
yīn yuè fēnɡ ɡé
  • music style;style of music;sound
  1. 她创造出了一种能令全世界的听众都感到快乐的音乐风格。

    She has created a style of music that has delighted audiences all over the world

  2. 在雅虎8月流出的一段视频中,斯威夫特说,自从两年前发布上一张专辑《Red》以来,她已成长蜕变,音乐风格也因此要有所变化。

    During a live video stream on Yahoo.com in August , Swift said that in the two years since she released Red , her last album , she grew and changed in a way that made it necessary for her to change her style of music .

  3. 我喜欢他们的音乐风格。

    I like their sound .

  4. 他们的音乐风格开始表现出一种强烈的灵乐特色。

    They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound

  5. 他的音乐风格独具特色。

    He 's got a unique sound and a unique style .

  6. 当这个传统从西非传到美国时,它发展成了不同的音乐风格。

    When this tradition travelled from West Africa to the USA , it developed into different musical styles .

  7. 那首歌是从灵乐、节奏布鲁斯到说唱等各种音乐风格的成功组合。

    That aong is a successful melange of music styles , from soul and rhythm and blues to rap .

  8. E:你们的音乐风格是什么呢?

    E : So how would you describe your musical style ?

  9. 相比以前的作品虽然添加了更多主流声乐元素,J的新作维持他复杂元素的音乐风格。

    Although more mainstream sounding than his previous efforts , Justin 's newer music maintains his complex musical style .

  10. 同时你也可以从不同的音乐风格和流派下载到你的MP3播放机,然后列出你喜爱的歌曲名单表。

    And you can fill your MP3 player with a mixed list of favorites from any genre .

  11. 第一部分,重点介绍C·P·E·巴赫的生平和他所处的时代背景,当时的社会环境和文艺思潮、音乐风格、音乐形式和乐器的演奏等。

    E. Bach and the background of the age of the 18th century in which he lived , then analyzed the social environment , trends of thoughts of literature and arts , musical styles , musical forms and the production and development of musical instruments .

  12. 从勃拉姆斯钢琴小品Op.118看其音乐风格与特征勃拉姆斯的音乐作品。

    To Discuss the Music Style and Characteristic of Brahms from the Piano Pieces Op.118 ;

  13. 介绍了一个音乐风格识别系统MSC,系统以MIDI乐曲为数据源提取出乐曲的旋律,对不同风格乐曲的旋律进行了频繁模式的挖掘和对测试乐曲的风格识别。

    A music style identification system MSC is introduced . The system bases on music melody mining . The system takes MIDI as data source , mines frequent patterns of different style songs , and identifies the style of testing songs .

  14. Enya的2005年《Amarantine》保持了Enya一贯的清爽飘逸的音乐风格。Amarantine是一种传说中的能够永保芬芳的不死之花,就像每个人心中保有最纯真的那份爱一样。

    It is said that Amaratine is a kind of flower living and keeping scent forever , just like the pure love in deep side of everybody .

  15. CNN特派员夏侬·库克:过去这些年来您的音乐风格有所改变,我们见过您在警察乐队时的表现,听过您演唱流行歌曲、爵士乐和一张鲁特琴专辑。您认为您的听众变了吗?

    SHANNON COOK , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Over the years as your musical style has evolved , we 've seen you in The Police , we 've seen you with pop , with jazz , a lute " album . Do you see how your audience changes ?

  16. 布赖恩伊诺(BryanEno)监制的《Vivalavida》已经展示了专辑与U2的关系,因为布莱恩曾经把U2原来活跃的足球音乐风格改造成深邃的催眠音乐风格,而后者则造就了他们以后的职业生涯。

    The link to U2 has been made explicit on " Viva la Vida , " which was co-produced by Brian Eno , the man who moved U2 from a feisty , soccer-chant style into the expansive and hypnotic sound that has defined the rest of their career .

  17. 洛可可音乐风格与18世纪中国热。

    Part 3 Rococo music and Chinoiserie in the 18th century .

  18. 土家族山歌的音乐风格与特征

    On the Music Style and Characteristic of Tujia 's Folk Songs

  19. 他的作品是数种音乐风格的奇特融合。

    His work is a strange amalgam of several musical styles .

  20. 因为她可能不得不重新调整她的音乐风格了。是的。

    Because she probably had to reinvent her whole musical style .

  21. 披头士预示着新的音乐风格。

    The beetles were heraldic of a new style of music .

  22. 论莫扎特钢琴奏鸣曲音乐风格及形成

    The Musical Styles and the Formation of Mozart 's Piano Sonata

  23. 其音乐风格包括不规则的节奏模式、强有力的身体运动。

    Its musical style includes irregular rhythmic patterns , vigorous bodily movements .

  24. 今天的美洲文化包含着许多不同的音乐风格。

    Today 's American culture contains many different musical styles .

  25. 第二次国际性音乐风格简析

    Brief analysis on the second " international " music style

  26. 音乐会中的这些曲目向人们诠释了马晓辉的音乐风格。

    The program showcased the range and musical tastes of Ma Xiaohui .

  27. 披头士乐队只是利物浦音乐风格的一部分。

    The Beatles were just part of the Liverpool sound .

  28. 他们最新的专辑收录了几首古典民间音乐风格的歌曲。

    Their latest album includes several songs in the classic folk mould .

  29. 不过我们可以找寻到一些特定的音乐风格。

    However , there are certain stylistic touches one can look for .

  30. 目的是为了更好地理解作品《他山集》的音乐风格与体裁特点。

    Aim to realizes the style and composition of the works better .