
  • 网络discrete set
  1. 介绍了设计变量的许用离散集不同的离散变量结构优化设计问题的定界组合算法及其软件系统。

    The combinatorial and delimitative algorithm of engineering structure design with different discrete set and its software system is introduced in this paper .

  2. 将像素覆盖方法推广到N维模糊离散集分形维度的计算就得到了局部模糊分形维度。

    The definition of local fuzzy fractal dimension is an extension of the pixel - covering method by incorporating the fuzzy set .

  3. 作为集总理论在复杂反应体系动力学分析中应用的范例,分别介绍了两种集总处理方法&离散集总和连续集总方法在催化裂化和石脑油水蒸气转化反应体系动力学分析中的应用。

    The catalytic cracking and the catalytic stream reforming of naphtha are acted as examples to illustrate the application of discrete lumping and continuum lumping in the kinetics analysis of complex reaction system .

  4. 离散点集3D三角划分算法在裁剪曲面中的实现

    Actualization of 3D triangulation algorithm for scattered data points on trimmed surface

  5. 多连通曲面离散点集的3D三角划分算法研究

    Research on the 3D Triangulation Algorithm for Scattered Data Points on Multiple Connected Surface

  6. 3D空间离散点集三角划分的逐层收缩算法

    The level contraction algorithm to the triangle division in 3D space to the separate points set

  7. 三维测量离散点集Delaunay三角网化。

    The Three-dimensional measuring dispersed points become into Delaunay triangle triangulations .

  8. 带约束的离散点集的曲线、曲面拟合是CAD/CAM中的基本问题之一,也是工业设计和制造中经常遇到的问题。

    Curves and Surfaces fitting to constrained data sets is an indispensable problem in CAD / CAM , which is also a common topic in industry design and manufacture .

  9. 在求得曲率线上的离散点集以后,应用奇异混合插值技术,在可控精度内把曲率线用显式直接表示为位于NURBS曲面上的B样条曲线。

    Discrete points on the curvature line are then obtained and approximated by an explicitly presented B-spline curve on the NURBS surface using singular mixed interpolation and capable of controlling the error within a given tolerance .

  10. 文中论述了利用大数据量等高线离散点集建立Delaunay三角网的方法,提出并实现了一种由TIN向GRID转化优化算法,最后通过实验证明其正确性和有效性。

    After discussed the method of constructing Delaunay triangulation based on discrete points of large contour data , this article provides and realizes an improved algorithm of converting TIN into GRID . The last experiment illustrates correct and efficient of the algorithm .

  11. 根据离散点集所对应曲面的形态变化,采取逐层推进收缩方法,在3D空间直接对离散点集进行三角划分,生成三角网格。

    According to the curved surface 's shape change , which is corresponded to the separate points set , this paper adopts advancement contraction method by the level , carries on the triangle division directly in the 3D space to the separate points set , and produces triangle grid .

  12. 该方法以离散变量集为研究对象,由于满足构成Leakynoisy-orgate模型的条件,能够利用部分统计信息构造节点的网络参数。

    The Leaky noisy-or gate model considers discrete variable set as the object of study . Having satisfied the conditions of Leaky noisy-or gate model , the method can utilize partial statistics to gain the nodes ' parameters .

  13. 应用本文提出的边界排序法实现离散点集的排序工作。

    The method of boundary finds the sort of discrete points .

  14. 离散点集二分排序构造多边形的算法

    The Algorithm of Constructing Polygons by Sorting the Scattered Points

  15. 一种新的空间离散点集的直接三角剖分方法

    A New Approach of Directly Triangulation of 3D Scattered Points

  16. 平面离散点集的边界搜索算法

    A Boundary Searching Algorithm for Planar Scatter Data Points

  17. 离散点集上的准小波基

    Wavelet-like bases defined on a discrete set of points

  18. 平面曲线离散点集拐点的快速查找算法

    Quick Locating Algorithm for Turning Points in Discrete Point Set of Plane Curve

  19. 曲面上离散点集的光滑插值

    Smooth interpolation of scattered data on a convex surface

  20. 离散点集(地震)空间分布多重分形计算的精度估算

    Precision estimate on multi-fractal calculation of spatial distribution for earthquake dispersion and point sets

  21. 离散点集上的向量有理插值算法与特征性质

    An algorithm and characteristic property of vector valued rational interpolants over discrete data set

  22. 离散参数集值上鞅的收敛性已有诸多学者研究过。

    The convergence with discrete parameter of set-valued supermartingale had been investigated by many scholars .

  23. 传统的能力集合分析主要集中在离散能力集的扩张研究,且集中于确定性分析。

    The traditional competence set analysis mainly concentrates in the separate competence set expansion research and the definite analysis .

  24. 在本论文中,以空间离散点集为对象,研究了三维形状的重建算法。

    Taken the spatial unorganized points as the research object , a set of three dimensional shape reconstruction algorithms are studied in this paper .

  25. 改变区间(域)套定理的条件,在一般离散点集上建立内含集列原理。

    By changing the conditions of the interval ( region ) sequence theorem , the containing set range principle was obtained on general scattered points .

  26. 该方法通过引入三角形法向量夹角、阈值距离以及最小内角等几个参数对三角形的生长进行约束,同时利用生长法,对空间中的离散点集进行逐步三角划分,直至所有三角形扩展完毕。

    After the formation of the first triangle , use the growing method to extend the 3 edges of each triangle until all the triangles have been finished .

  27. 根据离散点集所对应的曲面形态变化,利用网格扩展、边界环分裂和边界环封闭,逐层收缩生成三角网格。

    According to the surface shape changing of the corresponding scattered points , a triangular mesh will be generated by using mesh expansion , boundary ring division and close and then contract by the layer .

  28. 基于对网络基本功能的认识,本文分析了网络在构成离散点集上的最小二乘逼近的机理和性质。

    On the basis of understanding the major function of the networks , an exploration is made into the mechanism of the least squares approximation that the network carries out on a given discrete point set .

  29. 作为逆向工程重要分支的曲面重塑技术,通常是通过采集实体表面离散点集(点云)的坐标数据,利用一定的算法策略重塑出该点云所表达的几何实体的技术。

    Surface reconstruction which plays an important role in RE usually acquires coordinate data from discrete points ( point clouds ) which lie on the surfaces of the geometry entity and reconstructs surfaces by some algorithms to express the geometry entity .

  30. 根据信息集与离散点集之间的映射关系,从用户的权限区域映射出用户有权限的信息子集,被该子集激活的制造信息模板的实例将最终用于制造信息的共享。

    According to mapping relationship between information set and discrete point set , every user was entitled to access an information sub-set . Therefore , a correspondent template was activated , and it was used to encapsulate manufacturing information for the users .