
  1. 论中国古代绘画的重神思想

    On the emphasis of " spirit " in ancient Chinese painting

  2. 石涛在中国古代绘画史上占有十分重要的位置。

    Shi Tao in ancient Chinese painting occupies very important position .

  3. 中国古代绘画造型艺术的现代魅力

    The Modern Charm of Plastic Technique in Chinese Classical Painting

  4. 中国古代绘画审美创造主体论

    The Theory of the Chinese Ancient Painting & Aesthetic Appreciation Creates Subject

  5. 对中国古代绘画史分期问题的再研究

    Fully Considerations about History of Ancient Chinese Painting Problems Periods

  6. 浅谈中国古代绘画中的形神论

    Brief Introduction to the Theory of Figure and Soul in Chinese Ancient Paintings

  7. 中国古代绘画终和老、庄之道契合得更紧密。

    Ancient Chinese Painting and the old terminal , Zhuang Road fit more closely .

  8. 儒道思想与中国古代绘画艺术的审美观

    Thought of Confucianism and Taoism and the Aesthetic Sense of Chinese Ancient Painting Art

  9. 艺术与科学相结合的典苑&中国古代绘画中的数学方法

    A Model of the Integration Art and Science & Mathematics in Ancient Chinese Painting

  10. 其绘画意象的悲剧品格与崇高风格,在中国古代绘画中是罕见的。

    His tragic character and great style was very unusual in Chinese ancient painting .

  11. 论中国古代绘画美学中的象

    On the likeness of ancient Chinese drawing aesthetics

  12. 中国古代绘画的基本特点

    The Essential Features of Traditional Chinese Painting

  13. 从中国古代绘画考试想到一氧化氮(NO)的发现&对医学科研思路的认识

    Thinking from examination of ancient Chinese painting to discovering of NO & for medicine scientific researching idea

  14. 中国古代绘画包括墓室壁画、宫廷壁画、建筑彩画、崖画、纸质画、绢画等。

    Ancient Chinese Painting includes coffin chamber Fresco , palace Fresco , Paper Painting and Juan Painting etc.

  15. 中国古代绘画传统的隔代继承是中国艺术发展史上的一种特殊现象。

    Inter-generational inheritance of ancient times drawing tradition is a special performance in the Chinese art history .

  16. 一部中国古代绘画史常常被描述成文人画的发展史。

    The history of the ancient Chinese painting is often described as the development of literati paintings .

  17. 带有写意倾向的油画创作有着既不同于西方艺术的面貌,更不同于中国古代绘画的样式。

    Through freehand brushwork , paintings can own the appearance differing from western art and the style distinctive from Chinese classic paintings .

  18. 国画含琴古乐流韵&论中国古代绘画中的文人与琴

    The Ancient Music and Rhythm of Gu qin in the Chinese Paintings & On the Literati and gu qin in the Ancient Chinese Paintings

  19. 他的绘画风格和画论《林泉高致》对中国古代绘画和美学思想研究具有很高的学术价值。

    His painting style and the Painting theoretical works " Lin Quan Gao Zhi " has a high academic value on Chinese Painting history .

  20. 中国古代绘画独特的造型语言、空间意识、审美境界,与古典音乐有着天然的内在联系。

    Ancient Chinese paintings , with unique modelling language , special awareness , aesthetic appreciation , are by nature closely related to classic music .

  21. 中国古代绘画发展到元代,进入一个新时期,与唐宋绘画相比,已存在明显差异。

    Chinese agent paintings came into a new age in yuan dynasty . Compared with paintings in Tang and Song , it has significant difference .

  22. 很快他成了百万富翁,积累了巨额财富,并把它投入到自己渐趋上瘾的艺术品收藏中去,主要是中国古代绘画和古董。

    That helped him become a millionaire and build the war chest to fund his newfound interest in collecting art , mainly classical paintings and antiques .

  23. 本文作者希望,这一基础性的工作能对中国古代绘画形究和中西绘画比较研究产生有益的影响。

    I wish that this basic work could produce beneficial effects for the research of Chinese ancient painting and the comparison of Chinese and Western painting .

  24. 宋代官方美术教育主要以画学和画院为主,画院是中国古代绘画传统教育的典范,也是体制最为完备,规模最大的艺术教育机构。

    The painting academy was the nonesuch of the Chinese ancient painting education and was also the biggest institution of the art education with the best system .

  25. 中国古代绘画美学源远流长,在理论和实践两方面都有重要的价值。

    There is a long history in the process of the development of Chinese painting esthetics and there is both a theory and a practice value of its own .

  26. 明末清初,以闺阁画家群体为代表的女性绘画在中国古代绘画史上占有重要的一页。

    In late Ming and early Qing Dynasty , the female artists ' painting represented by boudoir painters played an important role in the history of painting in ancient China .

  27. 最后,文章肯定了宋代风俗画在中国古代绘画中的重要地位,总结了宋代风俗画家的艺术实践给后人的启示:恪守绘画之本的求实精神是任何一位艺术创作者应该遵循的原则;

    Lastly , the thesis sums up the inspirations gained from the artistic practice of Song genre painters : Abiding by realistic spirit is the principle that every artist should observe ;

  28. 自南朝齐谢赫提出气韵生动以来,它就成为中国古代绘画的重要美学范畴了。

    In Southern Dynasties , it became the significant aesthetic category of Chinese ancient painting since the theory of " vigor and charm " had been put forward by Xie He .

  29. 为了避免简单化的抽象概括,本文试图在较广阔的文化视野中,考察中国古代绘画理论中士气说的思想文化背景、主体根源以及它的产生与流变。

    This paper intends to inspect the ideological and cultural origine , backgrounds and develoment of the theses on Chinese painting , trying to avoid abstract generalization in an oversimplified way .

  30. 它起源于中国古代绘画,有著千年的历史,是在中国写意水墨兴起之前的中国主流绘画。

    Originating from ancient Chinese paintings , colored rock painting , boasting a history of a thousand years , once was a dominating category in China before the rise of Chinese ink-wash painting .