
  • 网络non-logical thinking
  1. 逻辑思维可以转化为非逻辑思维。

    The logical thinking may transform as the non-logical thinking .

  2. 人类在潜意识里蕴藏着巨大的非逻辑思维的创新能量。

    The humanity is containing the huge non-logical thinking innovation energy in subconscious .

  3. 非逻辑思维与现代企业决策

    Non logical Thinking and Decision making in Modern Enterprises

  4. 着重从加强非逻辑思维的训练、逆向思维的训练、发散思维的训练来形成学生良好的数学思维。

    Cultivate students ' thinking in mathematics by training illogical thinking and divergent thinking .

  5. 论科学创造与非逻辑思维的关系

    The relation between scientific creation and non-logical thinking

  6. 创新思维中逻辑思维是基础,非逻辑思维是关键。

    The logical thinking is a foundation , the non-logical thinking is a key .

  7. 数学创造与非逻辑思维

    The mathematical creating and the non-logical thinking

  8. 重视基础,但必须强调非逻辑思维在创新思维中的关键作用。

    Value foundation , but must emphasize the non-logical thinking in the innovative thought crucial role .

  9. 中国传统的非逻辑思维方式对博士生创造性思维生成的启示

    The Significance of Traditional Chinese Non-Logical Thinking in the Inprovement of Doctoral Candidates ' Creative Thinking

  10. 要培养非逻辑思维能力就是要培养出一种没有充足理由就得出结论的思维习惯。

    Therefore , illogical thinking cultivation is cultivating thinking habit drawing a conclusion without enough reasons .

  11. 探索中医复杂性之路&浅谈逻辑思维与非逻辑思维在中医学发展中的作用

    Exploration of Chinese Medical Complication : Effects of Logic and Non-logic Thoughts on Chinese Medical Development

  12. 科学发现与非逻辑思维

    Science Discovery and Non-logical Thinking

  13. 人类非逻辑思维辨析

    On Human Illogical Thinking

  14. 逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的辩证统一是建筑创作的关键&设计体会与反思

    Dialectic Unification between the Logic Thought and the Non - logic Thought is the Key to Architectural Design

  15. 非逻辑思维其实就是没有充足理由就得出结论的思维活动。

    The essence of illogical thinking is a kind of thinking activity drawing a conclusion without enough reasons .

  16. 创新思维作为一种复杂的思维形式,是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的统一、自觉思维与非自觉思维的统。

    Innovation thinking is unity of logic thinking and non-logic thinking , and conscious thinking and non-conscious thinking .

  17. 或者认为非逻辑思维能力虽能培养,但却难以找到有效的方法。

    Or they may consider that although non logical thinking can be cultivated , effective methods are hard to find .

  18. 类比是一种非逻辑思维方法,在物理学的研究发展中起着桥梁作用。

    Analogy , a non - logic thinking method , plays a bridging role in the research and development of Physics .

  19. 兴趣是最好的老师,恰当的运用合情推理和非逻辑思维确实可以培养学生对数学的兴趣、爱好和好奇心。

    Appropriate application of reasonable inference and non-logical thinking can really foster students ' interest in , love for and curiosity about mathematics .

  20. 实际上,数学创造中不仅存在着非逻辑思维,而且它还发挥着巨大的作用。

    In fact , the non-logic thinking not only exists in the mathematical creating , but also exerts a great influence on it .

  21. 合情推理非逻辑思维在启发式教学中的作用和种类,进行启发式教学,才会让学生在学习中,有所发现,有所创新。

    Functions : Only by using the elicitation method of teaching can teachers have their students go on discovering and blazing new trials in study .

  22. 要培养非逻辑思维能力,其实就是要养成一种由不充分的前提材料就得出结论的思维习惯。

    To cultivate non logical thinking capability , is actually to get into the thinking habit of arriving at a conclusion without sufficient material premise .

  23. 这种观点是错误的,非逻辑思维实质上就是一种由不充分的前提材料就得出结论的思维活动。

    These view points are wrong , as the essence of non logical thinking is a thinking process which arrives at a conclusion without sufficient material premise .

  24. 影响创新思维的因素有很多,但其内在要素就是知识、逻辑思维能力和非逻辑思维能力这三个。

    There are many factors influencing on innovative thinking , but only three inherent factors , that is , knowledge , logical thinking ability and illogical thinking ability .

  25. 文中着重论述了作为非逻辑思维形式的灵感与直觉,强调指出它们在创造性思维发展中的重大作用。

    It explains in particular the non logical modes of thinking : inspiration and intuition and emphatically points out their important roles in the development of creative thinking .

  26. 长期以来,我国高中数学教师注重发展高中生的逻辑思维能力,忽视了非逻辑思维能力的培养。

    In a long time , the teachers in high school always focus on the development of their students ' logic thinking , while they ignore their non-logic thinking .

  27. 管理活动中的创新思维虽然与灵感、直觉、联想等非逻辑思维联系在一起,但是归根到底仍然是以逻辑思维为基础的。

    Although creative thinking in management is related to such illogical thinking as inspiration , intuition , and association , it is based on logical thinking in the final analysis .

  28. 结合电磁场理论的教学实践,探索联想和想象等非逻辑思维的方法在教学中的运用。

    Combining the teaching practice with electromagnetic field theory , the application of some non-logic thinking methods , such as association , imagining , and so on , are discussed .

  29. 分析研究超现实的视觉心理、审美心理以及非逻辑思维,能够获得视觉传达设计过程和视觉结构构成的更完整表达。

    Studies on the illogic thinking , taste psychology and visual psychology of ultra-realism can reveal the process of visual transformation design and the component of visual structure more integrally .

  30. 创造性思维是逻辑思维和非逻辑思维的统一,是扩散思维和集中思维的统一,是潜意识和显意识的统一。重视学生发散思维与集中思维的培养;

    Creative thinking is a unification of logical and illogical , extensive and intensive , subconscious and conscious thoughts . to focus on developing students ' distract thinking and concentrate thinking ;