
  • 网络Terbium oxide;Terbia
  1. UV-Vis和荧光光谱的测试表明:以含有修饰剂的无水乙醇作为流动相,可得到良好荧光性能的氧化铽乙醇溶胶,而环己酮与醋酸乙酯均不适合作为该体系的流动相;

    The UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopy results reveal that anhydrous ethanol with coordination agents is the best mobile phase , which is efficient for the fluorescence properties of terbium oxide organic colloids , and cyclohexanone and ethyl acetate are found to be not suitable for this system ;

  2. 氧化铽团簇的表面修饰及对其荧光特性影响的研究

    Surface Modification and Fluorescence Properties of Terbium Oxide Clusters

  3. 该发生器对粒径分布在0.65~5.8μm的氧化铽粉末有稳定的分散效果,输出气溶胶的粒度分布比较稳定。

    The distribution of output aerosol is also stable .

  4. 原子吸收光谱法测定高纯稀土氧化铽中钙的干扰效应和分析条件的优选

    Interferent Effects and Analysis Conditional Optimization of Calcium in High Pure Rare Earths Tb_4O_7 by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

  5. 本文用正交试验设计对高纯稀土氧化铽中钙测定时,对基体和酸度的干扰进行了试验。

    The interference effect of the matrix and acidity in calcium content of high pure rare earth Tb4O7 was determined by Atomic absorption spectrometry with handing over to experiment the design .

  6. 非稀土元素对硫氧化镧铽发光性能的影响

    The influence of non-rare earth impurities on the luminescence of Terbium-Activated lanthanum oxysulfide

  7. 溴氧化镧铽稳定性的研究

    Study on the stability of terbium activated lanthanum oxybromide

  8. ICP-AES法直接测定高纯氧化钇和氧化钇铽共沉物中非稀土杂质非稀土元素对硫氧化镧铽发光性能的影响

    Determination of non-rare earth impurities in high-purity yttrium oxide and mixed precipitate of yttrium-terbium oxide by ICP-AES THE INFLUENCE OF NON-RARE EARTH IMPURITIES ON THE LUMINESCENCE OF TERBIUM-ACTIVATED LANTHANUM OXYSULFIDE

  9. 然而有一次当他分享他的发现时,翻译漏掉了字母,于是氧化铒被认作氧化铽,氧化铽被认作氧化铒。

    Once he shared his findings , though , something got lost in translation , and erbia became known as terbia , while terbia was called erbia .

  10. 1843年,瑞士化学家C.G.莫桑德尔把硅铍钇矿分解为稀土材料氧化钇、氧化铒和氧化铽。

    In 1843 , a Swedish chemist named Carl Gustaf Mosander took gadolinite and separated it into the rare-Earth materials yttria , erbia , and terbia .