
  • 网络oxidation atmosphere;Oxidizing atmosphere
  1. 注:以上热处理条件均是在氧化气氛中。

    Note : The above heat treatment conditions are all in an oxidation atmosphere .

  2. 实验内容及结果如下:(1)研究氧化气氛对穿孔顶头材料的氧化动力学、氧化物形貌、结合力及耐磨性能的影响。

    The experimental content and the main conclusions are as follows : ( 1 ) The influence of oxidation atmosphere on Oxidation kinetics , oxide morphology , adhesion strength and wear resistance of the perforated head .

  3. 加压氧化气氛下CaO固硫反应和动力学研究

    Reaction and kinetics of sulfation of Cao in oxidative atmosphere under pressure

  4. 研究开发了在强氧化气氛下重熔低C(~0.15%)、低Si(≤0.05%)电渣钢确保冶金质量的电渣重熔技术。

    The ESR process to assure the metallurgical quality was researched and developed to remelt low-C , low-Si electroslag steels in strong oxidizing atmosphere .

  5. 利用在氧化气氛中,ZnO薄膜的表面电导对还原气体分压具有敏感性这一特性,可望制作ZnO薄膜气体传感器。

    In oxide atmosphere , the surface conductivity of ZnO film is sensitive to the partial pressure of reducing gas .

  6. 应用化学蒸汽淀积(CVD)或粉末包渗的方法,在热电极表面施加抗氧化涂层,使其能在高温氧化气氛中使用至极高的温度。

    With the applicationof oxidation - resistant coatings on their surfaces by CVD or pack-cementation methods , these metals and alloys could be used in oxid-izing atmospheres up to very high temperaturcs ;

  7. 氧化气氛下用BaCO3对Mn-Fe-C熔体脱磷

    Dephosphorization of Mn-Fe-C melts under oxidative atmosphere by adding baco_3

  8. 本文还通过固定床管式炉试验,结合XRD和EDS等分析方法,重点研究了温度、氧化气氛与燃料含水量对秸秆燃烧过程中Cl迁徙特性的影响。

    Through the fixed-bed tube furnace experiments , as well as XRD and EDS analysis methods , the article focused on the influence of temperature , excess air ratio and fuel moisture content to the migration of chlorine in rice straw combustion .

  9. 本文研究双掺杂硅单晶片在非氧化气氛下高温热处理形成P-N-P双重结的现象。

    This paper studies the phenomenon of P-N-P double-junction built on a dualdopant silicon wafer by the heat treatment under a non-oxidation condition .

  10. 甲烷部分氧化气氛制备碳纳米管

    Carbon Nanotube Prepared in the Atmosphere of Partial Oxidation of Methane

  11. 氧化气氛下铜的氯化机理研究

    Research on Mechanism of chlorination of copper in oxidizing atmosphere

  12. 氧化气氛下铜的氯化过程动力学分析

    Modeling the Kinetics of Chlorinating Copper in Oxidizing Atmosphere

  13. 氮化硅陶瓷在硫化氧化气氛中的高温腐蚀行为

    Corrosion behaviour of silicon nitride at high temperature in oxidizing and sulphidizing atmospheres

  14. 另外氧化气氛有利于提高硫和有色金属的挥发率,对球团矿的固相固结没有太大的影响。

    The oxidizing atmosphere conducive to increased evaporation duty of sulfur and nonferrous metals .

  15. 氧化气氛对各温度下的氧化速率有明显影响。

    Oxidizing atmosphere significantly affect the oxidation rate .

  16. 在强氧化气氛下的低碳低硅百吨级电渣锭生产

    Production of low-c , low-si ESR ingots over 100 tons in strong oxidizing atmosphere

  17. 所以在釉面没有完全封闭的时候要保持氧化气氛。

    Therefore , in glazed when not fully closed to maintain the oxidation of the atmosphere .

  18. 在惰性条件下2500℃以上仍保持稳定,在氧化气氛中850℃仍是稳定的。

    It 's still stable in inert atmosphere at2500 ℃ and in Oxygen atmosphere at850 ℃ .

  19. 讨论了氮化硅分别在1150℃和1350℃的温度下在硫化氧化气氛中的腐蚀行为。

    Analyses corrosion behaviour of silicon nitride at 1150 ℃ and 1350 ℃ in enviroments of oxidation and sulfidization .

  20. 非氧化物陶瓷的烧结温度高,并要求非氧化气氛烧结,困难较多;

    There are many difficulties in sintering these kinds of ceramics , such as high sintering temperature and non-oxidize atmosphere .

  21. 在中性、氧化气氛下长期使用时仍能保持良好的抗拉强度、韧性和纤维结构。

    In neutral , oxidizing atmosphere , the long-term use can still maintain good tensile strength , toughness and fiber structure .

  22. 在氧化气氛条件下,这一传感器在很宽范围内可以测定二氧化硫或三氧化硫含量。

    This sensor can measure sulfur dioxide and / or sulfur trioxide concentrations over a wide composition range in oxidizing atmosphere .

  23. 采用循环流化床焚烧的技术来处理废线路板,可将线路板中有机成份在氧化气氛下分解破坏。

    Circulating fluidized bed incineration technology used to handle the waste printed circuit boards can decompose the organic components in the oxidized atmosphere .

  24. 将混合稀土氧化物添加到含银系纳米抗菌剂的陶瓷釉料中,在氧化气氛中1180℃温度下经烧成可制得纳米抗菌建筑卫生陶瓷。

    Using mixed rare earth oxide as a composition of nanometer antibacterial glaze , antibacterial ceramics are made by sintering at1180 ℃ in air condition .

  25. 为此,首分析了非氧化物在氧化气氛下的不稳定性及顺序,并就如何转变这个不利的性质,以实现在氧化气氛下烧结非氧化物复合材料而提出了逆反应烧结工艺。

    The stability and stable order of non-oxides in oxidized atmosphere are analyzed firstly and then a new process , converse reaction sintering , is proposed .

  26. 实验中在氧化气氛中烧成,釉烧温度一般在850℃左右,烧成周期30-60分钟,高火保温时间2-3分钟。

    Experiments doing in oxygen gases . has a burning temperature ordinary 850 degree about , Burning period 30-60 minutes , high temperature preservation 2-3 minutes .

  27. 已有的研究工作大多是针对焙烧后的浸出体系而开展的,对氧化气氛下的浸出体系研究较少。

    Besides , existing studies are mostly aimed at solvent system that follows roasting process , and few studies are aimed at leaching system with oxygen pressure .

  28. 以空气作为氧化气氛,考察了氧化温度、氧化停留时间、中间相含量对中间相沥青纤维不熔化处理的影响。

    Influence of mesophase content , oxidation temperature and oxidation residence time on the non fusible treatment of mesophase petroleum pitch fibre was investigated under air atmosphere .

  29. 在氧化气氛下磁铁精矿颗粒间固相固结比较快,以氧化再结晶和再结晶的方式固结。

    Results are as follows : ( 1 ) Solid phase consolidation rate of magnetite particles which are consolidated by crystallization and oxidization crystallization is faster under oxidization atmosphere .

  30. 涂层的作用在于阻滞氧化气氛的扩散,从而减缓铬的贫化,但不减缓钛、铝的贫化。

    The performance of coating is to reduce diffusion of oxidizing atmosphere , thus it also reduce pauperization of Cu , but it is out of function for Ti and Al .