
Taxation : the important tool of realizing equitable income - distribution
Discussion on limitations of taxation in current fair income distribution
Brief Analysis on Realizing the Basic Path that Income Allotment Is Fair
Correlative research on the social guarantee and incomes to be fairly allotted
Balance Efficiency and Equity & Thinking about Institutional Innovations to Equal Income Distribution
Study on Accelerating Fair Income Distribution 's Countermeasure
Tax and Equal Distribution of Income in China
Again , analysis of the equitable distribution of income associated with tax policy problems .
The revenue is the important means by which the state regulates the distribution of income .
The Comparative Analysis of Firm Property Rights & A Perspective from Fair Income Distribution within Firms
The fair regulating function of revenue decides the positive correlation between revenue and fair distribution of income .
In a market economy , the government 's financial policy is to promote effective allocation of resources .
Chinese economy is facing challenges of knowledge-based economy , economic globalization , sustained development , deflation and pursuing the fair income .
Comparing labor distribution , contributing distribution with capital property value , puts forward standard and scale of the fair distribution of the enterprise income .
The western economic circles of fair income distribution of attention of academia of our country economy long-standing , but the study on this problem later .
The article first equitable distribution of income to do the basic theory described in detail , from the theoretical analysis of the equitable distribution of tax revenue to promote the viability and necessity .
In order to realize the revenue to be fairly allotted , must adopt corresponding countermeasures , enforce the consistence between social guarantee and the revenue in fair allotment , and weaken the inconsistence between them .
The charity donation is the important content of the third distribution , and is significant to easy social conflicts , regulate gap between rich and poor , promote fair distribution and achieve the fair of society .
This part is mainly from the tax structure is not reasonable , the tax control system is not perfect , the tax system so flawed analysis of the current tax system to promote equitable distribution of income problems .
Finance is taken as the means of collocating resource , the effective poise of impartial distribution , and the basic instrument , so the government can fully implement the financial function and use the taxation policy to adjust the faulty regional structure .
From the point of social reproduction , great efforts must be made to advance the intension type enlarged reproduction , safeguard the fair distribution of national income , standardize the market relations , advocate and encourage scientific consumption among urban and rural residents .
In the revenue fulfillment , we should enhance the positive correlation between revenue and fair distribution of income continuously to better exert the market fair function , social fair function and the ethics fair function of revenue , and carry out the fair distribution of income .
The practice of the distribution according to work , however , is negatively correlated with equitable income distribution , which is displayed in an actual inequity of income distribution resulting from deviation in the understanding or application and varieties in objective conditions of the objects of the distribution .
Imagine , said Nozick , a fair distribution of income .
It organizes in the country income , equitable distribution , control economy important .
Inflation has significant effects on achieving economic targets , improving resource allocation efficiency and distributing income fairly .
Mainstream economists think impartiality distribute of income and economy growth is negative correlation because impartiality may damage efficiency and reduce capital accumulation rate .
Personal income tax is a kind of tax imposed on sorts of income derived by individuals , thus governments around the world are gradually paying special attention to its functions of accumulating financial revenue and regulating income distribution .
Mass education is important , but it does not guarantee a fair distribution of income and wealth .
Proportional tax system , cooperating with other policies , can bridge income gap and realize income equality .