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shōu fù
  • recover;regain;recapture;retake;resume;retrieve
收复 [shōu fù]
  • [recapture] 夺回失去的领土、阵地

  • 收复城市

  • 收复失地

收复[shōu fù]
  1. 但截至昨日午盘,美国股市却成功的收复了此前的失地,道琼斯工业平均指数(DowJonesIndustrialAverage)上涨0.4%,标准普尔500指数(SP500)上涨0.2%。

    However , Wall Street managed to recover its early losses by midday yesterday with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 0.4 per cent while the SP 500 was 0.2 per cent higher .

  2. PDL被明争暗斗所分裂,被腐败丑闻所削弱,在民调中的支持率约为15%,它将很难收复失去的支持率。

    Riven by infighting and weakened by corruption scandals , the PDL will struggle to recover from where it languishes in opinion polls , with about 15 per cent support .

  3. 无线运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)收复了早先的跌幅,收盘上涨1.2%,至73.65港元。

    China Mobile recouped an early decline to close 1.2 per cent higher at HK $ 73.65 .

  4. “被盗资产收复(StAR)动议”的具体行动包括

    Concrete actions of the Stolen Asset Recovery ( StAR ) Initiative include

  5. 然而cds模型往往假设一个固定的收复率。

    Yet CDs models tend to assume a fixed recovery rate .

  6. SundanceResources股价一度下跌五分之一,随后收复部分失地,收盘下跌4.5澳分,至40澳分。

    Sundance Resources fell as much as a fifth before recovering to close 4.5 cents lower at 40 cents .

  7. 在其它方面,在美国第二大银行美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)公布好于预期的盈利数据、从而缓解人们对于美国金融体系健康的某些忧虑后,美元汇率得以收复早些时候的大量失地。

    Elsewhere , the dollar recovered from early sharp losses after expectation-beating earnings figures from Bank of America , the second-largest US bank , eased some fears over the health of the US financial system .

  8. 自去年6月底BP与美国政府达成协议,成立200亿美元的赔偿基金以来,BP股价已收复约60%的失地。

    The shares recovered some 60 per cent of their loss since the end of June after BP reached an agreement with the White House to set up the $ 20bn compensation fund .

  9. 介绍几种回收和再利用废旧塑料的新技术,包括两种以溶剂法回收PVC的新工艺和两种以离心分离法回收复(混)合塑料的新工艺。

    It introduced several kinds of new technology for the reclamation and recycle of waste plastics , including two kinds of solvent-based methods for PVC , and two kinds of centrifugation methods for composite .

  10. WTI收复了前一交易日的大部分失地市场对美国需求状况的担忧,曾推动WTI价格在前一交易日下跌。

    WTI recovered most of the previous session 's fall which was prompted by concerns about US demand conditions .

  11. 受到国外制造的智能手机和平板电脑销量一路飙升的严重刺激,日本的电子产品制造商们推出了一批高科技平板电脑,试图收复失地。他们希望借此扭转苹果(Apple)iPad一统天下的局面。

    Stung badly by soaring sales of foreign-made smartphones and tablets , Japan 's electronics makers are fighting back with a bevy of hi-tech tablets they hopes will turn the tables on the dominant Apple iPad .

  12. 翌日,中国人民银行(PBoC)表示,要坚定不移地继续执行适度宽松的货币政策。股市随之收复全部失地。

    Next day , the People 's Bank of China said it would unswervingly continue to apply appropriately loose monetary policy and stocks regained all their losses .

  13. 花旗集团(citigroup)周二公布的第四季度业绩令投资者失望,导致股价大幅下措,凸显出该行在收复金融危机失地方面遭遇挑战。

    Citigroup on Tuesday highlighted the challenges it faces in regaining the ground lost during the financial crisis , unveiling fourth-quarter results that disappointed investors and sent its shares sharply lower .

  14. aig的股价因为投资者担心其遭到信用降级而受到沉重打击,一度暴跌逾70%,随后因出现政府出手干预的希望而收复部分失地。

    Shares in AIG , whose share price has been hammered by fears of a credit downgrade , fell more than 70 per cent before paring losses on hope of a government intervention .

  15. 根据路透(Reuters)数据,卢布兑美元汇率一度触及1美元兑53.86卢布的创纪录低点,跌幅达6.5%,尽管随后收复了部分失地。

    At one point the rouble hit a record low of 53.86 to the dollar - a move of 6.5 per cent , according to Reuters data - though it later pared some of its losses .

  16. 在FOMC会议后,美元收复大部分失地,昨日晚些时候对一篮子货币的汇率上涨0.8%。

    The dollar had retraced most of its losses in the wake of the FOMC meeting , and was up 0.8 per cent against a basket of rivals late yesterday .

  17. 美欧股市昨日进一步收复本周初的失地,原因是希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧(GeorgePapandreou)放弃就纾困方案举行公投的报道令投资者感到欣慰。

    US and European stocks clawed back more of the steep losses incurred at the start of this week as investors took heart from reports that George Papandreou , the Greek prime minister , had abandoned plans for a referendum on the bail-out package .

  18. 本周,当20国集团(g20)领导人在匹兹堡聚首这是他们一年内的第三次会面时,全球经济恢复了增长,股市已收复大部分失地,有关萧条即将来临的传闻也已销声匿迹。

    This week , when the leaders of the group of 20 leading economies gather in Pittsburgh for their third meeting within a year , the world economy is once again growing , equity markets have recovered most of their losses and talk of a coming depression has disappeared .

  19. 辉瑞(Pfizer)计划明年在人体上测试综合使用三种新型抗癌药的疗效。这家美国药企正寻求在研发新一代“免疫疗法”药物的竞赛中收复失地,这类药物能把人体变成对抗肿瘤的武器。

    Pfizer plans to test a combination of three novel cancer drugs in humans next year , as the US drugmaker seeks to make up lost ground in the race to develop a new generation of " immunotherapy " medicines that turn the body into a weapon against tumours .

  20. 亚马逊正在中国招聘包括互联网软件工程师和Alexa设计师在内的数百个职位,以此来收复其被阿里巴巴在世界上最大的在线购物市场上蚕食的部分份额。

    Amazon.com is hiring by the hundreds in China to fill jobs ranging from internet software engineers to designers for Alexa , positioning the company to recoup some of the market share it lost to Alibaba in the world 's largest online shopping arena .

  21. 国民政府收复台湾准备工作之述评

    Commentary on the Nationalist Government 's preparations of Taiwan 's Recapture

  22. 左宗棠收复新疆有深刻的思想基础。

    Zuozongtang had a deep ideological foundation when he recovered xinjiang .

  23. 在南边,波兰&立陶宛联邦想要收复失地;

    To the south , Poland-Lithuania wants its lost lands back .

  24. 一些乡镇和小城市相继被收复。

    Gradually , a few towns and small cities were recovered .

  25. 收复失去的大陆桥,将会有诸多正面结果。

    Reclaiming the lost isthmus would have many positive consequences .

  26. 国民政府收复台湾考论

    Investigations on the Recovers of Taiwan by the Nationalist Government

  27. 那一年收复了许多城镇和村落。

    Many towns and villages were recovered in that year .

  28. 清初英雄郑成功,收复台湾世界见。

    Qing hero Zheng Chenggong , recovering around the world to see .

  29. 我们刚刚收到收复哥拉斯德的报道。

    We are receiving reports of the recapture of gorazde .

  30. 他们告诉我们在高墙外,自然正在重新收复失地。

    They tell us that outside , nature has retaken the world .