
  • 网络infilled wall
  1. 填充墙砌筑完成后60d左右进行墙面抹灰和构造柱施工;

    The mortar for coating and configuration column should carry through when the infilled wall was masonry sixty days .

  2. 填充墙与钢框架协同工作性能非线性分析

    Non-linear analysis of coordinated working performance between infilled wall and steel frame

  3. 在该模型中,填充墙用X形链杆模拟受力,通过等效刚度原理形成填充墙刚度矩阵[Kw];

    In the model , masonry uses X shape member bar instead of masonry and formats stiffness matrix ;

  4. 填充墙对RC框架结构抗震性能的影响及对策研究

    Research on Effect of Infill Walls to Seismic Characteristic of RC Frame and Its Countermeasures

  5. 带填充墙RC框架结构协同工作性能有限元分析

    The finite element analysis of cooperative working performance of RC frame structure with filler wall

  6. QTC轻质复合砌块在框架结构填充墙的应用

    Application of QTC Light Compound Building Blocks in Filler Walls of Frame Structures

  7. 基于备用荷载路径法,采用非线性静力分析、非线性动力分析及竖向增量动力分析方法对设计的带填充墙和不带填充墙的RC框架进行连续倒塌分析。

    Based on alternate load path method , with and without infilled wall RC frame are analyzed with nonlinear static analysis method , nonlinear dynamic analysis method and vertical incremental dynamic analysis method .

  8. 进行了3榀单层两跨带楼板填充墙RC框架结构试件在低周往复荷载作用下的抗震性能试验,重点研究砌体填充墙及其布置形式和楼板对框架结构抗震性能影响。

    Three one-storey , two-bay RC infilled frames were tested under cyclic loading to investigate the effects of infill walls , infilled configuration and slab on the seismic behavior of RC frame structures .

  9. 本文基于大量的有限元模型分析,研究了开洞与不开洞砌体填充墙RC框架结构的平面内抗震性能,并对结构失效模式等问题进行了探讨。

    Based on the finite element method which is one of the most powerful tools , the dissertation addresses the in-plane seismic performance and failure mode of the masonry-infilled RC frames with and without openings .

  10. 根据在水平外力作用下填充墙的应力分布规律,借鉴有关研究文献,建立了将填充墙简化为RC等效斜压杆的简化分析模型。

    The simplified analysis model of equivalent synclinal compressive pole instead of the infilled walls is built according to the stress arrangment regulation in the infilled walls and referring to the research works of infilled walls .

  11. 由于实际工程中填充墙对主体框架结构的行为有着明显的影响,因此本文在考虑填充墙作用的前提下对加气混凝土砌块填充墙RC框架结构的抗震性能展开了研究。

    Practical engineering infill walls on the behavior of the main frame structure has a significant effect , under the premise of considering the role of infill walls of aerated concrete block infill walls of the seismic performance of RC frame structures carried out research .

  12. 鉴于此,本文主要从以下几个方面进行了分析:(1)使用有限元分析软件adina,分析框架与填充墙之间在受力时的相互作用。

    The main research work in this thesis is summarized as follows : 1 . using the finite element analysis software adina , the interaction between the infilled wall and the frame is analyzed .

  13. 本论文将就常见的墙体材料NALC与复合墙体材料金邦板与框架结构的连接构造进行详细的论述,运用有限元软件Ansys,分别对框架结构、框架结构带有填充墙的柔性和刚性连接进行分析。

    This paper will be discussed in details on common wall materials NALC , composite wall materials Jin bang board and tectonic connection of frame structure by using the finite element software ANSYS .

  14. 对于不开洞时的填充墙,本文采用了Wale的三角撑模型,并对模型中参数的计算方法进行了改进。

    For the infill walls without openings , three-strut model proposed by Wale are used in this thesis , and the determining method of model parameters is ameliorated .

  15. 通过dasp软件的分析功能,获取了空框架和填充墙框架的固有频率和相应的振型等模态信息。

    Moreover , the natural frequencies and modes information of the bare frame and the infilled frame were obtained by the analysis of the Dasp software .

  16. 砌块填充墙裂缝的成因分析及预防措施

    Genetic analysis on cracks in block filler wall and prevention measures

  17. 陶粒混凝土砌块填充墙裂缝状况和控制措施

    Crack cause and measures of wall filled with concrete ceramisite block

  18. 陶粒砌块填充墙裂缝的预防

    Prevention of the slit in the wall made of ceramsite brick

  19. 底层薄弱层框架&填充墙抗震性能研究

    Study on Seismic Performance of Infilled Frame of Underlying Weak Layer

  20. 小型空心砌块填充墙的裂缝分析及防治措施

    Crack Analysis and Prevention Method of Small-sized Hollow Concrete Block Wall

  21. 加气混凝土砌块填充墙抗裂施工技术

    Prevention and Treatment construction technique of Crack Aerated concrete Block Wall

  22. 本文首先介绍了框架结构弹性动力分析的一般理论方法,然后通过对一底层带有大空间的填充墙框架结构进行弹性地震反应分析。

    Firstly , general theories on elastic dynamical analysis are introduced .

  23. 新型混凝土砌块填充墙平面外稳定性研究

    Study on the out-of-plane stability of new concrete block infill wall

  24. 钢筋混凝土框架填充墙的温度效应分析

    Analysis of temperature effect of framed wall filled with reinforced concrete

  25. 水平地震作用下填充墙框架结构的刚度计算

    Rigidity calculation of frame-wall structure filled with masonry under horizontal earthquake

  26. 带砌体填充墙结构在地震作用下的安全性质疑

    Query on Safety of Structure with the Infill Panels in Earthquake

  27. 影响框架填充墙结构抗震性能的几点探讨

    Discussion of Seismic Property of RC Frame Structure with Filled in Masonry

  28. 砌体填充墙锚拉筋植筋施工法探讨

    On construction technique of planting reinforcement anchor bar of masonry filler wall

  29. 对框架填充墙结构抗震设计的思考

    Some Aspects of Seismic Design Method of Infilled Wall-frame Structures

  30. 填充墙的裂缝原因分析与防治

    The analysis and prevention of the reasons of cracks of filling wall