
shōu nà
  • Storage;take in;accept
收纳 [shōu nà]
  • [take in] 收进,留下

  • 悉数收纳

  • 收纳现金

收纳[shōu nà]
  1. 万军之耶和华说,我不喜悦你们,也不从你们手中收纳供物。

    I have no pleasure in you , saith the LORD of hosts , neither will I accept an offering at your hand .

  2. 你们把抢夺的、瘸腿的、有病的、拿来献上为祭.我岂能从你们手中收纳呢.这是耶和华说的。

    " When you bring injured , crippled or diseased animals and offer them as sacrifices , should I accept them from your hands ?" says the LORD .

  3. 这张便携椅可以折叠,便于收纳。

    This portable seat folds flat for easy storage

  4. 基于CAE技术的收纳盒注塑模浇口优化设计

    Optimum gate design of the storage-box injection mold based on CAE technique

  5. 其他符合人体工学的小袋能收纳手机、PDA、笔、记忆卡、备用电池与钥匙等等。

    Other pockets will hold cell-phone , PDA , media cards , keys and more .

  6. 但是也许不久之后,他们还将需要另一种垃圾箱:以用于收纳电子标签,又称射频识别(rfid)标签。

    But they may soon need yet another Bin : for electronic labels , also known as radio-frequency identification ( RFID ) tags .

  7. 在苹果宣布iPad即将面世的那一刻,我就知道,我们已经在收纳iPad方面远远领先于其他对手。

    As soon as Apple announced the iPad , I knew we were already miles ahead of everyone else in terms of accommodating it .

  8. 城市家庭收纳系统的规划设计研究

    Research on Program Design of Storage System in the Urban Family

  9. 我再去找些收纳箱来

    I think I 'm gonna go find some more crates .

  10. 孩子们收纳他们的玩具在小舱房里。

    The children stowed their toys in the little cabin .

  11. 耶稣,寻觅者的收获,请收纳我的灵魂。

    Jesus , Finder of those who seek , find my soul !

  12. 孩子们在舱房里收纳了旅行用品。

    The boys stowed the little cabin with supplies for the trip .

  13. 你若以我为同伴,就收纳他,如同收纳我一样。

    If thou count me therefore a partner , receive him as myself .

  14. 她买了一个M&M小吃收纳盒。她又买了一磅M&M红豆。她想着:

    She bought an M & M snack container .

  15. 他收纳礼物,衷心致谢。

    He accepted the present with hearty thanks .

  16. 保罗还用了另一个字词「收纳」,来帮助我们明白作神儿女的意思;

    Paul also uses another word to help us understand what our sonship means .

  17. 这些业务流程包括了前台接待,也包括了资金的收纳。

    These business process including the receptionist , also including the funds to receive .

  18. 柳编布艺收纳,时尚,环保,简单。

    Environmental-protection Willow basket , easy and tidy .

  19. 三月是一年里我们最喜欢的时光,因为我们会做两件事:收纳和针织。

    March is our favorite time of year for two things : 1.organizing and2.knitting .

  20. 底部收纳你所用应用程序图标的横条;

    a strip along the bottom that holds the icons of apps you use ;

  21. 时间是个盛大的玻璃容器,任何事情都可以被它毫无留存的收纳。

    Time is a big glass container , anything can be it no left receive .

  22. 电源线收纳装置配置于轨道的一端。

    The withdrawing device of power leads is arranged on an end of the track .

  23. 不管是美好还是罪恶,幸福还是眼泪,它都能将之收纳。

    No matter merits or , happiness or tears , it can hold them all .

  24. 现今,单一甚至是简单的功能性收纳已经不能满足人们的需求。

    Nowadays , the single even containing functional simply can not meet the needs of people .

  25. 国库是负责办理国家财政资金收纳和拨付业务的机构。

    Treasury is responsible for the receipt and disbursement of funds for the state 's financial operations .

  26. 巢,是一个桌面收纳容器,为一些桌面上常用到的小东西而设计。

    This paper storage is made for small things , to keep them organized on table or shelf .

  27. 大尺寸、轻重量、高精度、高收纳率的可展结构是目前空间结构的发展方向。

    The deployable truss in big size , high accuracy , light-weight is the currency of space structures .

  28. 因为主所爱的,他必管教,又鞭打凡所收纳的儿子。

    Because the Lord disciplines those he loves , and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son .

  29. 主祭:各位弟兄请你们祈祷,望全能的天主圣父,收纳我和你们共同奉献的圣祭。

    PRIEST : Pray , brethren , that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God , the almighty Father .

  30. 此背包具有良好的组织收纳功能,并保护您的器材及旅游用品。

    The backpack will organize , store and protect all your equipment , as well as your traveling gear .