
liú làng zhě
  • wanderer;rover;vagrant;tramp;fugitive;dosser
流浪者[liú làng zhě]
  1. 在他的保护下,迈克尔是有恃无恐的,但是,把流浪者的身份加以保密,仍然被认为是必要的。

    Under his protection , Michael had nothing to fear , yet it was considered necessary to keep the fugitive 's identity a secret .

  2. 那个流浪者把所有的东西捆成一包背在背上

    The tramp carry his belongings in a pack on his back

  3. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。

    I 've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan , but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners ' medal with Rangers .

  4. 他是这个城市里又一个流浪者。

    He was another of the city 's flotsam .

  5. 欧洲杯利兹联队与流浪者队的两场争夺战都将进行电视转播。

    They will televise both legs of Leeds ' European Cup clash with Rangers .

  6. 流浪者队凭借第84分钟精彩的第二粒进球锁定了胜局。

    Rovers made the game safe with a spectacular second goal in the 84th minute .

  7. 排名第二的流浪者队以5:0大胜圣约翰斯通队。

    Second-placed Rangers thrashed St Johnstone 5-nil .

  8. 在苏格兰足球联赛中,亚伯丁队比排在首位的流浪者队落后9分。

    Aberdeen are nine points adrift of Rangers at the top of the Scottish League .

  9. 在流浪者队这样优秀的俱乐部呆了这么久之后,其他苏格兰球队都吸引不了他了。

    Having spent so long at a great club like Rangers , no other Scottish team could tempt him away

  10. 汉娜开始为马尼托巴和其他省份的流浪者发言。

    Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness in Manitoba and then in other provinces .

  11. 流浪者四海为家。

    A vagrant is everywhere at home .

  12. 由于流浪者和巴伦西亚战平,这场胜利也让曼联占据了C组头名的位置。马切达现在正专注准备联赛对斯托克的比赛。

    Allied to Rangers'draw with Valencia , victory puts United in control of Group C in the Champions League , and Macheda is now focused on Sunday 's Premier League trip to Stoke .

  13. 根据住房和城市发展部(DepartmentofHousingandUrbanDevelopment)统计,据可获得的最新数据,2014年,50岁以上的街头流浪者为30.6万名,比2007年上升了20%。

    There were 306000 people over 50 living on the streets in 2014 , the most recent data available , a 20 percent jump since 2007 , according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development .

  14. 现年58岁的SamSimon在他生命的最后时光里选择了建立项目,帮助流浪者和建造动物避难所。

    Sam Simon , 58 , is spending his final months funding projects that feed homeless people and save animals from being killed in animal shelters .

  15. “所有球迷都得在DW球场回合,然后再去OT,”流浪者在官方声明中说。

    " All fans will meet at the DW Stadium where they will then be transported to Old Trafford ," Rangers said in a statement .

  16. 就在不久之前,哥伦布环岛还曾是几十名流浪者的临时住所,他们占据了纽约会议中心(NewYorkColiseum)的遗址,那里是罗伯特·摩斯(RobertMoses)时代举行会议的地方。

    It was not all that long ago that Columbus Circle was the makeshift residence of dozens of homeless people squatting at the site of the abandoned New York Coliseum , the Robert Moses-era convention center .

  17. 同年他们开除了我,因为我个头太小。一周之内我就转到了布里斯托流浪者(BristolRovers)&这是我少年时代效力的俱乐部。

    They released me that year because I was too small , and within a week I went over to Bristol Rovers , my boyhood club .

  18. 一位居住在弗罗里达海边的流浪者KipWagner发现沙滩上冲上来很多1714年的硬币,后来他找到了这些沉没的珍宝。

    Kip Wagner , a beachcomber living on the Florida coast , discovered the location of the sunken treasure after finding a number of coins dated 1714 washed up on the shore .

  19. 所有这些都与E4火星流浪者探测器挑战赛联系在一起,其目的是通过下一代Eclipse平台构建一个驱动火星流浪者探测器的E4客户端(并获取建议)。

    All this tied in with the E4 Rover Mars Challenge , which was a competition to build an E4 client to drive a Mars rover ( and win points ) using Eclipse 's next generation platform .

  20. 2014年她设计了一个服装系列,并将其命名为“Wanderers”(“流浪者”)。这种适于穿着的前卫设计是用来阻挡微生物以使用户可以在有害的环境中存活。

    In 2014 , she designed prototypes for a clothing collection , titled " Wanderers . " The wearable avant-garde pieces were designed to hold microbes that could keep its user alive in hostile environments .

  21. 根据罗马规定,麻疯病人是没有希望的流浪者。

    By rome 's will , lepers , outcasts without hope .

  22. 我感到孤独,像一个发现失落文明的流浪者。

    I feel lonely , a wanderer discovering a lost civilization .

  23. 我们的生活本质上就是流浪者的生活。

    In fact , our life is wanderers ' life .

  24. 然后他告诉我打算去流浪者了。

    Then he dropped the bombshell that he was going to Rangers .

  25. 她和一些流浪者发现了野兔的踪迹。

    She and some tramps found the trail of rabbit .

  26. 对这条普遍性的规律来说,流浪者似乎是个仅有的例外。

    Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule .

  27. 我知道你是疯狗,但我呢,流浪者?

    I know you are , but what am I , rover ?

  28. 这个镇为流浪者提供住处和食物。

    The town has shelters and food handouts for vagrants .

  29. 这城镇里有很多恶棍和流浪者。

    There are toughs and drifters galore in this town .

  30. 是流浪者。我会回答说。我很开心。

    Bums , I 'll say , and I 'll be happy .