
  • 网络pop;pop art;popular;popular art;ARTPOP
  1. 莫扎特的作品在日本的音乐厅随处可见,同样地,日本画家弘志的作品在巴黎画廊也很多,这并非罕见的现象。这些独特的作品最初是流行艺术作品,但是却不同于当今的流行艺术。

    It is never rare to find that Mozart packs Japanese concert halls , as Japanese painter Hiroshige does Paris galleries . Unique works of this kind are different from today 's popular art , even if they began as works of popular art .

  2. 流行艺术使人们脑海中浮现出一幅美满幸福家庭的景象。

    Popular art invoked the image of a happy and contented family .

  3. 互动与共享:流行艺术与大众

    Interaction and Share : Popular Art and Mass Media

  4. 你肯定是为流行艺术展而来吧。

    You must be here for the pop-art exhibition .

  5. 大众文化与流行艺术之我见

    Mass Culture and Pop Art : My View

  6. 现代平面设计是从西方传人的,是属于流行艺术。

    Modern graphic designing originate from the west , it belongs to pop art .

  7. 她那拙劣的修复画作如今成了涵义深远的流行艺术符号。

    Her smudgy rendering is now held up as a profound pop art icon .

  8. 但是,似乎在现代艺术&特别是流行艺术方面效果更好。

    However , it seems to work best with modern art & in particular , pop art .

  9. 流行艺术的概念,是指不一样的艺术本身的态度,导致了它。

    The concept of pop art refers not as much to the art itself as to the attitudes that led to it .

  10. 香港人听音乐,就像一样任何我们。从香港流行艺术音乐到真的古典的。

    Hong Kong people listens to music , just like any of us . From Hong Kong Canto pop music to the really classical ones .

  11. 丹尼尔:噢,不,那可是一种流行艺术,我喜欢但是我唱不了那么好。

    Daniel : Oh , no , it was a kind of pop art . I like it but I couldn 't do it that well .

  12. 他的书是对当今流行艺术的实践,其中每一个插曲都用一件故事来使之更令人兴奋(哈珀)

    His book is an exercise in the fashionable art of instant history , in which every episode is hotted up with an anecdote ( Harper 's )

  13. 人们也许认为这种当代流行艺术已经能赚钱了,而实际上不是这么回事。

    ' You would think that the contemporary , hip art world is ahead of the curve on this , 'she says , 'and it 's not & yet . '

  14. 马克雅各布斯之间的商业和艺术天才的想法扩展打破贸易壁垒为那些经常在谁在流行艺术博物馆当代艺术作品出现袋。

    Marc Jacobs bags with the extended break barriers between commercial and artistic genius idea for those who frequently appear in the Museum of Contemporary Art in the Pop Art works .

  15. 我认为历史学家们一直未对文学、音乐和流行艺术所扮演的角色给予足够的重视&实际上,她们叫嚣着,喧哗着,无时无刻不诉说着自己身上时代的烙印。

    I believe that historians often do not pay nearly enough attention to the role of literature , music , and popular art which expresses its time actually quite blatantly very frequently .

  16. 陵墓由几个房间组成,以墙上的灰泥细工而闻名,这是公元2世纪建造时的一种流行艺术形式。

    The mausoleum consisting of several rooms is noted for the stucco detail work on its walls , a popular art form at the time of its construction in the second century AD.

  17. 上月发行的《出名》的音乐视频里,有一个长得很像斯威夫特的女人,还有几个很像其他名人的人,都没有穿上衣,在床上和韦斯特与卡戴珊·韦斯特一起,构成一幅惊人的流行艺术色情极乐图。

    The video for " Famous , " released last month , features a Swift look-alike , along with other celebrity look-alikes , topless in bed with Mr. West and Ms. Kardashian West , an eyebrow-raising jolt of beatific pop-art erotica .

  18. 克劳德·莫奈的绘画与19世纪70年代法国流行的艺术风格迥然不同。

    Claude Monet 's paintings were quite different from the art styles that were popular in the 1870s France .

  19. Auden大众媒体提供的,不是流行的艺术,而是像食物一样要被消费的娱乐,然后忘记掉,再被新的菜式所替代。

    What the mass media offers is not popular art , but entertainment which is intended to be consumed like food , forgotten , and replaced by a new dish . - W.

  20. 画卷:主要在远东流行的艺术。

    Scroll painting : art form practiced primarily in the far east .

  21. 论革命文学的流行性艺术素质

    On the Popular Artistic Quality of " Revolutionary Literature "

  22. 深深受到七十年代抽象派作品的影响,全光荣埋头钻研这种流行的艺术发展,沉浸在对故乡的思念和韩国身份的思考里。

    Heavily influenced by the1970s'abstract painting , Chun delved into this prevalent art movement burying his nostalgia towards hometown and perhaps even his Korean identity .

  23. 奥运会会徽作为标志设计的一种,不仅体现着国际流行的艺术潮流,也代表着标志设计的发展方向。

    The emblem of Olympic Games not only reflects international and popular artistic trend as the design of sign , but also represents developing direction of the design .

  24. 本文论述了当前流行的艺术形式&卡通艺术,探讨了卡通的艺术价值、商业价值及文化价值,从而预示了卡通艺术的发展趋势。

    The article discussed about a popular artistic form cartoon . Through analyzing the artistic value , commercial value and cultural value of cartoon , the author foresees the developing trends of cartoon .

  25. 这是一个集时尚、设计、流行、艺术、文化等为一体的大型展览,吸引了很多年轻人。

    The large-scale exhibition of fashion , design , pop culture , art , and literature attracted large numbers of young people , and for the first time featured a science fiction roundtable .

  26. 所以我们有责任去探察这种悲剧歌队的核心,把它当作真正的原始戏剧。我们无论如何不能满足于流行的艺术理论,说歌队是理想的观众,或者说歌队代表人民以对抗剧中的贵族分子。

    We are thus bound to scan the chorus closely as the archetypal drama , disregarding the current explanations of it as the idealized spectator , or as representing the populace over against the noble realm of the set .

  27. 马和汗是在一次主题为流行文化艺术的研讨会上认识的。与会的积极分子他们并不陌生。这些人都想弄明白,为什么好莱坞对亚裔这么不感兴趣。

    Mar and Khan met at a symposium for Asian-Americans interested in the popular arts , where they dealt with a familiar crowd of activists demanding to know why Hollywood seemed so uninterested in casting people who looked like themselves .

  28. 求新心理、流行色与艺术设计

    Psychology of Seeking New , Popular Colour and Art Design

  29. 在中国风筝是一种流行的传统艺术。

    The Chinese kite is a popular traditional art .

  30. 琥珀屋的设计是当时流行的极富艺术表现力的建筑式样。

    The design for the room was of the fancy style popular in those days .