
  • 网络virginia;Virginian;Vigenere;Virgina
  1. Evans来自维吉尼亚大学,目前正在休假。

    Mr. Evans is on leave from the University of Virginia .

  2. 维吉尼亚阿林顿的FrancisScott重点小学里的五年级小学生们都了解相当多的太空宇宙知识。

    The fifth graders at Francis Scott Key Elementary School in Arlington , Virginia know quite a bit about space .

  3. 高效液相色谱法测定鸡组织中维吉尼亚霉素M1的残留

    Determination of Virginiamycin M_1 in Chicken Tissues by HPLC

  4. 维吉尼亚房地产开发公司WheelerInterests正计划让员工划独木舟。

    At Wheeler Interests , a Virginia-based property development company , plans are under way to get employees canoeing .

  5. 接下来在Richmond的维吉尼亚州联邦大学,也有同样的一场集会。

    Next , a similar rally in Virginia 's Commonwealth University in Richmond .

  6. NPR新闻记者报道他被安葬在维吉尼亚州。

    NPR told us he was buried in Virginia .

  7. NASA位于维吉尼亚州的国家跨音速实验室的101兆瓦驱动和135000马力同步电机是世界上最大和最强大的变速驱动系统。

    Air Force.The101 MW drive and135,000 hp synchronous motor at NASA 's National Transonic Facility in Virginia is the biggest and most powerful variable speed drive system in the world .

  8. 以us-east开始的区域是在北维吉尼亚州,统称为地区。

    Zones starting with us-east are in northern Virginia and are collectively called the region .

  9. 联合打击战机、LCS、维吉尼亚级潜舰和圣安东尼级登陆舰-惊鸿一瞥你们未来的海军武力。

    The joint strike fighter , the LCS , the Virginia class submarine , and the San Antonio class LPD-just a glimpse into your Navy future force .

  10. 在维吉尼亚州的亚历山大市,经营25多年的Primo家庭餐馆非常受欢迎,今天又是繁忙的一天。

    It 's another busy day at Primo Family Restaurant , a popular dining spot in Alexandria of Virginia for more than 25 years .

  11. 享年93岁的詹姆斯布坎南(JamesBuchanan)是一位杰出而富有争议的经济学家,他与戈登图洛克(GordonTullock)合作创立了被称为维吉尼亚学派的公共选择理论。

    James Buchanan , who has died aged 93 , was a distinctive and controversial economist who , with his collaborator Gordon Tullock , founded what became known as the Virginia school of public choice .

  12. 在维吉尼亚州亚历山大市,上个月2000名学生在T.C.威廉斯高中一新教学楼开始上课。

    In Alexandria , Virginia , the two thousand students at T.C.Williams High School started classes last month in a new building .

  13. ThomasCossé是维吉尼亚州里士满大学营销与商务教授,他说,希望学习商业的国际学生英语必须好,这不仅是他所在大学的要求。

    Thomas Coss é is a professor of marketing and business at the University of Richmond in Virginia . He says international students who want to study business need to have good English skills -- and not just to study at his school .

  14. 在维吉尼亚州和北卡罗来纳州共同亮相时,罗姆尼和瑞安宣布了他们的计划:大幅削减税收和支出,限制政府在老年人医保(Medicare)方面的支出,从而提供了两种愿景的选择。

    In their opening joint appearance in Virginia and North Carolina , Mr Romney and Mr Ryan presented their plan to sharply cut taxes and spending , and cap costs on government outlays on elderly people 's healthcare ( Medicare ) as a choice between two visions .

  15. 随后,他在维吉尼亚大学这所法律学校里面学习。

    Then he attended law school at the University of Virginia .

  16. 老公,是她们母亲从维吉尼亚打来的。

    Honey , it ` s their mother calling from virginia .

  17. 我们两个都在维吉尼亚大学受过教育。

    Both of us were educated at the University of Virginia .

  18. 而对维吉尼亚科技大学事件(们)表示的沉默也恰恰证明他说的是有一定道理的。

    The silence over Virginia Tech shows he has a point .

  19. 如果我告诉你有人在维吉尼亚号上

    If I tell you there 's a man aboard the Virginian

  20. 可以回维吉尼亚过感恩节。

    But was able to go home to Virginia for thanksgiving .

  21. 桥治爱伦是来自维吉尼亚的一位共和党参议员正在参加竞选。

    George Allen is a Republican senator from Virginia running for re-election .

  22. 他的父亲名叫威廉姆?杰斐逊?布莱思,母亲是维吉尼亚?布莱思。

    His parents were William Jefferson Blythe and Virginia blythe .

  23. 在维吉尼亚举行的山这边和山外边人的一场辩论会。

    A contest in Virginia between a cismontane and a tramontane people .

  24. 维吉尼亚和卡罗莱纳州的苏族人。

    A member of the Siouan people of Virginia and North Carolina .

  25. 维吉尼亚州,一位16岁的癌症患者今天赢得了一场法律战的胜利。

    A16 - year-old Virginia cancer patient won a legal battle today .

  26. 标准程序射击只能使用维吉尼亚计分法来计算得分。

    Standard exercises shall be scored using Virginia Count only .

  27. 还记得维吉尼亚饭店墙上的信息吗?

    Remember the message on the restaurant wall in virginia ?

  28. 最近的民调显示,奥巴马在维吉尼亚领先。

    The latest polls give Obama a lead in Virginia .

  29. 我认为,俄亥俄州和维吉尼亚州就属于这一类。

    I think Ohio and Virginia are in that category .

  30. 施赖伯任教于维吉尼亚州的威廉玛丽学院。

    Schreiber teaches at the College of William and Mary in Virginia .