
  1. 浸渍固化和切割气隙对非晶铁芯磁性能的影响

    Influence of Impregnation and Air Gaps on Magnetic Properties of Amorphous Core

  2. 非晶铁芯浸渍切割工艺进展

    Progress in Amorphous Core Impregnation and Cutting Techniques

  3. 推广非晶铁芯配电变压器不但有良好的节能效益(同容量配电变压器的空载损耗可下降70%~80%)。而且还有环保效益。

    To popularize transformers with amorphous alloy core is beneficial not only for saving energy ( transformer no-load losses is 70 % ~ 80 % lowered than ordinary transformer ), but also for environmental protection .

  4. 磁压缩激光器与非晶微晶铁芯

    Amorphous Core and Magnetic Pulse Compression for a Metal Vapor Laser

  5. 非晶合金铁芯配电变压器的结构特点和节电效果

    The structure characteristics and energy-saving effect of amorphous alloy transformer

  6. 非晶合金铁芯具有较低的电感,很强的抗直流偏磁场能力和良好的恒电感特性。

    The amorphous alloy cores having lower inductance exhibit a large ability against direct bias magnetic field and the good constant inductance property .

  7. 实验发现:在不同退火温度(450~490℃)非晶合金铁芯的电感均随退火时间的延长单调下降;退火温度越低,电感下降的速率越小。

    It was found that the inductance of amorphous alloy cores decreases all monotonously with increasing annealing time at different temperatures ( 450 ~ 490 ℃) and the lower annealing temperature , the smaller decreasing rate of inductance .

  8. 非晶合金变压器铁芯振动的实验研究

    Experimental Research on Vibration in Amorphous Alloy Transformer Core

  9. 研究了普通退火对非晶Fe78Si9B13合金铁芯电感的影响。

    The effects of normal annealing on the inductance for amorphous Fe_ ( 78 ) Si_9B_ ( 13 ) alloy cores have been investigated .

  10. 本研究设计了非晶合金片装夹装置、非晶片层叠棒真空浸渍装置,并用电火花线切割加工了非晶定子铁芯。

    In this study we de-signed the amorphous alloy sheet clamping device , vacuum impregnating device , and the iron-based amorphous alloy stator core was manufactured by electric spark line cutting machining .