
  1. 从左至右:父亲,马晓晖,侄女,母亲。

    Left to right : Father , Xiaohui Ma , niece , mother .

  2. 曲终人散,提姆在后台见到马晓晖,当即提出希望以自己的钢琴和马晓晖的二胡进行合作。

    MA immediately after the performance and suggested that his piano cooperate with MA 's Er-Hu .

  3. 马晓晖还展示了华丽的舞姿和深情的现场吟诵,让乐迷对民乐演奏能够达到的境界有了新的认识。

    MA Xiaohui also showed her beautiful dancing and live intone , which will let the fans have a new understanding of Chinese traditional music .

  4. 音乐会上的马晓晖的朋友,是两位美国音乐家(电贝司和钢琴)、一位巴西打击乐手以及四位年轻的中国音乐家(萨克斯、扬琴、大提琴和双簧管)。

    MA Xiaohui 's friends at this concert are two American musicians ( Bassist and Pianist ), one Brazilian Drummer and four Chinese young musicians of Saxophone , Yangqing , Violoncello and Obeo .

  5. 事实上这些音乐家都曾多次与马晓晖同台演出,也是马晓晖多年来以二胡与各种乐器合作的中外音乐家的缩影。

    Actually these musicians have , with MA Xiaohui , performed times on the same stage and today 's concert is an epitome for such a kind of practice in the past years .