
  • 网络flow temperature;flowing temperature;Fluid temperature;T f
  1. 当修正碱度R′>1、成分固定时,只有在温度超过其流动温度时才能显著提高挥发率;

    When the modified basicity of the slag R ′ > 1 and contents remain constant , volatility is raised greatly only when temperature exceeds the flow temperature ;

  2. BINGHAM流体管流流动温度场分布

    Layout of flowing temperature field for BINGHAM fluid pipe line

  3. CO2井筒相变流动温度压力计算模型研究

    Study on model of temperature and pressure distribution in CO2 well bore flow including the fluid phase change

  4. 预测自喷井流动温度的一种数学模型

    A mathematical model to predict the flowing temperature of a blow well

  5. 粘性流体平行流动温度分布特性分析

    Analysis of Temperature Distribution in Parallel Folw of Viscous Fluid

  6. 检测了炉渣的流动温度和岩相结构,分析了渣-钢之间化学反应的平衡状况和氧射流对熔池的作用。

    The slag temperature and morphology were measured and observed . The equilibrium between the slag and melt and the reaction of oxygen jet with the bath were analyzed .

  7. 对板坯保护渣测试结果表明,炉渣开始熔化温度和流动温度的测量误差±10℃,结晶温度±10℃,结晶比率±5%。

    The measuring results on protecting slag for slab concasting showed that measuring relative error for initial melting temperature and flowing temperature slag was ± 10 ℃, for crystallizing temperature also was ± 10 ℃ and the error for crystallizing rate of slag was ± 5 % .

  8. 本文建立了百叶窗翅片的三维模型,运用CFD商业软件FLUENT对其内部空气流动和温度分布情况进行数值模拟。

    In this paper , three dimensional simulations on the air side heat transfer and flow performance of louvered fins were carried out with the CFD software FLUENT .

  9. 建立了一套较为完整的对炉内喷钙脱硫过程进行模拟的方法,获得了炉内气固两相流动、温度分布、石灰石颗粒脱硫化学反应和SO2浓度分布的详细情况。

    A whole set of numerical simulations is established to simulate the limestone injection desulfurization process . The details of gas-solid two-phase flow , temperature profile , particle desulfurization reaction and SO_2 concentration distribution are obtained .

  10. 给定均匀来流和温度边界条件以考虑进口处流动及温度边界层未发展的影响,计算得到的出口流速分布与充分发展的圆环管Couette流动的解析结果相一致。

    Uniform inlet flow and thermal conditions are specified to consider the effects of entrance region . Calculated stream velocity profiles at outlet are well agreed with analytical solutions .

  11. 岐管式微通道(MMC)热沉具有热阻小、结构紧凑、冷却液流量小、流速低、沿流动方向温度分布均匀等优点。

    The manifold microchannel ( MMC ) heat sinks have many advantages such as low thermal resistance , compact structure , little amount of coolant , low flow rate , uniform temperature distribution along the flow direction and many others .

  12. 基于CCD比色法测温原理,提出了一种篦冷机内流动熟料温度场测量方法,并设计了CCD篦冷机熟料温度场测量系统。

    This paper presented a method of measuring clinker temperature field in cement cooler , and designed the CCD temperature measurement system which is applied to cement cooler . After CCD takes a clinker picture in cement cooler , Radiant energy of clinker under two different wavelength was compared .

  13. 详细讨论了各种无量纲参数对于轴向速度分布、二次流动、温度分布、轴法向应力,摩擦系数和Nusselt数的影响,获得了若干重要结果。

    The variations of secondary flow , axial velocity , distribution of temperature and axial normal stress , the ratio of fiction factor and the Nusselt number with different dimensionless parameters had been examined in detail .

  14. 火灾烟流在建筑通道中流动的温度变化规律

    Calculation of Smoke Temperature in Corridor During High Rise Building Fire

  15. 细颗粒在流动与温度边界层中的运动规律研究

    The Behavior of Fine Particles in the Flow and Temperature Boundary Layer

  16. 不均匀受热并联管组流动与温度工况的数值解

    The Numerical Solution of Fluid Flow and Temperature in Non-uniform Heated Parallel Tubes

  17. 拉坯速度对结晶器内钢液流动和温度分布的影响

    Effect of Billet Withdrawal Speed on Molten Steel Flow and Temperature Distribution in Crystallizer

  18. 双流板坯连铸中间包流动与温度耦合的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Coupled Fluid Flow and Temperature in Two-strand Slab Caster Tundish

  19. 铁路空调客车内三维湍流流动及温度场的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Three-dimensional Turbulent Flow and Temperature Field in Air Conditioning Train Passenger Cabin

  20. 人体真实形状手指内的血液流动和温度分布的有限元分析

    A Finite Element Analysis of Blood Flow and Temperature Distribution in an Image-based Finger Model

  21. 土壤内水分流动及温度分布计算&耦合型模型

    The computation of moisture movement and temperature profile in an unsaturated soil & the coupled model

  22. 土壤内水分流动、温度分布及其表面蒸发效应的研究&土壤表面蒸发阻抗的探讨

    A Study of Moisture and Heat Transport in Soil and the Effect of Surface Resistance to Evaporation

  23. 压室液态金属流动耦合温度场三维数值模拟

    3D Numerical Simulation of Temperature Field Coupled with Flow Field of the Liquid Metal in Shot Sleeve of Die Casting Process

  24. 同时,讨论了流动和温度波动的特征,并确定了振荡流动的临界条件。

    Details of the flow and temperature disturbances are discussed and the critical conditions for the onset of the oscillatory flow are determined .

  25. 通过迭代计算研究了二维流动和温度分布变化对声腔调谐和稳定性能的影响。

    The tuning and stability behavior of cavities in which two-dimensional flow and temperature variations exist are predicted through the application of an iterative method .

  26. 本文介绍连铸中间包内钢液流动、温度分布和夹杂物行为等三元传输过程的三维体系数学模型及其部分计算结果。

    A mathematical model and corresponding computational results describing the three-dimensional turbulent flow , thermal dispersion and inclusion behavior in tundish were presented in this study .

  27. 根据紊流状态下的守恒原理,导出了描述掘进巷道风流紊流流动和温度分布的微分方程。

    According to the law of conservation in the state of turbulent flow , the differential equation describing the airflow temperature distribution in drifting tunnel is derived .

  28. 受高温真空加热工艺的制约,传统金属镁还原炉内的流动和温度分布极不均匀,排烟温度很高,炉子热效率低。

    The flow and temperature distributing is very asymmetry in the conventional magnesium reduction furnace , and its high temperature of waste gas causes incredibly low energy efficiency .

  29. 不同挡墙对等离子加热中间包流体温度分布的影响双流板坯连铸中间包流动与温度耦合的数值模拟

    Influence of Different Bulkheads on the Fluid Temperature Distribution in Tundish with Plasma Heating ; Numerical Simulation of the Coupled Fluid Flow and Temperature in Two-strand Slab Caster Tundish

  30. 运用边界层理论进行近似求解,得到在重力作用下冷水沿竖直大平板流动的温度边界层计算公式以及表面换热系数;

    By using boundary layer theory , analytic expressions for temperature profile and the convective heat transfer coefficient are obtained when chilled water flows along the vertical panel on the effect of gravitation force .