
  • 网络non-entertainment
  1. 本章主要从荀子对墨子节用思想、节葬思想、非乐论和非攻思想的接受四个方面阐述了荀子对墨子思想的接受。

    This chapter performs from four aspects to analyze separately in terms of frugality , funeral-controlling theory , anti-music thought and no attacking theory .

  2. 从墨子“非乐”的背景、实质,及其“美”的涵义两方面论述墨子的美学思想。

    This article elaborates mozi 's esthetics thought from two aspects : mozi 's background and the essence of " denying art ", and the implication of the esthetics .

  3. 摘要墨子,代表小生产者利益,旗帜鲜明地提出“非乐”思想,在先秦美学思想中独树一帜。

    Mozi represents the small producer benefit , made public stand raises the chisel " deny art " the thought , established a new school in the pre-Qin esthetics thought .

  4. 的士司机马骝强及肥明终日以谈论城中是非为乐。

    Taxi Drivers Monkey Keung and Fatty Ming delight in discussing gossips of the city .