
  • 网络DJs;Disc Jockey
  1. 他走进经理办公室,说他想成为一名流行音乐节目主持人。

    He got into the station manager 's office and told him he wanted to be a disc jockey .

  2. 此外,这里还有供儿童和流行音乐节目主持人使用的工作间,让他们设法吸引青少年和年轻人的关注!

    In addition , there are workshops and storytelling for children and DJs spinning grooves for teenagers and the young at heart !

  3. 中国国际广播电台流行音乐节目主持人保罗.皮尔斯说。

    Said Paul Pierce , a DJ at China Radio International .

  4. 贿赂贿赂,尤指贿赂流行音乐节目主持人以促销唱片。

    Bribery , especially the bribing of disc jockeys to promote records .

  5. 据说,此次舞会是她和苏格兰流行音乐节目主持人加尔文•哈里斯在几个星期后分手的导火索,现在这对情侣被拍到在海滩拥抱亲吻。

    It was said to have sparked the break-up between her and Scottish DJ Adam " Calvin Harris " Wiles some weeks later , and now the pair have been pictured canoodling on the coast .

  6. “桑基斯”的创办者戴维·文森特说,由于这些流行音乐唱片节目主持人重新出现在曼彻斯特,这座城市作为国家最大的一个夜总会中心的盛名正日渐恢复。

    With DJs like these floating back to Manchester , the city is beginning to regain its reputation for being one of the biggest clubbing centers of the country , says Sankeys promoter David Vincent .