
  • 网络Rohm and Haas;ROHM&HAAS;Rohm Haas
  1. 知情人士表示,陶氏化学可借入130亿美元过桥贷款(bridgeloan)弥补收购费用,并补充称,这家美国企业很可能会试图重新协商交易价格,以反映罗门哈斯估值在近期的下降。

    People close to the situation said Dow could tap a $ 13bn bridge loan to pay for the takeover and added that the US company was likely to try to renegotiate the price of the deal to reflect the recent drop in Rohm 's valuation .

  2. 陶氏化学和罗门哈斯均拒绝置评。

    Dow and Rohm declined to comment .

  3. 陶氏化学公司与罗门哈斯公司达成协议,将收购该精细化学品制造公司。

    Dow Chemical came to an agreement with Rohm & Haas in which it will now buy the specialty materials company .

  4. 根据双方于今年7月签署的交易协议条款,如果截至明年1月10日合并仍未完成,交易价格就要每天上涨一个固定数额,以补偿罗门哈斯投资者因交易拖延带来的损失。

    Under the terms of the agreement , signed in July , if the merger is not completed by January 10 , its price rises every day by a fixed amount to compensate Rohm investors for the delay .