
  1. 1995年普利策奖获得者安藤忠雄说,通过这样的平衡,他创造了一种新型的中国风建筑。

    Through such a balance , he had created a new type of Chinese architecture , said Tadao Ando , the winner of the 1995 Pritzker Prize .

  2. 近一半的新作品都是国风风格,或者说“传统中国风”。这些故事大多是根据中国传说或文学作品改编。例如,《西行纪之再见悟空》改编自《西游记》。

    Nearly half of the new works are in guofeng style , or “ traditional Chinese style ” . The stories are mostly based on or adapted from Chinese legends or literature . For example , The Westward comes from Journey to the West .

  3. 基于GIS的中国风电产业数据库建设与应用研究

    GIS-based Chinese Wind Power Industry Database : Construction and Application

  4. 巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)称,中国风电总装机容量到2015年将会翻番。

    Total capacity is still expected to double by 2015 , according to Barclays Capital .

  5. 中国风电CDM项目经济性分析

    Economic analysis of China wind power CDM project

  6. 中国风:2004年北京AGI年会会员设计作品选

    Breeze in China : Works Selection from Members of AGI Congress 2004 Beijing

  7. 在世界家具文化艺术之林,中国风(Chinoiserie)更成为了一种潮流。

    In the art-forest of the culture of worldwide furniture , Chinoiserie has become one kind of current .

  8. 自日本福岛第一(fukushimadaiichi)核电站发生危机,促使北京方面暂停审批新核电站项目以来,中国风电股价格上升。

    Chinese wind stocks have risen since the crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi reactor in Japan , which prompted Beijing to freeze new approvals on nuclear plants .

  9. 但起步较晚使中国风电技术与风电发达国家差距很大,MW级以上风电设备设计技术基本依赖进口,作为风电机组关键部件之一的叶片尤其如此。

    But the MW-class wind turbine technologies almost are all imported because of the deep gap between China and west countries with advanced wind power technology , especially rotor blade , which is one of the key components of wind turbine .

  10. 中国风成黄土及其形成下限研究

    A study of eolian loess and its lower boundary in China

  11. 国产动漫为何吹不起“中国风”?

    Why can not be blown domestic animation " China wind "?

  12. “中国风”对西方时装的影响可谓久矣。

    Chinoiserie has been influenced western fashion for a long time .

  13. 李思齐分析中国风电的发展前景。

    Siqi Li analyses the development of wind power of china .

  14. 要不要纹点更中国风的东西

    How about something a little closer to the good China ?

  15. 金融危机后的中国风电行业市场动态

    Market trends of Chinese wind power industry after financial crisis

  16. 18世纪法国家具设计中中国风成因探析

    The Causes of Chinese Elements in the 18th-century French Furniture

  17. 中国风电投资成本变化预测

    Forecasting the investment cost of wind power in China

  18. 中国风电发展宏观障碍分析及政策建议

    Analysis on Macro-obstacles in Wind Power Development in China and Proposals on Policy

  19. 中国风电并网若干问题的博弈研究

    Game analyses of integrated wind power generation in China

  20. 并成为17、18世纪欧洲中国风工艺美术设计和园林设计的重要灵感来源。

    It also inspired the Europe industrial arts and garden design of 17-18 century .

  21. 17-18世纪欧洲的中国风设计

    The Wind Chinoiserie in 17th-18th Century European Designs

  22. 倡导建筑装饰中国风

    Initiating " Chinese Style " of Architecture Decoration

  23. 关于中国风电发展的思考

    Thinking on Development of Wind Power In China

  24. 顺辉中国风系列必将席卷整个华夏大地。

    Shun-Hui Chinese wind swept through the Chinese family is bound to the earth .

  25. 并为中国风机行业未来发展提出了建议。

    Then we put forward some suggestion for future development of domestic Fan industry .

  26. 迄今为止,中国风机公司在欧洲的发展步伐还较为缓慢。

    So far , the progress of Chinese companies in Europe has been slow .

  27. 伴随着中国风的流行,婚礼服的中式化也将随之而来。

    With the popular of chinfun , the chinese wedding dress will becoming popular .

  28. 中国风酒包装艺术设计研究

    Chinese style art design of spirit packing

  29. 第四章探讨新中国风居住建筑的根源。

    The forth chapter discuss the root of " new Chinese style " living building .

  30. 中国风电的进展和趋势

    Progress and Trends of China Wind Power