
  • 网络Double randomness;doubly stochastic
  1. 基于DCT与双随机矩阵的图像数字水印方案

    Image Watermarking Based on Discrete Cosine Transformation and Doubly Stochastic Matrix

  2. 推论:给定一个n×n双随机矩阵D,它的所有元素是非负整数,并且每一行和与列和都正实数K,则D能分解成置换矩阵的线性组合。

    Corollary : Given an × n doubly stochastic matrix D. D can be decomposed into a linear combination of permutation matrices . When all of its elements are nonnegative real numbers for which the sum of the rows and / or columns is some positive real number K.

  3. 隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel)是一种双随机过程,被广泛地应用于信号处理和模式识别中。

    Hidden Markov Model has been widely used as a valuable stochastic model .

  4. 非恒温CO表面催化氧化体系双随机共振

    Stochastic Bi-resonance in Non-isothermal CO Surface Catalytic Oxidation System

  5. 双随机动态模型(DM)及预测

    Bivariate random dynamic model ( md ) and its predicting application

  6. 概率密度函数对双随机PWM变换器EMI特性影响研究

    Effects on the EMI Performance a Dual Randomized Modulation with Different Probability Laws

  7. 对双随机引物的RAPD标记的效果进行了分析。

    The effects of double primers RAPD was analyzed .

  8. 电力电子系统中,双随机调制技术能够有效地抑制和减小传导电磁干扰(EMI),而不需增加额外耗费。

    In power electrical system , dual randomized modulation technology can restrain and decrease conduct EMI effectively .

  9. 开关功率变换器中应用双随机调制技术能有效地减小传导EMI,改善系统电磁兼容性,但引起了变换器输出电压脉动增加,精度降低。

    Dual randomized modulation used in power converters can effectually reduce conduct EMI , while it increases output voltage fluctuations .

  10. 变换器在应用双随机PWM技术时,选择简单的均匀分布规律,可以减少控制系统资源的耗费,通过随机程度参数的调节可以方便地使电力电子系统获得更好的电磁兼容性。

    Uniform distribution law is simple and effective while dual randomized PWM is applied in power converter . At the same time , better EMI characteristics of system can be achieved expediently by adjusting parameters of stochastic level .

  11. 本文构建了两个独立的马尔可夫(Markov)状态转移概率矩阵,并将其引入到双随机调制技术中,建立了基于Markov链的双随机调制DC/DC变换器系统仿真功能模块。

    This paper sets a dual randomized modulation simulation model for DC / DC converter using two independent Markov chains . Meanwhile , the power spectrum density ( PSD ) of input current for the converters is present .

  12. 隐Markov模型是一个双随机过程,适用于动态过程的时间序列的建模并具有强大的时序模式分类能力,特别适合非平稳、重复再现性不佳的信号分析;

    Hidden Markov models ( HMM ) was a dual random process , adapted to establish time series models of dynamic process and had strong pattern classification , especially adapted to signal which had characteristics of non-stationary , no repeat and worse reappearance .

  13. 第二,利用一般的双随机矩阵(GBM)和离散quasi-copula的关系,从矩阵的角度,研究了离散quasi-copula的延拓问题。

    Secondly , according to the relationship between GBM and discrete copula , the extension of discrete quasi-copula is studied from the standpoint of matrix .

  14. 详细研究了基于4f系统的双随机相位图像加密技术的理论基础,分析了该加密技术的优缺点。在经典光学加密技术基础上,提出了新的加密方法。

    This paper Studied in detail the theoretical basis of the double random phase image encryption technology of the 4f system based on CGH , the advantages and disadvantages was Analysed , new encryption methods was proposed according to the classic encryption system .

  15. 双随机相位图像加密的实值编码研究

    Research on the Image Security in Double Random Phase Real-value Encryption

  16. 双随机相位不对称分数傅里叶变换计算全息

    Double random phase computer generated hologram of asymmetry fractional Fourier transform

  17. 双随机相位加密全息标识防伪技术研究

    Anti - Fake Technique by Double Random Phase Encrypted Holographic Mark

  18. 双随机调制技术在有源功率因数预调节器中的应用研究

    Application of dual randomized PWM technique in active power factor preregulator

  19. 具有位数3和4的双随机循环矩阵中的素元

    Primes in the Doubly Stochastic Circulant Matrices of Order 3 or 4

  20. 球面波照射的双随机相位掩模光学图像加密

    Optical image encryption using double phase mask based on spherical wave illumination

  21. 双随机位相编码技术&仿射密码的光学实现

    Double Random Phase Encryption Technique-An Optical Realization of Affine Cryptography

  22. 中人历史债务的双随机模型

    Dual Random Model of the History Debt of Category ⅱ

  23. 对二值条码图进行全相位型双随机相位加密变换。

    We consider fully phase double-random-phase way to form gray scale figure .

  24. 双随机矩阵收敛指数的最好上界

    The Exact Upper Bounds for Index of Convergence of Doubly Stochastic Matrices

  25. 用双随机变量回归改进爆破振速回归分析

    Regression analysis of blasting vibrational velocity by the double random variable method

  26. 基于双随机相位的彩色图像加密隐藏技术

    Color image encryption technique based on double random phase encoding

  27. 基于像素置乱技术的多重双随机相位加密法

    Iterative Double Random Phase Encryption Based on Pixel Scrambling Technology

  28. 一种基于双随机相位编码的高容量信息隐藏算法

    Information-hiding scheme with high capacity based on double-random phase-encoding technique

  29. 铸钢转向架双随机变量概率疲劳设计方法研究

    A Study of Fatigue Design Method with Double Random Variables for Cast Bogies

  30. 双随机相位加密技术保证了彩色图像加密的安全性。

    The security is ensured by double phase encryption .