
  • 网络Pop punk;Pop-Punk;Punk-Pop
  1. 新单《Here'sToNeverGrowingUp》由马丁约翰逊制作,他也是流行朋克乐队BoysLikeGirls的主唱,同时他也为泰勒斯威夫特、麦莉塞勒斯和狂野夏洛特制作过专辑。

    ' Here 's to Never Growing Up ' was produced by Martin Johnson , who is best known as the frontman of pop-punk band Boys Like Girls , and has previously produced tracks for Taylor Swift , Miley Cyrus and Good Charlotte .

  2. 观看展览的观众还可以坐进录音棚(虚构的厂牌嵇康唱片),欣赏华语世界中具有抗争精神的音乐合集,无论是流行、朋克还是摇滚音乐。

    Visitors to the show can also sit in a recording studio ( presented under the fictional label Xi Kang Records ) and browse through an archive of music of dissent in the wider Chinese-speaking world , whether pop , punk or rock ' n ' roll .

  3. 这首经典的圣诞歌曲曾被翻唱成各类音乐,包括流行乐,朋克,甚至重金属音乐。

    The classic Christmas song has spawned a wide variety of covers , including pop , punk and even heavy metal versions .