
  1. 试论统筹区域发展的财税金融法律规制

    The Legislature on Finance , Tax Revenue and Banking to Plan as a Whole to Regional Development

  2. 而财税金融领域至今还保留着严重的计划经济烙印,并已远远落后于经济发展的速度了。

    The taxation of the financial sector still has a serious mark of the planned economy , and has lagged far behind of economic development .

  3. 因此,利率市场化改革,必须创造良好的财税金融环境,培育完备的金融市场,转变陈旧的商行经营思想,建立科学的企业资信评估体系。

    Therefore , we should create favorable financial environment , cultivate perfect financial market , change our obsolete concepts and establish scientific enterprise evaluation system to reform the interest market .

  4. 加大财税金融支持力度。中央财政继续加大对中部地区转移支付力度,支持中部地区在风险可控前提下适当增加省级政府地方政府债券分配额度。

    In terms of fiscal and financial support , the central government will continue to increase transfer payments to the central region , and local governments can be allocated more bond issuance quotas on condition that risks are under control .

  5. 因为我们明确地提出,无论在法律层面,还是在政策层面,无论是在财税金融政策,还是在准入政策上,我们对不同所有制的企业都一视同仁,鼓励相互竞争,共同发展。

    We have stated in clear-cut terms that we will treat all enterprises of different ownerships in the same way in terms of laws and policies , including fiscal , taxation , financial and market access policies . We encourage these different economic entities to compete with each other and achieve common development .

  6. 小议我国循环经济立法中的财税与金融制度

    The fiscal and financial systems in the legislation of circle economy

  7. (七)深化财税、金融等体制改革,完善宏观调控体系。

    Deepen fiscal , taxation and financial restructuring and improve macroeconomic regulation .

  8. 中职《农村财税与金融》四种版本教材的比较研究

    Comparisons of Secondary Vocational Rural Public Tax and Finance

  9. 要运用财税、金融政策,优化金融资源配置政策环境;

    Adopt fiscal and tax policies to improve the circumstances of the allocation of the financial resources ;

  10. 我们将继续推进行政管理、财税、金融、价格等改革。

    We will advance reforms of administrative management , fiscal and tax systems , financial sectors and pricing .

  11. 同时对计划、财税、金融、外贸体制进行了重大改革。

    China also makes fundamental reform in the planning , taxation , financial , and foreign trade systems .

  12. 财税、金融、流通、住房和政府机构等改革继续深化。

    Reform in finance , taxation , banking , distribution , housing , government institutions and other areas has continued to deepen .

  13. 财税、金融、社会保障、粮棉流通体制等改革继续深化;

    Reforms continued in the fields of government finance and taxation , banking , social security , and circulation systems for grain and cotton .

  14. 财税、金融、价格、行政管理等重点领域和关键环节的改革取得新突破。

    New breakthroughs were made in reforms in key areas and crucial links , such as the fiscal , taxation , financial and pricing systems and administration .

  15. 进一步完善基本经济制度,健全市场体系;深化财税、金融体制改革,完善宏观调控体系。

    We will further improve the basic economic system and market system , deepen reform of the fiscal , taxation and banking systems and improve themacro-economic regulation system .

  16. 财税、金融、投融资、价格、外汇、外贸等方面改革的不断推进,使宏观调控体系进一步完善。

    Reforms of fiscal , taxation , financial , investment , financing , pricing , foreign exchange and foreign trade systems have been advanced constantly , which has further improved the macro-control system .

  17. 中央政府应该使用财税、金融等政策来支持制造业的发展,实行精英政治,突出地表现为强调总统在国家政治中的领导地位。

    The central government should support the development of manufacturing by the policies of taxation and finance implementing meritocracy which was presented through the emphasis of the leading position of the President in national politics .

  18. 现行制度对农民增收的抑制主要体现在户籍制度、土地制度、农业财税和金融制度、农村基层组织制度以及收入分配制度上。

    The system in effect restricts peasant from increasing income , the main aspects include : Hukou system , land system , agricultural tax and financial system , primary-level organizations system and income and distribution system .

  19. 在财税、金融、农村、企业、资源价格等领域推出一系列重大改革,使微观经济活力和宏观管理能力明显增强,市场配置资源效率明显提高。

    An array of important reform measures have been introduced in taxation , finance , enterprises , rural areas and resource prices . These measures have enhanced the vitality of the micro-economy and macro-regulation and raised the efficiency of market allocation of resources .

  20. 现代市场体系和宏观调控体系不断健全,财税、金融、价格、科技、教育、社会保障、医药卫生、事业单位等改革稳步推进。

    The country 's modern market system and macro-regulatory system have been steadily improved , and its reform of finance and taxation , banking , prices , science and technology , education , social security , medicine and public health , and public institutions has progressed steadily .

  21. 我国1992年确立了建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标,在财税、金融、投资、外贸等方面进行了一系列改革并取得了初步成功,为建立现代企业制度扫除了一些障碍。

    In 1992 , China set up its target of building a social market economy . After that , we processed a series of reformation in finance , investment and foreign trade , and achieved initial success , which sweep off some barricades for the construction of modern industry system .

  22. 农村财税政策和金融政策存在弊端;

    The fiscal and financial policies in rural areas have some defects ;

  23. 解决好经济发展所需的资金问题,包括财税政策和金融政策支持问题。

    The second one is to provide more financing support including both by fiscal and financial policy to speed up the economic development of the industry base .

  24. 在理论研究基础上,分别从财税政策、金融政策、科技政策这三个主要方面对国外在发展战略性新兴产业过程中存在的问题进行深入分析。

    In the theoretical foundation , respectively from the finance and tax policy , monetary policy , science and technology policy that three major aspects in the development of foreign strategic emerging industry the problems in the process of analysis .

  25. 从城乡二元结构体制、财税制度、金融制度、粮食流通制度、土地制度和政府职能等6个方面论述了制度因素对农民收入增长趋缓的制约作用和影响。

    From aspects of dual structure between urban and rural , finance and tax system , monetary system , grain circulation system , land system , government function discusses the restrictions and influence of system factor for peasants ' income increase easing up .

  26. 一个完善的信息产业链创新政策支撑体系包括财税政策、金融政策、人才政策、基地和平台政策以及标准化和知识产权保护政策等,同时要注意相关政策的协同和不断优化。

    A complete industrial chain information support system for innovation policy includes fiscal policy , monetary policy , personnel policy , the base and platform policy and standardization and intellectual property protection policies and other policies , keeping in mind of the relevant policy coordination and continuous optimization .

  27. 增强财税政策与农村金融政策之间的有效协调,建立市场主导和政府支持相结合的长效支农机制。

    Fiscal policies , taxation policies and rural financial policies should be coordinated effectively by setting up a market-based long-term agriculture supporting mechanism supported by the government .