
  • 网络ion acoustic wave;ion-acoustic waves
  1. 本文研究了非不变的远方场情况,推广应用这种方法于等离子体离子声波扰动,推导出Burgers~KdV方程。

    In this paper some changes are made to this method for the ion acoustic wave in plasma . And as a result , the Burgers-KdV equation is derived .

  2. 在弱束流的条件下,四种离子声波模式中有两种分别对应慢孤波和快孤波。

    Under the weak beam conditions , there are four ion acoustic wave modes , of which , two correspond to the slow and fast solitary waves .

  3. 等离子体中Langmuir波、横波和离子声波相互作用过程的孤立子行为

    Soliton behavior in the coupled system of Langmuir waves and transverse waves

  4. Fokker-Planck模拟离子声波中离子的能量输运

    Fokker-Planck simulation of ion energy transport in ion acoustic waves

  5. 本论文研究了洛伦兹kappa分布等离子体中尘埃声波和尘埃离子声波的不稳定性。

    In this paper , we considered instability of dust acoustic wave and dust ion-acoustic wave for kappa distributed plasmas .

  6. 一般的离子声波和磁流体动力学波的kdV方程。

    The kdV equation on the general ion acoustic wave and on magnetohydrodynamic waves in plasma .

  7. BGK模离子声波的实验研究

    The experimental research of BGK mode 's ion acoustic wave

  8. 结果表明,在等离子体参量不稳定性的激发过程中,Langmuir波和离子声波得以增强以及带电粒子流由于泵波与Langmuir波(离子声波)的耦合而加速;

    The results show that Langmuir and ion-acoustic wave get enhanced and the charged particles can be accelerated by the coupling of wave-wave .

  9. 在不考虑碰撞机制的情况下,研究了外加高频电磁场(泵波)下等离子体中Langmuir波和离子声波的增强以及带电粒子流的加速。

    Enhancement of Langmuir and ion-acoustic wave and acceleration of the electron in a collisionless plasma , in the presence of an external transverse field , were investigated .

  10. 在长波区(kdi<1),存在Alfven波和离子声波,理想的MHD模型是适用的。

    In the long wavelength region ( kd I < 1 ), there are Alfven waves and ion acoustic waves , and the ideal MHD model is valid .

  11. 在数学物理的非线性模型中,KdV方程是相对较为简单而又十分经典的一类非线性模型,例如等离子体中的磁流体波、离子声波中都有KdV方程。

    KdV equation is a relatively simple and very classical nonlinear model of these in mathematics and physics , such as the magnetic plasma wave and ion sound waves .

  12. 论文第二章研究了等离子体中横向扰动下的(3+1)维弱非线性离子声波,得到了描述离子声孤波的(3+1)维KP方程。

    In chapter two , the ( 3 + 1 ) dimensional weakly nonlinear ion acoustic wave at higher order transverse perturbations in plasma was discussed and described by the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili ( KP ) equation .

  13. 有质动力的产生是由于泵波与Langmuir波(离子声波)的耦合而且它是参量不稳定过程的策动力,另外有质动力不仅存在高频分量,还存在低频分量。

    In addition it can be concluded that ponderomotive force due to the coupling of the external field ( pump ) and Langmuir wave ( ion-acoustic wave ) is the driving force to excite the parametric instability and comprises the high-and low-frequency components .

  14. 并进一步详细研究了各个谱指数对尘埃声波不稳定性产生的影响。其次,本文研究了无磁化、无碰撞、各向同性kappa分布等离子体中尘埃离子声波的不稳定性。

    The effects of the indices on the instability growth rate of dust acoustic waves have been discussed in detail . Second , the dust ion-acoustic instability in an unmagnetized , collisionless , isotropic dusty plasma is investigated modeled by a Lorentzian kappa distribution for all component .

  15. 离子声波捕获电子产生的非线性效应

    The Nonlinear Phenomena of Ion Acoustic Waves Caused by Trapped Electrons

  16. 非线性朗道阻尼强烈地影响着离子声波。

    The ion acoustic wave is greatly affected by nonlinear Landau damping .

  17. 当跨越这个转换点时,尘埃离子声波的属性会发生较大的变化。

    So its evolution will change much after crossing the transition point .

  18. 具有强剪切流等离子体中离子声波与涡旋的转化

    Transformation between ion sound waves and shear vortices in plasma with strong shear flow

  19. 表面约束稳态装置中高频离子声波的激发特性

    Launching characteristics of high frequency ion acoustic waves in a stable surface confinement plasma device

  20. 等离子体中(3+1)维弱非线性离子声波的摄动分析等离子体波动方程的摄动分析

    Perturbation analytics of ( 3 + 1 ) dimensional weak nonlinear ion acoustic wave in plasmas

  21. 这些静电波被认为或者是离子声波模的演化,或者是静电离子逥旋波模的演化结果。

    These electrostatic waves are considered as either the ion acoustic mode evolution or the ion cyclotron mode evolution .

  22. 高频波激发低频磁场和离子声波的重整化强湍动理论

    The renormalized strong turbulence theory for the low-frequency magnetic field and the ion acoustic wave excited by high-frequency wave

  23. 探针特性曲线的初级电子修正及用离子声波速度测电子温度的研究

    A Method to Correct the Characteristic Curve of a Langmuir Probe and the Possibility to Measure Plasma Electron Temperature Through Ion-Acoustic Waves

  24. 用连续波和调制脉冲波两种方法研究了由慢电子漂移引起的增长离子声波不稳定性。

    The growing ion acoustic wave instability caused by the slow electron drift is studied by both CW and pulse modulated wave methods .

  25. 对于热噪声源,散射光谱的形状与离子声波衰减、等离子体的不均匀性,以及入射光强的衰减等因素有关。

    For thermal noise source , the spectral shape is dependent on the ion-acoustic wave damping , the plasma inhomogeneity and the incident light depletion .

  26. 得到了除朗缪尔波、离子声波和离子等离子体波外其它纵波的色散曲线和拟合色散关系。

    The dispersion curves and simulated dispersion relationship of longitudinal waves without the Langmuir wave , the ion sound wave and the ion plasma wave are obtained .

  27. 光的拉曼散射效应对应地解释了离子声波的双峰结构、双峰强度不对称性及强峰出现的位置。

    The two-peak strcture , the asymmetry and the position of the more intensity peak of the ion-acoustic waves can be well interpreted with the Raman scattering effect .

  28. 结果表明,低频(表示质子回旋频率)静电O~+回旋波和离子声波可以由极光场线上上行O~+束来激发。

    It is shown that the lower frequency and electrostatic O + ion cyclotron and ion acoustic waves may be excited by upgoing O + ion beams on auroral field lines .

  29. 实验表明,仔细控制放电参数可以激发起纯离子声波,密度涨落n/no最大可以达到7.5%。

    The experimental results show that pure acoustic waves can be launched by controlling the discharge condition carefully and the density fluctuation n / n_0 in plasma is 7.5 % at maximum .

  30. 结果表明,离子声波沿轴方向的速度分量、密度和电位势,在垂直方向有色散的情况下,仍然有孤立波解出现,但其它2个垂直方向的速度分量不会出现孤波结构。

    It shows that x component of velocity , density and voltage of ion acoustic wave have soliton wave solutions , even though dispersion presents along the vertical direction , but the velocity components never present soliton wave structures along the other vertical directions .