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lí shì
  • Death;pass away;depart this life;cut oneself off from the world;keep aloof from worldly affairs
离世 [lí shì]
  • (1) [separated;isolated]∶远离世俗,远于世事

  • 绝俗离世

  • (2) [pass away;die]∶婉词,离开人世,指死亡

  1. 妻子的离世使他心神不宁。

    His wife 's death disturbed the balance of his mind .

  2. 他妈妈的过早离世对他具有灾难性的影响。

    His mother 's untimely death had a catastrophic effect on him .

  3. 在最终离世前他经受了极大的痛苦。

    He endured excruciating agonies before he finally expired .

  4. 家父的猝然离世留下了尚未完全安排妥当的身后事。

    The unexpectedness of my father 's death meant that his affairs were not entirely in order .

  5. 尽管双亲早已离世,她谈论起他们时好像他们至今健在。

    Even though her parents have long since died , she still talks about them in the present tense .

  6. CEO吉姆o坎塔卢波因心脏病突然离世。

    CEO Jim Cantalupo died of a heart attack while in the job .

  7. 周六,当他离世的消息散播开来时,一些名人,包括LadyGaga,和艾丽莎米兰诺,都在推特上表达了她们的怀疑。

    As the news of his death spread on Saturday , some celebrities , including Lady Gaga and Alyssa Milano , tweeted their disbelief .

  8. 除非议员罗伯特伯德(robertbyrd)的离世打乱票数平衡,否则他们的法案在几天内就会成为法律。

    Unless the death of Senator Robert Byrd disrupts the arithmetic , their legislation should reach the statute book within days .

  9. 10月26日,章鱼保罗在睡梦中安然离世,年近3岁。Facebook上它的六万多名粉丝发表了数百条慰问信息,还有人发表了一些不太沉痛的评论。

    He died peacefully in his sleep aged nearly three on October 26 , sparking hundreds of messages of condolence from his 60000-strong Facebook fan club and some less serious comments 。

  10. 美国摇滚乐队Weezer的贝斯手米奇·威尔什曾在推特(Twitter)上发文,说他梦见自己即将离世,该预言最终应验,受到媒体广泛关注。

    Mikey Welsh , the bassist for Weezer , received a lot of media attention in 2011 after he supposedly predicted his death on Twitter based on a dream he had .

  11. 字母哥说他父亲的离世和科比在推文上关于赢得MVP的战书激发了他的斗志。

    Antetokounmpo said his father 's death and a challenge by Kobe Bryant on Twitter to win MVP fueled his motivation .

  12. TomBridegroom突然离世时仅仅二十九岁,留下他的同性伴侣,但是伴侣却没有任何法律权利处理他的尸体,财物以及葬礼事宜。

    Tom Bridegroom was just twenty-nine when he died suddenly , leaving his long-term partner with no legal rights over his body , his possessions , his burial or funeral .

  13. 几周前,他的祖父离世,他于是在AfireLove中写到,如果你坠落而亡,愿天堂成为你的安息之地,令人心碎。

    Weeks before his grandfather passed away , Ed wrote Afire Love with the heartbreaking words , And if you fell to your death today , I hope that heaven is your resting place .

  14. 几周前,他的祖父离世,他于是在AfireLove中写到,“如果你坠落而亡,愿天堂成为你的安息之地”,令人心碎。

    Weeks before his grandfather passed away , Ed wrote Afire Love with the heartbreaking words , " And if you fell to your death today , I hope that heaven is your resting place . "

  15. Cody表示,在母亲离世大约12个小时后,父亲的身体也开始变得虚弱。他告诉孩子们,不愿让妻子一个人孤苦伶仃。

    Cody said her father began to fade about 12 hours after her mother died and told them that he didn 't want to leave her by herself .

  16. 菲利斯·李教授和她的同事辛西娅·莫斯研究了肯尼亚安波塞利国家公园里的一群号称EB家庭的大象,这个群落因其女家长艾柯而出名,艾柯于2009年离世。

    Professor Phyllis Lee and her colleague Cynthia Moss studied a herd of elephants in the Amboseli National Park in Kenya known as the EB family – famous for their matriarch Echo before she died in 2009 .

  17. 菲利斯·李教授和她的同事辛西娅·莫斯研究了肯尼亚安波塞利国家公园里的一群号称“EB家庭”的大象,这个群落因其女家长艾柯而出名,艾柯于2009年离世。

    Professor Phyllis Lee and her colleague Cynthia Moss studied a herd of elephants in the Amboseli National Park in Kenya known as the EB family - famous for their matriarch Echo before she died in 2009 .

  18. 上周四,林肯公园乐队主唱查斯特·贝宁顿(ChesterBennington)自缢离世,年仅41岁,乐队粉丝震惊不已,十分悲痛。

    Last Thursday , Linkin Park fans were stunned and saddened to discover the band 's frontman Chester Bennington had died at the age of 41 .

  19. 剑桥大学(Cambridge)免疫学家周健博士通过将HPV表面蛋白克隆到一个作为模板的病毒样颗粒上,为HPV疫苗的发明铺平了道路。然而未等到HPV疫苗能够投放市场,周健博士猝然离世,年仅42岁。

    Dr Zhou , a Cambridge immunologist who paved the way for the vaccine by cloning HPV surface proteins on to a separate virus that served as a template , died at the age of 42 , before the vaccine could come to market .

  20. 凯西的女儿Kerri周日早晨在推特上宣布了这个消息:就在这个父亲节早上,我们的父亲在亲朋的陪伴下安详离世。

    Kasem 's daughter Kerri broke the news on Sunday morning tweeting , Early this Father 's Day morning , our dad Casey Kasem passed away surrounded by family and friends .

  21. 前杜马成员、反对派活动家根纳季•古德科夫(GennadyGudkov)表示:“(涅姆佐夫的)离世令克里姆林宫内外的人们感到震惊。人们意识到这是一个分水岭时刻。”

    Gennady Gudkov , a former member of parliament and opposition activist , said : " [ Nemtsov 's ] death has shocked people both inside and outside the Kremlin . People realise it 's a watershed moment . "

  22. 明仁天皇现年82岁。1989年,他继承战时的天皇——父亲裕仁天皇的皇位。根据NHK的报道,明仁天皇告诉身边的助手,他有意在离世前将皇位传给自己的儿子——现年56岁的皇太子德仁。

    According to NHK , the public broadcaster in Japan , Emperor Akihito , 82 , who in 1989 succeeded his father , the wartime Emperor Hirohito , told close aides that he intended to pass the throne to his son , Crown Prince Naruhito , 56 , before he dies .

  23. 在他离世时我的弟弟奥森才只有2岁。

    My brother Orson was just turned 2 when he passed .

  24. 看,他们离世,我们也行将就木。

    See , they depart , and we go with them .

  25. 她的不幸离世激起人们对这种高压生活方式的热议。

    Her tragic death has fueled the debate about stressful lifestyles .

  26. 他在本周早些时候因一场癌症而离世。

    He died earlier this week after a battle of cancer .

  27. 他在进医院的第二天就离世了,享年76岁。

    The following day Einstein died at the age of 76 .

  28. 凯特的离世是一场悲剧,而这完全可以避免。

    Kate 's death is a tragedy that was entirely preventable .

  29. 曾参与杀戮的人们现在已经年迈,或是相继离世。

    Those involved in the killings are now old or dying off .

  30. 美国影视演员协会会长肯?霍华德针对邓波儿离世消息做出评论。

    SAG-AFTRA president Ken Howard released the following statement about Temple 's death