
  • 网络Erbium Oxide
  1. 本文采用ICPAES技术,对纯度为9999%氧化铒中14个稀土杂质元素的直接测定进行了研究。

    In this paper , The dircet determination of 14 Rare earth elements in Erbium oxide of 99 99 % by ICP_AES was studied .

  2. 氧化铒中14个稀土杂质发射光谱测定的研究

    Spectrographic Determination of Rare Earth Impurities in Erbium Oxide

  3. COD密封催化消解法在各种废水测定中的适用性氧化铒催化微波消解快速测定化学需氧量

    The Adaptability of The Method of Sealing-off Catalytic Decomposition in COD Value test in Different lines and Areas RAPID DETERMINATION OF COD_ ( Cr ) OF DOMESTIC SEWAGE & DIGESTION OF SAMPLE BY MICRO-WAVE HEATING CATALYZED WITH ERBIUM OXIDE

  4. 本文采用PGS-2型2米平面光栅光谱仪和ICP光源联用,样品溶液以乙醇预去溶方式引入ICP,直接同时测定了高纯氧化铒中6个痕量稀土杂质。

    The direct simultaneous determination of six trace rare earth impurities in high purity erbium oxide was described , using a PGS-2 plate grating spectrograph equiped with an ICP source . The sample solution containing ethanol was introduced into the ICP with desolvation .

  5. 影响均相沉淀法制备高纯纳米氧化铒的因素及机理研究

    Factors and Mechanisms Influencing Preparation of High Purity Nanometer Er_2O_3 Powder by Homogeneous Precipitation

  6. 激光固体采样-ICP-发射光谱法测定稀土矿物和氧化铒中的镱

    Determination of Ytterbium by laser sampling ICP-AES

  7. 氧化铒催化微波消解快速测定化学需氧量

    Rapid determination of cod_ ( cr ) of domestic sewage & digestion of sample by micro-wave heating catalyzed with erbium oxide

  8. 1878年,新命名的氧化铒被分解成了两部分——氧化镱和新的氧化铒。

    In 1878 , the newly christened erbia was further broken down into two more components - ytterbia and another erbia .

  9. 然而有一次当他分享他的发现时,翻译漏掉了字母,于是氧化铒被认作氧化铽,氧化铽被认作氧化铒。

    Once he shared his findings , though , something got lost in translation , and erbia became known as terbia , while terbia was called erbia .

  10. 1843年,瑞士化学家C.G.莫桑德尔把硅铍钇矿分解为稀土材料氧化钇、氧化铒和氧化铽。

    In 1843 , a Swedish chemist named Carl Gustaf Mosander took gadolinite and separated it into the rare-Earth materials yttria , erbia , and terbia .

  11. 若氧化铈、氧化铒等质量第四军医人学博十学位论文比变化,颜色参数变化与质量比之问有很强的线性关系;

    When the ratio of the two oxides was fixed by weight , the color parameter changes linearly with the ratio ;

  12. 本文对几种长波红外光学薄膜材料,如氧化钆、氟化铒、氟化锌、氟化铟、聚乙烯等的物理性能进行了讨论。

    The physical properties of several long-wavelength infrared low refractive index materials , such as gadolinium oxide , erbium fluoride , zinc fluoride , indium fluoride and polyethylene were discussed in this paper .

  13. 在体积比为4∶1的硫酸和磷酸混酸溶液中,重铬酸钾作氧化剂,氧化铒(Ⅲ)催化微波消解生活污水,过量重铬酸钾用1,10菲绕啉指示,硫酸亚铁铵标准溶液滴定。

    The potassium dichromate standard solution was added as oxidizing agent and erbium oxide ( Er_2O_3 ) added as catalyst . After the digestion was completed , excess of the dichromate in the solution was back-titrated with standard ferrous ammonium sulfate solution using ( 1,10-phenanthroline ) as indicator .

  14. 本文拟定了一种采用滤纸片法制样,X射线荧光直接测定纯氧化铥中氧化铥主量以及氧化钬、氧化铒、氧化镱、氧化镥和氧化钇等稀土杂质含量的分析方法。

    The sample preparation by the filter paper method and the direct determination of major ( thulium ) and five neighbouring micro-rare earth element impurities in pure thulium oxide by XRF are described .