
  • 网络squareness ratio;SQR;squareness
  1. 当以化学镀Ni-P合金作为中间镀层时,可获得较高的矫顽力和矩形比。

    Higher coercive force and squareness ratio are attained as electroless Ni P alloy coating is used as a intermediate coating .

  2. 不同的烧结温度对铁氧体材料的饱和磁化强度、剩余磁化强度、矩形比、矫顽力、温度特性以及介电特性影响不尽相同。

    Li-ferrite shows different properties in saturation magnetic inductance intensity , remanence , squareness ratio , coercive force temperature characteristics and dielectric loss at different sintering temperature . 3 .

  3. 化学镀Co-B合金层镀态下为非晶态结构,有较高的矩形比,矫顽力较低。

    Electroless Co - B alloy coating is amorphous as plated with lower coercive force higher square - ness ratio .

  4. 首先本文分析了谐振式开关电源变压器所处的工作状态,比较了不同矩形比磁心材料在该工作状态下磁通密度Bm的工作范围,为高频变压器磁心材料的选取提供了指导原则。

    First , the working state of resonant CCPS transformer is analyzed , and a guiding principle of core material selection is provided , which is based on the comparing material magnetic flux density working range with different rectangular ratio in this state .

  5. 高矫顽力和大矩形比钡铁氧体垂直磁记录薄膜

    Ba ferrite films with high coercivity and large squareness for perpendicular magnetic recording

  6. 退磁场和交换作用的引入对磁化翻转过程有显著的影响,剩磁矩形比和矫顽力都有不同程度的提高。

    Demagnetizing field and exchange interaction showed a great effect on thin film magnetization reversal process , meanwhile remanence squareness and coercivity change correspondingly .

  7. 小量钙对带锌矩磁锰镁铁氧体迥线矩形比的影响

    The Effect of a Small Amount of Admixed Calcium on the Rectangular Ratio in the Hysteresis Loop in Zine - Bearing Square-Loop Manganese-Magnesium Ferrites

  8. 刨花的定向可以用机械方法来完成。磁粉的矩形比与涂粉磁带的矩形此密切相关,这对磁带及软磁盘的生产具有指导意义。

    Orientation of particles can be achieved through mechanical means . So , it is possible for us to estimate approximately the degree of orientation of particles in the magnetic tape .

  9. 另一种是将质心和矩形长宽比相结合的算法,根据运动目标的质心和外围矩形的一些约束条件来判定行为是否异常。

    Another one is an algorithm which combines the center of mass with rectangle aspect ratio .

  10. 改变矩形波导边长比也为调整带宽提供了借鉴。

    Change the side ratio of rectangular waveguide to adjust the bandwidth for us to provide a reference .

  11. 结果表明:使用矩形圆角坯料比其他坯料的成形性能好。

    The results show that the drawing formality of round corner rectangular blank is better than that of other blank shapes .

  12. 修改工具包行为这样缩略图就会按矩形长宽比自动被创建,对原格式风景或肖像的图片也一样。

    Modifies toolkit behavior so that thumbnails are automatically created with a square aspect ratio , even for images that originally are in landscape or portrait format .

  13. 通过计算投影比以及目标区域同外接矩形面积之比,初步判断目标是否位于水平或垂直方位附近,自适应选择相应的估计算法进行处理。

    According to the projection ratio and the area proportion of object region to the envelop rectangle , different estimation algorithms were exploited based on the initial judgment of the aspect .

  14. 利用最小包络矩形和惯性比可以唯一标识一个几何图形,为布局问题,图像识别等需要进行几何匹配场合提供了简单明了的特性。

    The paper discusses how to use ratio of inertial moment and minimum enclosed rectangle to express a geometry and its probability , it can be used in the layout design and the image recognition where geometrical shape match is needed .

  15. 矩形板长宽比不同时,条纹模式也是有变化的。

    Rectangular plate with different aspect ratio have different striped pattern .

  16. 矩形明渠宽深比和边壁糙率对流速分布的影响

    Effect of width-depth ratio and boundary roughness on velocity distribution in rectangular open channel

  17. 矩形截面梁高宽比合理值的确定

    Determination on the Reasonable Value of the Ratio of Height to Width ( h / b ) in the Beams with the Rectangular Section

  18. 分析了信号光光轴偏移量、矩形探测器长宽比、信号光光轴倾斜角度等对矩形探测器外差效率的影响。

    Effects of signal light axis offset , length to wide of rectangular detector , signal light axis tilt to heterodyne efficiency are all analyzed .

  19. 计算出了像素为正方形与矩形(长宽比为4∶3)时的矩模板,使其应用范围进一步扩大。

    The moment masks of square and rectangle ( the aspect ratio is 4 ∶ 3 ) pixel was performed for the extending of its application .

  20. 采用该数值方法考察了应力强度因子随矩形裂纹长宽比的变化情况,以及共面和平行矩形裂纹间距对应力强度因子值的影响。

    The variation of SIF with the aspect ratio of a rectangular crack and the influence of the distance between two cracks on SIF were investigated by the presented numerical method .

  21. 指出形状参数rc/w直接决定矩形盒相对拉深比和法兰变形加工度,并与成形极限密切相关。

    It 's pointed out that the relative drawing ratio of rectangular case and flange deforming machining degree depend directly on r c / w , the geometric shape parameter , which is closely related to the forming limit too .

  22. 分割后转化成为二值图像,采用八向链码算法对包括周长,面积似圆度,矩形度,核浆比等15个主要形态学参数进行测量。

    The after division transforms into two values pictures , uses eight to includes the perimeter to the chain code algorithm , the area resembles the roundness , rectangular , corn compared to and so on , 15 main morphology parameters is carries on the survey .

  23. 简单介绍了惯性矩理论,定义了最小包络矩形,提出惯性比概念,惯性比μ无量纲,μ∈[0,1]且惯性比具有移动、旋转不变性。

    This paper introduces the theory of moment , defines minimum enclosed rectangle , and brings forwards a new concept & ratio of inertial moment . The ratio of inertial moment μ has no measure , and μ∈ . it has the features of translation invariance and rotation invariance .

  24. 矩形单元中的退磁场分布随矩形单元矩形比不同而变化,当矩形比减小时,单元的中间均匀退磁场的区域边会缩小。

    The demagnetizing field in the center of the element was more uniform than that at the edge .

  25. 已有的文献对圆盘型研究较多,而对矩形板型的研究较少。一方面自由边界矩形板弯曲振动的振动方程没有解析解;另一方面矩形板的振动比圆盘更加复杂。

    The one hand , the vibration equation of rectangular plates in bending vibration with the free boundary conditions has no analytical solution ; the other hand , the vibration of rectangular plates is more complicated than the disc .