
  • 网络Financial Report;financial coverage
  1. 电视财经报道功能研究

    A Study on the Function of TV 's Financial Report Television

  2. 英语报刊财经报道的语言特点

    On Linguistic Features of Financial Coverage in English News Publications

  3. 杰克,我认为你的财经报道节目做得非常好。

    Jake , I think you cover the business world very well .

  4. 英语财经报道中概念隐喻的认知研究

    A Cognitive Study of Conceptual Metaphor in English Financial Reports

  5. 消费时代都市报财经报道的策略选择

    The Choices of Tactics for City-Newspaper 's Finance and Economics Reports in Consuming Age

  6. 解读现代财经报道

    Understand the modern finance and economics report

  7. 最后,本文研究结果将会为新闻工作者写作和编辑财经报道,提供一些参考。

    At last , the results of this study are expected to give some references for the editors to edit the reports .

  8. 在这个经济快速发展的时代,财经报道已经成为人们新闻需求中的一个重要部份。

    During this era with a fast developing economy , financial news has become an important part of all the news people need .

  9. 本文结合新闻英语文体特点,借助英语报刊实例等第一手资料,分析了英语报刊财经报道的七种语言特点。

    Based on first-hand examples characteristic of journalistic style , this paper probes into the seven major linguistic features of financial coverage in English news publication .

  10. 财经报道往往如此来描述:如果企业小而新,则意味着创造性、灵活性和可塑性。

    The way the business press wrote about it , if you were small and innovative , that meant you were creative , nimble and flexible .

  11. 为此,笔者对关于全球系统性金融危机的英汉财经报道中使用的隐喻进行了对比分析。

    To this purpose , the author has carried out a comparative study of the conceptual metaphors of the Global Systemic Crisis in both English and Chinese .

  12. 此外,本文研究结果以期对英语学习者更好地学习和理解英语财经报道提供一些帮助。

    Besides , the stylistic features of economic reports in VOA and CRI from this study would give some suggestions for English learners to learn and understand the reports well .

  13. 根据第一财经报道,朱先生表示,民政局工作人员告诉他,必须得自己填写好申请文书,如果填不了,就让原籍派出所开个“我是文盲”的证明。

    According to Zhu , clerks had told him he either must fill out all the paperwork on his own or provide an official police document that stated " I am illiterate , " China Business News reported .

  14. 据国内新闻门户网站第一财经报道,中国的搜索引擎巨头百度的首席执行官李彦宏在星期日的一次会议上,就公司旗下所有疾病类相关贴吧的丑闻做出了公开道歉。

    Robin Li Yanhong , CEO of China 's search engine giant Baidu Inc , issued a public apology at a meeting on Sunday about a scandal involving the company 's disease-related online forums , domestic news portal yicai.com reported .

  15. 随着财经报道的快速发展,对财经类报纸的研究在近几年也多了起来,但大多是谈我国财经类报纸质与量的发展及发展策略。

    Along with the fast development of finance and economics report , the research about finance and economics report also increased in recent years , but most of them are about the development of finance and economics report and the development strategy .

  16. 药剂师在劳动市场上属于高薪工作,根据美国财经报道,药剂师的薪水排名第一,平均起薪是111000美元,药剂师可能在不同的环境中工作,比如医院、制药公司和药房等。

    Pharmacists are among the highest paid employees in the job market . CNBC reports that the No. 1 highest paid bachelor 's degree in 2009 is pharmacy . The average starting salary is $ 111 , 000 . Pharmacists may work in different settings , such as at hospitals , pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies .

  17. 据美国有线电视新闻网财经频道报道,H&M设立的新职位产品多元化和包容性全球负责人将由AnnieWu担任,同时她也是H&M现任的全球员工关系经理。

    CNN Money reports that the new Global Leader for Diversity and Inclusiveness position will be filled by Annie Wu , who will also continue in her current role as H & M 's Global Manager of Employee Relations .

  18. 英语财经新闻报道中人际意义的功能研究

    A Functional Approach to Interpersonal Meaning in English Business News Reports

  19. 英语财经新闻报道中的语法隐喻分析

    An Analysis of Grammatical Metaphor in English News Reports of Economy

  20. 本文研究的对象是广义的财经新闻报道。

    This study is based on the broad sense of business news reporting .

  21. 美国全国广播公司财经频道报道称公司之前计划的上市时间为8月初。

    CNBC reported that the company had previously scheduled its listing for early August .

  22. 但是由于腾讯财经的报道,这让网络论坛对红十字会发起了一片批评之声。

    But online forums have ignited with criticism against the Red Cross with news of Tencent'sreport .

  23. 在一些令人厌烦的财经新闻报道之后,本周金融市场增加了短期利率下调的可能性。

    Financial markets increased the odds of more short-term interest-rate cuts this week after a barrage of grim economic news .

  24. 本文将语料进一步限定为《金融时报》,《中国日报》中的20篇英语财经新闻报道。

    20 pieces of business news reporting have been collected from The Financial Times and The China Daily to carry out the research work .

  25. 财经新闻报道往往因其专业性、严肃性而与一般受众“保持距离”,并导致其可读性与必读性降低。

    Because of its professionalism and seriousness , business news reporting not only maintains some distance from the public but also results in lower readability .

  26. 据第一财经日报报道,中国电商苏宁易购正在招募一批外国留学生当快递员,以保证春节期间物流的高效配送。

    Chinese e-commerce supplier Suning Tesco is hiring foreign students to work as couriers , to ensure efficient express delivery services during Spring Festival , China Business News reports .

  27. 中国主流商业杂志《财经》报道说,本案中的男孩从他出生的时候就开始食用三鹿集团制造的婴儿配方奶粉。

    According to the lawsuit , the boy was fed baby formula made by Sanlu from the time of his birth , said the report by Caijing , a leading Chinese business magazine .

  28. 财经时报报道:根据在美国已注册的全球临床试验数据可知,现在在中国比在印度有更多的临床试验在进行中。

    More clinical trials are now under way in China than in India , according to a U.S. - based registry that lists clinical trials from around the world , the Financial Times reports .

  29. 根据新闻门户第一财经网报道,2014年,在陕西西安雁塔地区,共计24万元的人民币奖励被发放给了198对放弃二胎的夫妇。

    In the Yanta district of Xi'an , Shaanxi , a total of 240000 yuan in cash rewards was allocated in August 2014 to 198 couples who gave up having a second child , news portal yicai.com reported .

  30. 据美国全国广播公司财经频道报道,“显而易见”团体创作这幅画是为了证明“人工智能不仅能驾驶无人汽车,或者改变制造业,它还很有创造性。”这一团体由雨果·卡塞列斯-迪普雷和戈捷·维尔涅共同创立。

    The goal of the painting and of Obvious , also co-founded by Hugo Caselles-Dupr é and Gauthier Vernier , was to prove " artificial intelligence can do more than operate driverless cars or transform manufacturing - it can be creative , " CNBC reported .