
  1. 它们还有可能通过提高收费将成本转嫁给储户。

    They might also pass the cost on to depositors via higher charges .

  2. 在分析火电厂污染物排放的基础上,建立了包括排污收费环境成本在内的火电机组单位发电量成本模型。

    In this paper , the model of production cost was established with consideration of pollutants emission and environmental costs .

  3. 方法:通过对苏州市目前护理实际收费与成本的数据分析,探讨我国护理成本效益现状。

    Method : A survey on actual expenses and cost in Suzhou at present was conducted and on the basis of a descriptive analysis of data , we discussed the current situation about the nursing cost and benefit in our whole country .

  4. 在运营收入和支出构成因素分析的基础上,根据收费及成本管理理论构建运营收入和支出的预测模型,并依托工程对预测模型进行应用性研究。

    A model of operation income and disbursement has been built according to the theory of charge and cost management based on an analysis of the constitution factors of operation income and disbursement , and a study on the prediction model has been carried out considering projects .

  5. 结论可通过规划卫生资源、调整医疗收费、推广成本核算等方式加以改善。

    Conclusion The compensation can be improved through health resources distributing , medical service charges adjusting and cost accounting .

  6. 用户只需开通手机上网业务,数据按流量收费,通信成本十分低廉,而且不受距离限制。

    With the " mobile Internet " service , user could communicate with inspecting center . Communication costs are low , and without distance limitations .

  7. 该文从组织落实、收费管理、成本核算三个方面介绍了医院强化卫生经济管理的作法,指出:医疗与经济相结合的管理是医院取得最大效益的根本保证;

    This paper first introduces how to strengthen the management of health economics from three aspects which include organization setup , charging management and costs evaluation ;

  8. 本文利用医疗服务收费标准、成本信息和医院实际收费调查资料对两种价格扭曲的程度进行了测量和分析。

    With the data from sampled hospitals , official fee schedule and costing information , the extents of those two types of price distortion are measured and analyzed .

  9. 与收支两条线的落实相对应,财政部门在编制部门预算时要充分考虑收费部门执法成本的变化。

    According with the implement of " managing separately incomes and expenditures ", financial sector must consider sufficiently changes of cost of the department of charging during preparing department budgets .

  10. 提出一种比较适合中国有线电视台收费管理、成本低廉的按照C/S模式进行组织可寻址,且实现双工通信的收费管理系统,并对该系统软件和硬件部分进行了详细的分析。

    This paper introduces a design plan of addressable cable television management information system ( CATVMIS ) organized in a low cost C / S mode and realizing duplexing communication , analyses the principle of its hardware and software .

  11. 主站与负控终端之间采用GPRS通讯方式,时时在线,反应速度快,而且按流量收费,有效降低成本;

    The communication mode of the mast-station and the load control terminal is GPRS , which is online every time , rapidly reactive speed and charges by the data flow to lower the cost .

  12. pcounter非常适用于通过对其客户收费以回收打印成本的专业服务机构。

    Pcounter is particularly well suited for professional services organizations that need to recover print costs by charge-back to their clients .

  13. 基于收费的高校教育成本核算与分析

    Accounting and Analysis On the Cost of Higher Education Based on Charging

  14. 高校收费上涨中的成本原因分析

    Analysis of the Cost Reason of the Increase of the Fee of Higher Education

  15. 政府建议实施大学分科收费,根据各科成本来设定学费。

    Officials have suggested the fee system be changed so students are charged according to the costs of their course .

  16. 结论:唐氏综合征筛查项目收费标准高于标准成本,诊断项目收费标准低于标准成本。

    Conclusions : Compared to current charge , standard cost of screening for Down 's Syndrome was lower and that of diagnosis item was higher . Current charge may be adjusted rationally based on standard cost counting .

  17. 结合管制经济学的一般理论,高速公路产业政府管制的内容一般包括市场进入管制、市场结构管制、收费标准管制、成本管制、服务质量管制、市场退出管制、环境污染管制以及其它管制等等。

    At the point of regulation economy view , the content include the market entry regulation , the market structure regulation , the charge standard regulation , the cost regulation , the service quality regulation , the market exit regulation , the environment pollution regulation and other regulations .

  18. 与西医服务相比,中医服务项目开展少,项目开展率低;医疗服务收费价格低,许多项目的收费价格无法弥补成本,项目亏损较严重。

    Compared with western medicine service , there were less service projects of TCM and the lower development rate . Medical service price is low , many items of charge price cannot cover the cost of the project , the loss is serious .

  19. 但随之引发的改装、超载车辆与高速公路收费矛盾也日益突显,而未实施计重收费的公路养护成本急剧攀升。

    However , ignited the conversion , overloading of vehicles with highway toll highlights the growing conflict , but have not re-introduction of a charge of road maintenance costs climbed sharply .

  20. 而在ETC(电子不停车收费)系统中使用RFID技术,特别是高速公路自动收费的应用上,可以有效解决收费成本高、管理混乱、排队堵车以及汽车拥堵造成的尾气污染。

    In the ETC ( Electronic Toll Collection ) system using RFID technology , especially in the automated highway toll collection applications , the technology can be cost-effective solution to high fees , management confusion , line up congestion caused by traffic jams and car exhaust pollution .

  21. 由收费走向免费的义务教育是实现教育公平的前提和基础,而由免费走向收费的成本分担政策最能体现非义务的高等教育之公平。

    The compulsory education from charging to free is the premise and basis to realize the educational fair . While the policy of cost sharing from free to charging can reflect the fair of non-obligatory high education .