
liú shuǐ zhàng
  • daybook;day-to day account;current account;current (day-to-day) account;journal account
流水账 [liú shuǐ zhàng]
  • [current (day-to-day) account;daybook] 以日记的形式逐日记载白天交易细目的账本。比喻不加分析罗列现象的叙述或记载

流水账[liú shuǐ zhàng]
  1. 它不是流水账式陈述品牌的所有支持点。

    It 's not a laundry list of everything the brand stands for .

  2. 并不是一本流水账,是对你所学的一个记录。

    This is not a diary of events , but a record of what you are learning .

  3. 这不能像一篇流水账那么无聊,而应是一个能够传递出同样信息的故事。

    It isn 't a laundry list . It 's a story that delivers the same points .

  4. 这不能像一篇流水账那么无聊,而应是一个能够传递出同样信息的故事。幽默以及热情洋溢的表达是必须的。

    It 's a story that delivers the same points . Humor and an enthusiastic delivery are musts .

  5. 要努力让简历讲述你的职场生活而不是流水账一样。

    Try to make your CV a narrative of your professional life , rather than a generic laundry list .

  6. 可能你真的具备所有这些品质,不过如果你像记流水账一样把它们罗列在个人资料里,当然不够新颖。

    You may truly be all these things , but if you list them on your LinkedIn profile you certainly aren 't original .

  7. 烟草连锁零售行业起步较晚,业务模式相对简单,信息化管理只停留在初级阶段,主要用于处理基础的日常流水账。

    The tobacco retailing business started late and the patterns are relatively simple , which makes the information management stays still at the initial stage , dealing mainly with basic day-to-day account .

  8. 11年间境外财务工作从最初的委派财务人员记简单的日记账、流水账发展到如今的境外财务人员统一管理、境外财务统一核算的局面,取得了长足的进步。

    During the last decade , the overseas financial operations have change from the delegated financial staff who made a simple journal to uniform staff management and unified accounting , which has made considerable progress .

  9. 概括优点的同时,不能忽视利用网络开发资源的缺点,包括质量有待商榷,容易陷入流水账式的记录,表达思想不够深刻等问题。

    Summarize the advantages of the use of network resources , cannot ignore the disadvantages , including the quality question , easy to fall into a running account records , expression of thought is not profound problems .