- 网络inv;Inverse;matrix inverse

On the inverse of the covariance matrix of ARMA series
A inverse eigenvalue problem for the second kind of Jacobi matrix
Inversion of permutation factor circulant matrices over Z_p
A Fast Triangular Factorization Algorithm of the Inversion of Toeplitz Type Matrix
The Inverse Matrix of Pascal 's Triangular Matrix and an Expression of Additive Set Function
Vandermonde matrix and decentralized stabilization for large scale systems
Explicit algorithm of inverse matrix of Vandermonde matrix
Finding the Inversion of Rational Fraction Matrix by Cayley-Hamilton Theorem Directly
The Inverse Matrices of Arithmetical Hankel Matrices ; The Inverse Phase Sequence Estimation of Two Elements Three Phase Three Line Electric Energy Meter
In 1943 the statistician H. Hotelling had analysed the procedure for solving simultaneous equations ( or , roughly equivalently , for inverting a matrix ) and his result made it appear that errors would grow very rapidly as successive equations were eliminated .
Inverses of the irreducible block Hessenberg matrices
When this method is applied to solve the n-order inverse matrix , it is only required to compute the product of two matrices n times and the difference of two matrices n times , thus the troubles on computing the determinant and the adjugate matrix are averted .
A constructive proofs for Lagrange interpolation formula is given by means of linear equations system , and an explicit algorithm for the inverse matrix of the Vandermonde matrix is obtained .
Solution of linear equations on GF ( p ) is discussed , general solution of linear equations in simplified form on GF ( p ) is given , concrete expressions of inverse of some common matrices onGF ( p ) are given .
Implicit generalized predictive control algorithm which recognizes the controller parameter directly using the recursion least squares method is researched to avoid solving the diophantine equation and the matrix inverse .
The algorithm does not require to solve for the matrix 's inverse , save for a much less complex iterative parameter . The new algorithm reduces the complexity remarkably compared with the classical linear MMSE algorithm .
The main step in this method is to consider separately the line vectors X of the transformation matrix T - 1 . It differs from general rotation of factors .
The inverse solving of the Bezier surface control points is often to be dealt with in CAD / CAM surface modeling and this is effectively worked out here by solving the inverse matrices of the Vandermonde matrices .
By using the inverse matrix of Cartan matrix , the expansion of the highest weight of any irreducible representation for the simple Lie algebra g by its simple roots is given , and the expression of given by Dynkin for the simple Lie algebra is also obtained .
Since the S-B algorithm is a recursive tabular method and requires no matrix inversion , it can process a large number of sampling data for obtaining a rational interpolation function without suffering from singularity problems .
The approach did not involve the inverse matrix operation and division operation of matrix , and was not restricted by the condition of a_ ( ii )≠ 0 . The high accuracy solution of a singular matrix was also obtained .
Algorithm on Inverse Matrix and Characteristic Value of a Special Matrix
Algorithm to Seek Inverse Matrix of the Diagonal Factor Circulant Matrices
A New Solution to the Inverse Matrix of λ - matrix
A Method to Seek the Inverse Matrix of the Perturbation Matrix
A Note on an Expression for Inverse Elements of Tridiagonal Matrix
Inverse and generalized inverse of matrices over completely distributive lattice
The inverse matrices and the decomposition theorem of cyclic matrices
On the inverse matrix of the binary symmetry cyclic matrix
Finding the inverse of cyclic matrices and the values of their determinants