
  1. 瑞银(UBS)概要介绍了外界期待已久的重组计划,包括大力收缩业务、把重点重新放在核心的财富管理业务上,以及在投资银行部门大规模裁员。

    UBS has outlined long-awaited plans to shrink its business dramatically and refocus on its core wealth management operations , while making deep cuts to its investment bank .

  2. 这绝非易事。台湾电子公司明基(BenQ)就因扩张太快而不得不收缩业务。

    It 's no easy task - BenQ , an electronics company , expanded too fast and had to backtrack .

  3. 星巴克去年在美国大幅收缩业务后,已在寻找新的业务增长区域。

    Starbucks has searched for new areas of growth following a deep retrenchment in the U.

  4. 由于各银行收缩业务专注于本国市场,那么它们会面临由更加激烈的竞争造成利润日益减少的局面。

    As they retrench to their domestic market , they face decreasing margins because of fiercer competition .

  5. 这家瑞士银行目前正收缩业务,把经营良好的理财与资产管理业务确立为其核心业务。

    The Swiss bank is now shrinking and anchoring its operations around its successful wealth and asset management franchises .

  6. 在私营部门大幅收缩业务规模的时候,即便是控制财政赤字的尝试本身也很可能失败。

    Attempts to curb fiscal deficits when the private sector is cutting back sharply are likely to fail even in their own terms .

  7. 但有迹象显示,监管举措以及金融保护主义也是导致金融机构收缩业务的影响因素,其中金融保护主义的危害性或与贸易保护主义相当。

    But there are signs that the withdrawal may be traced to regulatory actions , and to a form of financial protectionism , which could be as dangerous as protectionism in trade .

  8. 在收缩业务时,美国各银行正切断消费者贷款,而为了促进经济增长和就业,中国各银行实际上正增加对制造业和基础设施行业的贷款。

    US banks are cutting off consumer lending as they contract , but Chinese banks are actually increasing their lending to the manufacturing and infrastructure sector in order to generate growth and employment .

  9. 面对电信行业利润率的持平甚至下滑,国内三大运营商普遍收缩业务战线,理性规划电信固定资产投资。

    Faced with the flatting or declining of the telecommunications industry profit margins , the three major domestic carriers generally shrink the business front , and adopt more rational planning of telecommunications investment in fixed assets .

  10. 星巴克去年在美国大幅收缩业务后,已在寻找新的业务增长区域。去年星巴克在美关闭了数百家经营欠佳的连锁店,降低成本近六亿美元。

    Starbucks has searched for new areas of growth following a deep retrenchment in the U.S. during the past year , which involved Starbucks closing hundreds of underperforming stores and shaving nearly $ 600 million of costs .

  11. 这给银行和金融机构施加了越来越大的压力使其收缩国际业务,专注于本土市场。

    This is the growing pressure on banks and financial institutions to retreat from international business and concentrate on domestic markets .

  12. 此时正逢很多大型西方投行收缩债务业务以满足更严格的监管要求,这也反映了交易环境的疲软。

    This comes as many of the largest western investment banks have shrunk debt operations to comply with tougher regulation , also reflecting a weak trading environment .

  13. 分析师表示,非美金融集团市场份额的提高,一定程度上得益于西方银行收缩放贷业务,把精力集中在核心客户和区域性中心上。

    Analysts said some of the gains achieved by non-US financial groups had come as a result of western banks scaling back lending and concentrating on core clients and regional hubs .

  14. 尽管在一些市场收缩了业务规模,汇丰说其计划在亚洲扩张其资产管理和保险业务,以期捕捉来自该区域新兴财富的预期机遇。

    Despite reducing the size of its business in some markets , HSBC said it planned to expand its asset management and insurance operations in Asia in hopes of capturing expected opportunities from emerging wealth in the region .

  15. 但在农村金融领域,从我国农村正规金融机构对农村信贷资金的供给看,农业银行在商业化改革以来逐渐收缩农村业务,已经成为名义上的农村金融机构;

    But in the perspective of credit funds supply from the formal financial institutions , the Agricultural Bank of China is drawing back its organizations and business since the commercial reform began , ABC is now only a agricultural institution in name ;

  16. 激进投资者StarboardValue正敦促雅虎(Yahoo)进一步实施其分拆计划,作为收缩雅虎关注业务的重大改革的一部分,呼吁这家互联网集团剥离其在雅虎日本(YahooJapan)的持股。

    Activist investor Starboard Value is urging Yahoo to go further with its break-up plans , calling on the internet company to spin off its stake in Yahoo Japan as part of a major overhaul that would narrow its focus .

  17. 危机已经迫使许多集团收缩亚太地区业务,这不可避免地要造成裁员。

    The crisis forced many groups to scale back their operations across the region , with inevitable redundancies in Hong Kong .

  18. 微软最近收缩了其手机业务,在智能手机部门进行了裁员,并且出售了诺基亚品牌的功能手机业务。

    Microsoft has recently made moves to scale back its handset operations , cutting jobs in its smartphone division and selling its Nokia-branded feature phone business .

  19. 该商会昨日表示,欧洲企业计划增加在华投资,但如果经营环境变得更加艰难,他们也有可能决定收缩在中国的业务。

    The chamber said yesterday that businesses from Europe were looking to increase investments in China , but could yet decide to cut back their presence if the operating environment became more difficult .

  20. 商业银行收缩在农村的业务;农村信用社非农化趋势日益加剧;政策性银行作用微乎其微;邮政储蓄加速了农村资金的流失;农业保险发展严重滞后。

    Nonagricultural trend of rural credit cooperatives is worsening . The role of policy-oriented banks is minimal . China Postal Savings has accelerated the loss of rural capital . The development of agricultural insurance is seriously lagging behind .