
  1. ICP-AES测定南方离子型稀土精矿中稀土配分

    Direct Determination of Component Content in Rare Earth Concentrate by ICP-AES

  2. EDTA快速络合滴定法测定矿石中稀土总量&离子型稀土矿离子相稀土总量测定

    Rapid Determination of Rare Earth of Ion Absorption Type in Ore by EDTA Complexometric Titration

  3. 本文报道对喀斯特粘土矿物进行稀土元素水解实验、解析实验、人工吸附实验的研究结果,目的在于探讨粘土矿物对离子型稀土元素最佳吸附的PH值环境。

    In this paper , the experimental results of karst clay minerals in REE hydrolysis , desorption and artificial absorption are presented to study the pH value environment where the optimal absorption of clay minerals for the ion pattern 's REE take place .

  4. 报道了一类新型的离子型稀土乙腈配合物,Ln(CH3CN)9(AICl4)3·CH3CN,催化苯乙烯阳离子聚合的结果。

    The cation polymerization of styrene catalyzed by a novel complex of Ln ( CH3CN ) 9 ( A1C14 ) 3 · CH3CN was studied .

  5. 对离子型稀土矿床时行勘探,有助于准确地实施原地浸析采矿。

    The productive exploration helps exactly conduct in-situ leach mining operation .

  6. 离子型稀土农用综合技术研究

    Comprehensive Utilization Studies of Ion Type Rare Earth in Agriculture

  7. 用南方离子型稀土矿制取混合稀土氯化物

    Extraction of Mischmetal Chloride from Rare Earth Ore of South Ionic Type

  8. 离子型稀土矿原地浸矿中反吸附问题的探讨

    The study of anti-adsorption in the in-situ leaching of ionic RE mine

  9. 离子型稀土原地浸矿工艺对环境影响的研究

    The impact of in-situ leaching on the natural environment of ion-type RE mine

  10. 用原地浸析法回收离子型稀土露采残矿

    Remnant ore of ion type rare earths in surface mining : in situ leaching

  11. 电场作用下离子型稀土矿浸矿溶浸液渗流特性研究

    Seepage Properties of Leaching Solution in Ion-Absorbed Rare Earth Deposits under Effect of Electric Field

  12. 离子型稀土矿原地溶浸溶浸液渗流规律的影响因素

    Influential factors of permeability rule of leaching solution in ion-absorbed rare earth deposits with in-situ leaching

  13. 离子型稀土矿提取工艺及其改进措施

    The techniques for extraction of rare earths from the ionic type rare earth ores and their possible improvements

  14. 对赣南离子型稀土开发环境保护问题的几点思考

    Some Ideas in View of the Problems of Environmental Protection in Development of Ion-type RE in Gannan Area

  15. 原地浸析采矿方法在离子型稀土矿的应用及其展望

    The Application of the Leach Mining Method in Situ in Ion-absorbed Rare Earth Metal Mine and its Future

  16. 离子型稀土原地浸析采矿的再吸附问题及对策

    The problem of reabsorption of ion absorbed rare earth mineral in situ leaching mining and the measure to overcome it

  17. 该方法可应用于离子型稀土矿中微量钪的分离和分析。

    This method can be ap - plied to the separation and analysis of microamount of scandium in the ion-type rare earth ore.

  18. 简要介绍了江西离子型稀土冶金分离技术的发展历程及其在国内外的影响和地位,指出萃取技术仍然是稀土元素分离提纯的首选工业方法。

    The developments on metallurgy separation technology of Jiangxi lon-type RE are introduced briefly , and its influence and positions in the world are appraised .

  19. 结合江西省离子型稀土的特点和稀土工业的具体状况,多方面的提出了江西稀土工业今后发展的思路。

    Combined with characteristic of Jiangxi ions Re and specific conditions of RE industry , thinking of jiangxi RE industry development in many ways are put forward .

  20. 介绍了为解决离子型稀土矿用原地浸析法开采时母液收集难的问题所采取的水封闭工艺。

    The water seal technology is used to solve the problem of the collection rate of the mother liquid in situ leach mining of the rare earth mineral .

  21. 研究结果表明离子型稀土矿具有B型颗粒结构特征,松散矿物颗粒在满足起动临界水力梯度和颗粒几何尺寸的条件下阻塞孔隙;

    The results show that the ion-absorbed rare earth deposits have the B-type particle structure . The loose ore particles can block the pore under the conditions of critical hydraulic slope and particle geometry size .

  22. 简述了离子型稀土矿原地浸析采矿原理,确立了其工艺技术路线和工艺流程,对于推广应用中值得重视的问题作了较为详细的阐述。

    The author makes an approach to the principle of in-situ leach mining , establishes the route of technology and the technological process , expounds in detail the problems in application and dissemination that should be attached importance to .

  23. 离子吸附型稀土矿原地浸析采矿法

    In-situ leach mining of ion - absorbed rare - earth mineral

  24. 离子吸附型稀土矿床地质勘查工作中几个问题的讨论

    Discussion on several questions concerning exploration of ION-ADSORBED type REE DEPOSITS

  25. 从离子吸附型稀土矿物中制取混合稀土氧化物

    The Preparation of Mixed RE Oxide out of Absorb Mould RE Mineral

  26. 离子吸附型稀土矿的除铝研究

    Study on the Elimination of Aluminum in Ion Adsorption Type Rare Earth Ore

  27. 华南风化壳离子吸附型稀土矿床

    A study on weathering crust ion adsorption type REE deposits , South China

  28. 沉淀&浮选法提取离子吸附型稀土的研究

    An Investigation of Extracting Ion-adsorbing Rare-earth by Precipitation-flotation

  29. 我国离子吸附型稀土矿开采提取技术综述

    Status Quo of Mining and Recovering Technologies for Ion-absorbed Rare Earth Deposits in China

  30. 应用连续水平真空带式过滤机浸取离子吸附型稀土矿

    A new separating technology of rare earth ore of ion absorption type by horizontal continuous vacuum filter