
shōu biān
  • embody;take in and reorganize other troops;incorporate into one's own force
收编 [shōu biān]
  • [embody;incorporate into one's own force] 对军队等收容并改编

  • 收编杂牌军

收编[shōu biān]
  1. 结语,网络PS图片恶搞的发展前景如何?综合前文研究,作者认为:商业的收编和发展成为一种独具特色的搞笑性视觉艺术是比较切实可行的道路。

    Earlier comprehensive study , the authors suggest that : business incorporation , developed into a unique " comedy " in the Visual Arts is a more practical path .

  2. 上世纪90年代,华尔街大公司扫荡伦敦金融城,一路收编规模较小的商人银行,如Warburg和施罗德(Schroders)。

    The big Wall Street firms swept through the City of London in the 1990s , picking up smaller merchant banks , such as Warburg and Schroders , on their way .

  3. 收编,加入把某人收编入一公司或类似的组织中。

    To admit as a member to a corporation or similar organization .

  4. 中国的解决方式是如果你无法打败它那就收编它。

    China 's solution is if you can 't beat ' em , co-opt them .

  5. 生物信息学电子文档收编及优化检索的实现

    Bioinformatics electric document collection and retrieve

  6. 国王收编了这支部队。

    The King incorporated this army .

  7. 栏目的收编内容均为针对少儿的实际语言接受能力和心理特点的,适合网络学习的精选内容。

    We collect the network learning material with view to the young learners actual language receptivity and psychological character .

  8. 有几个已经被大型媒体企业如索尼以及时代华纳所收编,这使它们的这种特征更加明显。

    Several have been acquired by media conglomerates like Sony and Time Warner , making them even more so .

  9. 1990~1995年美国《医学索引》收编期刊的学科分布变更及热点预测

    Changes in subject of periodicals indexed in 《 Index Medicus 》 1990 ~ 1995 and prediction of its future focuses

  10. 因为谷歌当时刚刚收购了一批公司,其中大多都是做软件的,谷歌“悄悄地进村”,把它们收编到了自己的运营队伍里。

    At that point Google had purchased just a handful of companies , mostly software makers it had quietly folded into its operations .

  11. 过冷的t物或饮料,可导致胃痉卒,胃内钻膜血,收编。

    The underheating t thing or the drink , might cause the heartburn to die , in the stomach drilled the membrane blood , incorporated .

  12. 贺龙的‘辈份’最高,因此据说曾经不止一次把一个地方的哥老会全部兄弟收编进红军。

    Ho Lung had the highest ' degrees'and was said to have more than once enlisted an entire Ke Lao Hui branch in the Red Army .

  13. 后来,陈胜、吴广被部下谋杀,剩余的军队被刘邦和项羽收编。

    Later , Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were murdered by their subordination.And the rest of the army was surrendered to Liu Bang and Xiang Yu .

  14. 光子、引力子静质量的广义相对论效应就如同相对论将牛顿物理学给纳入一般,终究也可能会有个量子理论,将相对论给收编进来。

    General Relativity Effect of Photon and Graviton with Rest Mass ; Much as relativity subsumed Newtonian physics , a quantum theory of gravity will ultimately subsume relativity .

  15. 经验教训可以转化为“做”和“不做”检查单,并可以收编到下一个项目计划和管理活动中。

    Lessons learned can be transformed into " Do " and " Don 't " checklists and can be incorporated into the next project 's planning and management activities .

  16. 大众传媒通过偶像制造的商品化收编粉丝,而粉丝通过盗猎和拼贴形成自己的文化风格。

    The mass media through the commercialization to incorporate the fans , and the fans through the " poaching " and " collage " form their own cultural style .

  17. 然而这里同样一个斗争和谈判的领域,文化工业和权威通过整合与收编这种文化形式,从而抵消了大众的抵抗。

    But in this field , we can find struggle and negotiation , cultural industries and authority can also integrate and incorporate this form of culture , offsetting the resistance of the mass .

  18. 从抵抗、风格化的仪式、收编的命运三个方面对网络恶搞进行了解读。

    The Internet KUSO is interpreted from three aspects : the resistance , the style of the ceremony and the fate of incorporation . Finally , The summary of this paper is given .

  19. 数据的选编突出黄土高原生态研究的区域特色和重大科技需求,偏重生态因子、生态过程的试验、监测数据收编,同时注重数据的基础性、客观性、历史性特点。

    Database excerpted from technological literature considered local characters and national technological requirement for ecological research in Loess Plateau , particularly stressed on data excerption about ecological factor , ecological process and ecological monitor .

  20. 在与媒体内权力互动过程中,领导文化、科层管理、组织再培训等日渐强化,新闻从业者被收编和驯化,受到组织内制度的控制。

    Under interaction with the power of media , leading culture , bureaucratic management , organization retraining are increasingly strengthened , and news practitioners are incorporated and domesticated . They are controlled by organization system .

  21. 这时教会的组织越来越成形了,有明确的职位,有些职位不那么明确,比如那些他们想收编的流浪先知。

    Again , we have more and more organization coming into play here , that has defined offices and some others that aren 't so well defined , like these traveling prophets which he 's trying to regularize .

  22. 有的部分对新起的武装的许多严重现象,以及由于收编土蒋土匪而引起的群众不满,采取忽视优容的态度;

    Some adopted a negligent , tolerant attitude towards many serious problems that emerged in the newly organized army units and towards the discontent among the masses over our incorporating local Chiang Kai-shek forces and bandits into our army ;