
  1. 很高兴,终于见面了,猎人d。

    I 'm glad we could meet at last , Hunter D.

  2. 我们终于见面英语角,在朝阳的图书馆。

    We meet at the English corner in the Chaoyang Library .

  3. 伟大而法力无边的先知,我们终于见面了。

    The great and powerful oracle , we meet at last .

  4. 不,不,不,我们终于见面了!

    No , no , no. .. We meet at last !

  5. 很高兴终于见面了

    It 's so nice to finally meet you .

  6. 终于见面了,他们和爷爷紧紧拥抱在一起,眼里含着泪水。

    When they met at last , they gave grandfather a big hug , tears in their eyes .

  7. 又是一个过年拜见的时刻,我们终于见面。

    Another time for us to pay a new year call as usual arrived and we met at last .

  8. 等在那里的南森和雅各朝我们迎了过来,我们终于见面了!

    Nathan and Jacob went to meet us , they waited there to coordinate the rescue for quite long , and we finally met !

  9. 当摩西准备回埃及的时候,神对正在埃及的亚伦说:“你往旷野去迎接摩西。”弟兄俩个终于见面了。

    But as Moses began to travel back to Egypt , God spoke to Aaron there in Egypt : Go into the wilderness to meet Moses . And so the two brothers met .

  10. 虽然我没有亲自去机场,但是我完全可以想象到那个激动、感人的场面:老爸老妈等了一年,盼了一年终于见面了。

    Although I didn 't meet him at the airport , but I can imagine how excited and moved my mom and dad were at the moment they saw each other after a long-awaited year .

  11. 你好,熊猫,终于我们见面了!

    Greetings , panda . At last we meet !

  12. 还有苹果公司(Apple)的iPhone:在3G登陆美国5年后,一款能够证明移动宽带网络实力的设备终于与消费者见面。

    Along came Apple 's ( AAPL ) iPhone : More than five years after 3G launched in the U.S. consumers finally had a device that showed them the power of mobile broadband networks .

  13. 我很高兴终于跟他见面了。

    I was pleased to finally meet him face to face .

  14. 在七月二十三号,她们终于有机会见面了。

    In July23rd , they finally have a chance to meet .

  15. 我们终于有机会见面了,我真的很高兴。

    Finally , we have a chance to meet . I am so pleased .

  16. 经过近一年的广泛征稿和积极筹备,《中国民间体育》摄影大展终于和公众见面了。

    The exhibition finally meets with the public after a year 's collection and preparation .

  17. 终于和你见面了沃尔夫先生真是太高兴了麦克斯常常提起�

    It is so nice to finally meet you , Mr. Wolfe.Max has told us so much .

  18. 当我终于和格拉格见面时,他正在马来西亚参加黑客安全大会。在大会上,他做了一个公开演讲,并对安全技术人员开展了相关培训。

    When I caught up with the Grug he was in Malaysia for the Hack In The Box Security Conference where he both gave a key note speech and held training sessions for security professionals .

  19. 辛苦调查3年后,奈斯比特的新书终于要与大家见面了。

    After three years ` research , Naisbitt is about to finally publish that book .