
tián cí
  • compose a poem to a given tune of ci;compose a poem to a given tune of
填词 [tián cí]
  • [compose a poem to a given tune of] 作词,因为必须严格地按照格律选字用韵,故称填词

填词[tián cí]
  1. 重归爱情由AlexFletcher.作曲SophieFisher填词。

    Way Back Into Love music and lyrics by Sophie Fisher and Alex Fletcher .

  2. 他和JacquelineSteiner为老的音乐填词,支持美国进步党候选人竞选马萨诸塞州波士顿市长。

    She and Jacqueline Steiner took old music and wrote new words a Progressive Party candidate for mayor of Boston , Massachusetts .

  3. 香港业余填词人协会

    " Amateur Lyric Writers ' Association of Hong Kong , The "

  4. 你能为这首曲子填词吗?为一首曲子作的词。

    Can you write words to this piece of music ?

  5. 一首仅能由我们自己谱曲,填词的歌?

    Only by one of our own music , lyrics of the song ?

  6. 卡门为曲子填词,他们一起练习。

    Carmen has written lyrics for the song , and they practice together .

  7. 简直像在倒推疯狂填词

    It 's like doing mad libs in reverse .

  8. 而不论是谁为这二人填词,都值得大获赞赏。

    Whoever writes the lyrics for the two 's performances deserves tremendous credit .

  9. 而且他也发现他们俩都很喜欢断章填词。

    Who finally found someone who enjoyed mad LIBS as much as he did .

  10. 首先,我们先作曲,然后再由我进行填词。

    Ruki : At first we compose the music , then I add the lyrics .

  11. 我喜欢自己填词/曲的歌手/乐家。

    I love singers / musicians who ( that ) write their own lyrics / music .

  12. 安格斯:他还需要时间来填词作曲,哈!那太有趣了。

    Angus : he ? Ll need time to write his own songs , too . ha ! That should be interesting !

  13. 然后,人们手挽手一起唱苏格兰诗人罗伯特·伯恩斯填词的《友谊地久天长》。

    They then link arms and sing a song called Auld Lang 's Syne , by a Scottish poet called Robert Burns .

  14. 摘要随着戏曲的发展和影响的扩大,自明代开始出现了一股文人填词制曲的热潮。

    Because of the evolution and influence of Chinese traditional opera , there are an upsurge in literati writing lyric for nanbeiqu melody .

  15. 小猪已经有好几个月不一本正经地唱歌了,总喜欢一边扭动身体,一边编曲加填词地投入演唱原创歌曲。

    Yue loves to swing her little cute body and compose her own melody and lyrics allheartedly instead of singing songs seriously for a couple of months .

  16. 本色只指填词语言自然的艺术风格,主要表现在叙述语言、人物语言、描写语言三方面。

    Natural Color , only in accordance with the language style of composing drama , mainly shows in three gists : indicative language , character tongue , and describing language .

  17. 恩雅住在我们家里,她开始进行创作,创作出了所有这些旋律,所以我们一有机会就聚在一起,然后洛玛填词。

    Enya was living in our House and she started , a11 these melodies started to come out , so we got together whenever we could , and then Roma started to write lyrics .

  18. 本文通过分析广州话声调与音乐的配合的规律,揭示粤语流行歌词音乐美形成的原因,并总结粤语流行歌词填词合调的技巧。

    Through the analysis of rule that how the Cantonese tone match music tune , this essay try to explain the reason why the Canton Pop lyric has the unique aesthetic feeling like the music .

  19. 服务范围包括:构思、试音、作曲、填词、编曲、监制、写谱、录音、调音、混音、母带、设计、版权、印刷、在市面上发售等等。

    Scope of services : concept , audition , melody , lyrics , music arrangement , producing , notation , recording , tuning , mixing , mastering , design , publishing , printing , distribution , etc.

  20. 中国文人不爱在妻子生前为其写诗填词,却偏爱在妻子离世之后做悼亡诗词为念,这是中国文学有别于西方文学的一个很特殊的现象。

    The author of china does not love his wife died in the poetry of music , especially in his wife left after doing bereavements to poetry chinese literature , this is different from the western literature a very special .

  21. 年少时就曾学习填词作曲,成年后在没有组建家庭戏班之前就写了不少的传奇剧本,后来觅得一极佳的机会,组建了一个家庭戏班,不仅自娱也用于娱人。

    In his youth he had learned to write words to given melody and to compose poems . In his adulthood he wrote many legendary plays before setting up a family-owned theatrical troupe . Later he seized a chance to establish a theatrical troupe to entertain him and others .