
shōu tīnɡ lǜ
  • rating; listening rate
  1. 我还去考虑收听率干什么?

    Why do I have to think about ratings anyway ?

  2. 这家电台的收听率处于最低档。

    This broadcasting station was in the ratings cellar .

  3. 下午的节目通常收听率都不高。

    Afternoon programs are not getting good ratings .

  4. 这要归功于它的流行力,能热卖唱片,有高收视率和高收听率。

    This is thanks to pop 's ability to sell lots of records and get high ratings .

  5. 这个星期是“募捐宣传”周他们想用一些略带争议的话题来提高收听率。

    It 's Pledge Week and they 're rying to goose the ratings with a little controversy .

  6. 电台甚至不确定我们应该使用本地频道,因为他们的收听率太小,我们需要数百万人了解它。

    Fm not even sure we should use local channels because their viewing figures are so small and we need millions of people to see this .

  7. 1942年,发现他们的广播节目收听率下降。此时,伯恩斯意识到,该让这对搭档长大了。

    But when , in1942 , the popularity of their radio show appeared to be waning , burns realised it was time for the double-act to grow up .

  8. 毕竟,在残酷的竞争年代,受众需求已经越来越等同于发行量、点击量、收视和收听率,而这些数字的高低又直接关系媒体的生存与发展。

    After all , in the nearly severe competition , the demands of the audiences are almost equal to the circulation , clicking rates and the rates of watching and listening , and the figures directly concern the existence and development of the medias .