
liú pài
  • school;sect;tributary
流派 [liú pài]
  • (1) [tributary]∶水的支流

  • (2) [school;sect]∶指学术、文化艺术等方面有独特风格的派别

流派[liú pài]
  1. 任务型教学(Task-basedlanguageteaching),是20世纪80年代流行起来的一种教学理论流派。

    Task-based Language Teaching is a learning theory school popped up in the 1980s .

  2. 上个世纪90年代,在西方出现了以托马斯·J·萨乔万尼为代表的“学校道德领导”研究流派。

    In the1990s , there appeared the school of the moral leadership of schools represented by Thomas J.Sergiovanni in the West .

  3. 展品是依照流派陈列的。

    The exhibits were arranged according to schools .

  4. 首次概论MRI脑测谎方法学,重点包括研究范式、双区设计、叠加流派和实验技巧。

    The brain-based MRI lie detection experiment methodology is reviewed for the first time including the functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm , the double-block design , the equidistance hit-ball and the test mechanics .

  5. 从Hilbert的大范围几何学思想,从Euclid与Klein两个代表性几何学流派出发,论述了几何学研究问题的方法与思想,以及各几何学的联系。

    Cognitive method and thought is described in this paper after studying the big scope geometry thought of Hilbert , relatively with the Euclid and Klein two representativeness geometry groups . The paper also gives Contact of various geometry .

  6. 在音乐创作领域,MIDI的使用能给作曲家提供强大的音乐创作手段,不但能促进新的音乐风格流派和新的音乐理念的产生,还能降低音乐创制成本。

    In music creative fields , MIDI use can give composer provide powerful music creation means , not only can promote the new music genres and new music , the idea of creating music will also reduce the cost .

  7. 本文比较了关于竞争性信贷市场的两个主要流派及其经典模型,即由McKinnon及Shaw开创的金融深化理论和Stiglitz及Weiss开创的信贷配给模型。

    This paper compares the two main strands of literature on the competitive credit market , the financial deepening theory that began with McKinnon ( 1973 ) and Shaw ( 1973 ), and the credit rationing models that started with Stiglitz and Weiss ( 1981 ) .

  8. 朱塞佩·托纳托雷(GiuseppeTornatore)是意大利写实电影流派的著名导演,他的影片多次获国际电影大奖,他的电影充满着浓郁的意大利风情,展现了意大利人特有的民族气质。

    Giuseppe Tornatore is a well-known realist genre film director in Italy , his films gained a lot of International Awards , and his works are full of natural Italian style , and also display the unique Italian national temperament .

  9. 兰格认为,人们养成了不假思索的习惯,这使他们很容易被似是而非的理念误导。这一观念的形成早于许多流派的“行为经济学”,也早于诺贝尔经济学奖得主丹尼尔·卡尼曼(DanielKahneman)等人的研究。

    Langer 's notion that people are trained not to think and are thus extremely vulnerable to right-sounding but actually wrong notions prefigured many of the tenets of " behavioral economics " and the work of people like Daniel Kahneman , who won a Nobel Prize in economic sciences .

  10. 谈当代西方的一些建筑流派思潮及其与文化之关联

    On Some architectural Schools thoughts and relationships between them and culture

  11. 时至今日,油画艺术在中国流派纷呈,风格各异。

    Today , oil painting in China , genres and styles .

  12. 完形心理学是现代心理学十大流派之一,完形是源于心理学的一个重要概念。

    Gestalt psychology is one of the ten important psychology genre .

  13. 跨国公司海外子公司的三个理论流派比较研究

    The Comparative Research on the Three Theory Schools of Multinational Subsidiaries

  14. 起来反对印象流派的后期印象派画家。

    An artist of the Postimpressionist school who revolted against impressionism .

  15. 精通特殊流派的艺术家。

    An artist who is a master of a particular style .

  16. 能不能告诉我这些不同的烹调流派各自有哪些特点?

    Could you tell me the different features of these cuisines ?

  17. 实证主义、人文主义、结构主义是现代西方地理学中的三大哲学流派。

    Three philosophies-positivism , humanism and structuralism - dominate western geography .

  18. 可是,学术界对这一大流派研究甚少。

    However , academic circles make little study of this school .

  19. 20世纪初中国新诗的三大流派

    A Comment On Chinese New Verse in the Early 20th Century

  20. 确切地说,象征主义首先是一种诗歌流派。

    Exactly speaking , symbolism first is one kind of poetry sect .

  21. 古筝的主要流派与风格特征

    The main schools and style characteristics of the Chinese plucked stringed instrument

  22. 论战国时代寓言文学的流派

    Schools of Fable Literature during the Period of Warring States

  23. 对注塑模成本评估领域的主要研究方法进行了分析,指出了相关的几个成本评估流派。

    The main cost estimation methods existed in injection mould are analyzed .

  24. 英语语法三大主要流派述评

    A Commentary of the Three Major Schools of English Grammar

  25. 从流派的构成看七月派的存在形式与特征

    On the Existing Form and Features of July Group through Its Formation

  26. 道学和儒学是中国历史上最具影响力的两个哲学流派。

    Taoism and Confucianism are the two most influential philosophies in China .

  27. 新时期蒙古语诗歌中的现代流派

    A Modernist Trend in Mongolian Poetry in the New Period

  28. 西方各式各样的系统观和系统流派;

    The varieties of premise and different schools of thought about systems ;

  29. 美国教育史学流派研究

    The Study on the Schools of the History of American Education History

  30. 基于特征情感色彩的文档流派分类研究

    Research on text genre classification based on sentiment of features