
  • 网络Mpa;strength grade;strength grade of concrete
  1. 结果显示:轴压承载力随着混凝土强度等级、钢管壁厚、FRP层数以及自应力的增大而增大。

    The results showed that : axial capacity increases with strength grade of concrete , pipe wall thickness , the type and number of layers of FRP and self-stressing .

  2. 设计时应注意混凝土强度等级不宜太高。

    Concrete strength grade should not be designed too high .

  3. 混凝土强度等级对FRP筋的粘结性能影响较大,但是否掺加聚丙烯纤维对其粘结性能影响较小;

    Concrete strength had larger influence on bond strength of FRP bars , but the influence of polypropylene fibers in concrete was rather less .

  4. 试验参数包括温度、粘结长度、FRP筋直径、混凝土强度等级、混凝土保护层厚度及混凝土表面涂刷防火涂料。

    Test parameters include temperature , anchorage length , FRP bar diameter , strength grades of concrete , thickness of concrete cover and fire-retardant coating .

  5. 采用有限元分析软件定性地估计RC柱子的截面尺寸、形状以及混凝土强度等级对GFRP加固效果的影响。

    Finite element software will be used to analyze the influence of pole 's section 's size , shape and concrete 's strength rank under the sticking GFRP over the pole 's ultimate bearing capability .

  6. 试验表明,对于一些混凝土强度等级较低(≤C15)的钢筋混凝土梁不宜采用这种加固方法;

    The results show that the strengthening method is not fit for RC structures made of low-strength concrete ( C15 ) .

  7. 试验采用的混凝土强度等级为C25,主要变化参数为初始荷载及加载历史、CFRP加固量、纵筋配筋率、锚固措施等。

    Concrete intensive grade is C25 , the main variable parameters such as initial load and load history , CFRP amount , reinforcement ratio , anchor measure was adopted .

  8. 提高拱坝混凝土强度等级的探讨

    On Raising the Strength of Concrete in Design of Arch Dams

  9. 在检测的混凝土强度等级较低时,应考虑到这种差异。

    It should be considered in examining the concrete of low strength grades .

  10. 混凝土强度等级与原规范混凝土标号的关系

    Relationship between Concrete Grade of Strength and Concrete Mark of the Former Code

  11. 混凝土强度等级及偏心距对桁架式型钢混凝土异形柱极限承载力的影响。

    Both of concrete strength grade and different eccentric loads affect ultimate bearing capacity .

  12. 关于水工混凝土强度等级控制的探讨

    Discussion on strength control of hydraulic concrete

  13. 混凝土强度等级不同的问题;

    Different concrete has different intensity grade ;

  14. 文中讨论提高混凝土强度等级对结构性能的影响,通过强度价格比的对比,分析提高混凝土强度可获得的技术经济效益。

    And analyse technical and economical benefit of rising strength level of concrete by comparing its strength-price ratio ;

  15. 提高桩身混凝土强度等级不能明显提高推力桩的承载能力;

    The bearing capacity of the pile can not be improved obviously by increasing the concrete intensity rank .

  16. 分析混凝土强度等级对连梁延性的影响。

    Coupling beams ' stresses , strains and the development of cracking were effected by different grade concrete .

  17. 在结构物达到相同承载能力时,混凝土强度等级的提高可以减少混凝土用量、节约砂石等材料,同时又可以减少相当大的工作量。

    Then the article propose heighten the strength of the tunnel concrete to reduce the volume of concrete and workload .

  18. 桩基小应变检测中混凝土强度等级判断结果的准确性分析

    Preliminary Analysis of the Accuracy for the Judgment of the Strength of the Concrete during Testing Micro Strain of Pile Foundations

  19. 外加剂、水灰比、骨料粒径以及混凝土强度等级对混凝土早龄期弹性模量有一定的影响。

    Additive 、 water-cement ratio 、 aggregate size and strength grades exert certain influence upon the static elastic modulus of early-age concrete .

  20. 讨论了芯柱配筋率、混凝土强度等级和纵筋类别等因素的影响。

    Analyze the influences of core column ′ s bar ratio 、 strength of concrete 、 longitudinal reinforcement classification etc are analyzed .

  21. 现浇混凝土强度等级、混凝土中膨胀剂的掺入和张拉控制应力三者有很密切的关系。

    There is a close relationship among the strength grade of cast-in-situ concrete , concrete mixing with bulking agent and tension control stress .

  22. 结果表明,混凝土强度等级越高,截面塑性发展深度越小,塑性影响系数也越小。

    Computational results indicated that the higher the concrete strength , the smaller the developed plastic zone and the correspondent plastic influence coefficient .

  23. 万鑫大厦具有占地面积大,地下室层数多,混凝土强度等级高,结构复杂等特征。

    Wanxin mansion has the characteristics of large area , many layer numbers of basement , high grades of concrete strength and complex structure .

  24. 混凝土强度等级不同,电通量水平不同,强度等级越高,电通量越小,在一定荷载作用下,混凝土的抗氯离子侵蚀的能力越好。

    The electric flux is different with different strength grade of concrete , high-strength grade of concrete with a higher resistance to chloride ion erosion .

  25. 通过计算和试桩确定桩直径、间距和桩身混凝土强度等级。

    By calculating and site testing of the piles , the pile diametre , interval space , grade of the strength of concrete are given .

  26. 前言:分析了碎石的质量特性及其与混凝土强度等级、性能之间的制约关系。

    We analyse the restricted relations between speciality of crushed stones and the degree of intensity as well as quality of concrete in this essay .

  27. 试验参数有:钢管的直径与壁厚、钢管外部混凝土强度等级和箍筋配箍特征值。

    Test parameters were the diameter and thickness of steel tube , the cubic strength of concrete outer of steel tube and the stirrup characteristic value .

  28. 采用该程序计算了不同混凝土强度等级、不同截面尺寸和不同配筋钢筋混凝土梁截面的弯矩-曲率关系。

    Using the program developed , moment-curvature relationship curves for reinforced concrete beam sections with different strength grades , different dimensions , and different reinforcement ratios are calculated .

  29. 高层框架结构设计时,梁板与柱常常会采用不同的混凝土强度等级,柱的混凝土强度等级往往高于梁板。

    On tall building frame structure design , beams ( plates ) and columns usually have different grade concrete . The concrete strength of columns is usually higher .

  30. 分别讨论了混凝土强度等级、碳纤维布加固率、截面尺寸对碳纤维约束混凝土性能的影响。

    The different effects of the concrete strength , carbon ( fiber ) strengthening ratio and the sectional dimensions on the behavior of the concrete are discussed respectively .