的结晶,蕴含着丰富的人文精神和文化内涵。

    Chinese classical literature is the world literature classics of a wonderful work . It is the crystallization of the humanistic spirit containing a rich cultural spirit and cultural connotation .

  7. 从生命伦理角度看,中华和谐人文精神要求关爱生命,突出生命伦理的基础性;

    From the viewpoint of Bioethics , the Chinese humanistic spirit of harmony requests loving life , which outlines the basis of bioethics ;

  8. 中国传统人文精神追求审美境界,中国传统美学境界则突出人文精神,这就是中华审美人文精神。

    Traditional Chinese humanistic spirit has been in pursuit of an aesthetic realm in which such a spirit is stressed . It is in here that lies the very aesthetic humanistic spirit of the Chinese nation .

  9. 孔子与中华民族人文主体精神的确立

    Confucius and the Establishment of the Subject Spirit of Chinese Nation

  10. 南永前图腾诗的精神内涵主要表现在:一、对朝鲜民族以及中华各民族原始人文精神的重新发掘;

    The spiritual enlightenment of Nam Yeong-jun 's totem poems is mainly demonstrated in two aspects : first , his poems have rediscovered the primitive human spirits of Korean minority nationality as well as those of other nationalities in China ;