
  • 网络rheology behavior;rheological behaviour
  1. 线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)在振动剪切复合应力场中挤出成型时的流变行为研究

    An Investigation of Rheology Behavior of LLDPE under Vibration and Shear Complex Stress Field in Extrusion Molding

  2. 缔合聚合物溶液岩芯剪切流变行为研究

    Core - shearing rheology behavior of associating polymer solution

  3. LDPE/EVA/Mg(OH)2阻燃复合材料流变行为的研究

    Study on Rheological Behavior of LDPE / EVA / Mg ( OH ) _2Flame Resistant Composite

  4. Al2O3/Al复合材料伪半固态下流变行为的研究

    Study of the Rheological Behavior of Al_2O_3 / Al Composites in Pseudo-semi-solid State

  5. 不同聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂的流变行为及其形态变迁

    Rheological behaviour and morphological changes of different polyvinylchloride ( PVC ) resins

  6. PVC通信电缆绝缘料流变行为的研究

    On the Rheological Behaviour of PVC Compound for Insulating Jacket of Cable

  7. PET/EVA共混体系的流变行为和形态

    Rheological behavior and morphology of pet / eva blend system

  8. 研究了WNiFe纳米晶粉在注射成形中喂料的流变行为。

    The rheologic behavior of the nanocrystal W-Ni-Fe powder feedstock in MIM process was studied .

  9. PS在低频振动场中流变行为的研究

    Research of Rheological Behavior of PS Melt in Low Frequency Vibrating Field

  10. 研究结果表明:PP/K树脂合金材料的流变行为同PP一样,仍属于非牛顿型假塑性流体流动行为。

    The results showed the rheological behaviour of PP / K-resin was the same with that of PP.

  11. 聚丙烯(PP)/纳米SiO2复合材料的流变行为、力学性能和相态学研究

    Rheological Behavior , Mechanical Property and Morphology of Polypropylene ( PP ) / nano-SiO_2 Composite Materials

  12. PP/EPDM硫化与非硫化共混物微观形态及流变行为的研究

    A Study of the Micromorphology and Rheological Behaviour of Vulcanized and Non vulcanized PP / EPDM Blend

  13. PVDF、LCP及其共混物的流变行为

    Rheological behaviour of PVDF and LCP as well as their blend

  14. EPDM磺酸锌盐及其与HDPE共混物形态结构和流变行为的研究

    Studies on morphology and rheological behavior of zinc-neutralized sulfonated EPDM and its blends with HDPE

  15. 研究了YB超分散剂改性滑石粉填充聚丙烯(PP)复合材料的流变行为及力学性能。

    The rheological behavior and mechanical properties of PP composite filled with YB hyper-dispersant modified talc were studied .

  16. 采用毛细管动态流变仪,选用PELD、PP、PS和PA等典型物料,研究了毛细管动态挤出下各聚合物熔体的非线性流变行为。

    The dynamic rheological behavior of melts of PE-LD , PP , PS and PA was studied with a dynamic capillary rheometer .

  17. 利用HAKKE转矩流变仪和毛细管流变仪研究了PP/PP-R体系的流变行为。

    The rheological behaviors of PP / PP-R blends were studied by Haake torque and capillary rheometers .

  18. 超细SiO2增强聚硅氧烷特种有机硅密封材料形态结构与动态流变行为

    Preparation , Morphology and Dynamic Rheological Behavior of Specific Organosilicone Sealants Composed of Ultrafine Silica Reinforced Polysiloxanes

  19. 研究结果表明,将长支链引入线性PP中会显著改变PP流变行为,导致PP熔体显示出更长的松弛行为。

    The results showed that the long branch chain could change the rheological behavior of the samples evidently and result in a longer relaxation process .

  20. GMT压缩模塑流变行为研究

    Study on the rheology of compression molding of GMT

  21. 使用自行研制的毛细管动态流变仪,研究振动参数对聚丙烯(PP)与碳酸钙(CaCO3)在不同配比时混料流变行为的影响。

    Polypropylene filled with CaCO_3 in various amounts was extruded in self-made dynamic capillary rheometer and the effects of vibration parameters on rheological behaviors were studied .

  22. 结果表明,ABS的组成不同,ABSPC混合物的相容性、力学性能以及流变行为都不相同。

    The results showed that the compatibilities , mechanical properties and rheological behavior of ABS / PC blends with different mixture ratio of ABS were different .

  23. 结果发现:各批次的SG8型PVC树脂的相对分子质量及其分布不同,流变行为差别显著;

    The results show that different batches of PVC SG 8 differ in their relative molecular mass and its distribution and vary obviously in their rheological behaviour .

  24. 本文通过TEM和毛细管流变仪对EPDM磺酸盐及其与HDPE共混物形态结构和流变行为进行了研究。

    The morphology and rheological behavior of zino-neutralized sulfonated EPDM and its blends with HDPE were studied through TEM and a capillary rheometer .

  25. 研究了160&200℃之间的不同PVC树脂流变行为,并用扫描电子显微镜观察其形态变迁。

    The rheological behaviour of different PVC resins between 160 ℃ and 200 ℃ have been studied , their changes in morphology were observed by scanning electron microscopy .

  26. 用X射线衍射和透射电镜对PVC/Org-MMT的结构进行了表征,着重研究了PVC/Org-MMT的流变行为。

    The structure of the PVC and org-MMT is characterized by X-ray and transmission electron microscopy , and the emphasis on the rheological behavior of PVC / org-MMT compound has been studied .

  27. S,S′-双(硫代甘醇酸异辛酯)二甲基锡(DMTTG)在硬PVC加工中稳定效应及其对流变行为的影响

    A Study on The Stabilizing Effect of Dimethyl Tin-S , S ' - Bis ( Iso-octyl Thioglycolate ) and Its Influence on Rheological Behavior in the Processing of Rigid PVC

  28. 利用毛细管流变仪研究了官能化LLDPE(LLDPEgAA、LLDPEgGMA)的流变行为。

    Rheological behaviors of functionalized linear low density polyethylene ( LLDPE )( LLDPE g AA , LLDPE g GMA ) are studied by capillary rheometer .

  29. 纳米晶W-Ni-Fe粉末的流变行为和烧结特性

    Rheologic behavior and sintering characteristic of nanocrystal W-Ni-Fe powder

  30. 研究了聚醚醚酮(PEEK)/聚苯硫醚(PPS)共混体系的加工流变行为,共混体系在不同状态下的相容性,以及相容性与力学性能的内在关联。

    The rheological behavior in processing , compatibility at different state for blends and internal relation between compatibility and mechanical properties were researched .