
  • 网络leaving las vegas;Las Vegas
  1. 尼古拉斯·凯奇(NicolasCage)向来不随大流,他曾向媒体透露,因为居住权问题,他因影片《离开拉斯维加斯》(LeavingLasVegas)所获得的小金人“正在某辆卡车上穿越路易斯安那州”。

    Nicolas Cage certainly bucks a lot of trends . He once told media that , for residency reasons , the award he won for the 1996 film Leaving Las Vegas was " in a truck somewhere moving through Louisiana . "

  2. 你是在演《离开拉斯维加斯》吗?

    I mean , is this your big " leaving Las vegas " moment ?

  3. 苏离开拉斯维加斯大道(LasVegasStrip)的高级餐厅,在一个小型购物中心美发店的一角做包子,独自开启自己的事业。

    Mr. Su is a refugee from fine-dining kitchens on the Las Vegas Strip who started a solo career making bao in a corner of a strip-mall hair salon .

  4. 足够让我们离开拉斯维加斯了。

    Enough to get us out of vegas .

  5. 离开拉斯维加斯&酒精带走他的生命,她带走他的爱。

    What brings you to Las Vegas ? I came here to drink myself to death .

  6. 布朗家族称因害怕被起诉他们于2011年被迫离开犹他州前往拉斯维加斯。

    The Browns said they were forced to leave Utah for Las Vegas in 2011 in fear of prosecution .