
  • 网络Chaotic neural network;cnn
  1. 仿真结果表明,混沌神经网络具有复杂的瞬态混沌特性,它比Hopfield网络具有更强的搜索全局最优解的能力,和更快的收敛速度。

    Simulation results indicate that CNN has stronger ability to search global optimal solution and quicker convergence speed than Hopfield network , for its complicated transient chaos characteristic .

  2. 然后从复杂问题优化、联想记忆和图像处理、网络与通信、模式识别、电力系统负荷建模和预测5个方面,介绍了混沌神经网络的应用现状;

    Secondly , recent applications of CNN are introduced in many aspects , such as complicated optimization problem , associative memory and image processing , computer networks and communication , pattern recognition , power system load modeling and forecasting etc.

  3. DNA编码和混沌神经网络的两相流型辨识

    Identification on the two-phased flow-type of DNA coding and chaos neural network

  4. 四色和K色图着色问题的瞬态混沌神经网络解法

    Artificial Neural Network with Transient Chaos for Four - Coloring Map Problems and K-Colorability Problems

  5. 混沌神经网络应用于ATM路由算法的研究

    Chaotic Neural Networks Based Routing Algorithm in ATM Network

  6. 基于PSO混沌神经网络电力系统负荷预测

    Power System Load Forecasting Based on PSO Chaotic Neural Networks

  7. TSP的瞬态混沌神经网络算法

    A Method to Solve TSP by Neural Network with Transient Chaos

  8. 基于混沌神经网络的单向Hash函数

    One-way Hash function based on chaotic neural network

  9. 基于退火策略的混沌神经网络及其在TSP中的应用

    Chaotic Neural Network Based on Annealing Strategy and Their Application to TSP

  10. 暂态混沌神经网络的算法改进及其在TSP中的应用

    Improved Algorithm of Transient Chaotic Neural Network and Its Application in TSP

  11. 同时,研究了参数变化对混沌神经网络Lyapunov指数谱的影响。

    Meanwhile , the effect of the parameters on the spectra of Lyapunov exponents is researched .

  12. 提出一种自适应变尺度暂态混沌神经网络,并将其应用于CDMA的多用户检测技术。

    An improved adaptive chaotic neural network algorithm was proposed and applied to the CDMA multiuser detection technique .

  13. Hermite混沌神经网络异步加密算法

    An asynchronous encryption algorithm based on Hermite chaotic neural networks

  14. 基于改进型能量函数和瞬态混沌神经网络的TSP问题研究

    Study on the TSP Based on an Improved Energy Function and Transiently Chaotic Neural Network Model

  15. Job-shop调度问题的瞬态混沌神经网络解法

    A Method to Solve Job-shop Schedule Problems by Neural Network with Transient Chaos

  16. 因此,拓展了该类瞬时混沌神经网络的输入输出函数的范围:从单调的logistic型、周期的正弦型输入输出函数延伸至本文讨论的更一般形式输入输出函数。

    Therefore it expands the bound of input-output functions , especially from monotone logistic function and period sinusoidal function , to more general function in this thesis .

  17. 讨论了Hopfield神经网络和暂态混沌神经网络在多用户检测器中的应用,暂态混沌神经网络具有比Hopfield网络更为丰富的动力学特性,可有效提高网络全局最小值的搜索能力。

    This text discusses the applying of Hopfield neural net work and the transient chaos neural network in multiuser detection .

  18. K系列模型是一个高维的混沌神经网络模型,不仅可以模拟电生理实验中得到的嗅觉系统的EEG数据,而且也具有模式识别的能力。

    K set model is a high-dimensional chaotic neural network , which can not only simulate EEG waveform observed in experiments , but also perform biological intelligence for pattern classification .

  19. 特别是对基于FPGA所设计的Aihara混沌神经网络输出的二进制序列进行分析,证明了该序列具有良好的混沌特性。

    This paper analyzes especially the binary sequence output by Aihara chaotic neural network which designed with FPGA .

  20. 本课题提出了一种改进的混沌神经网络模型用于解决旅行商问题(TSP),取得了很好的仿真结果。

    A Improved Chaotic Neural Networks ( ICNN ) is presented and applied to Traveling Salesman Problem ( TSP ), the simulation results are excellent .

  21. 详细的分析了ChenandAihara提出的混沌神经网络及暂态混沌神经网络模型结构和动力学特性。

    It analyzes the structure and dynamics of chaos neural network and transient chaos neural network of Chen and Aihara detailedly .

  22. 仿真结果表明,应用混沌神经网络求解数据关联比Hopfield网络具有更块的收敛速度和更小的关联误差。

    Simulation result shows that chaos neural networks have faster convergence speed and smaller association error than Hopfield networks when they are used to solve data association .

  23. 阐述了一种基于混沌神经网络的自动测试生成(ATPG)算法。

    A new automatic test pattern generation ( ATPG ) methodology based on chaotic neural network method is described .

  24. 在第二部分应用Lyapunov泛函方法及LaSalle不变原理,研究了混沌神经网络的同步和镇定,并给出了一种基于同步的参数识别方法。

    In Chapter 3 , by using LaSalle invariance principle and Lyapunov functional method , we studied the synchronization and stabilization of chaotic neural networks , and presented a synchronization-based parameters estimation method .

  25. 本文在对混沌神经网络进行了初步的研究和探讨后,给出了基于Hopfield神经网络与混沌的图像加密方法,并取得了较好的图像加密效果。

    The chaotic neural network is elementary studied and discussed . An image cryptography combined Hopfield neural network with chaos is presented , and some good encryption effects are got and shown in this dissertation . 6 .

  26. 基于组合电路测试生成的Hopfield神经网络模型,讨论分析了利用混沌神经网络的全局搜索能力进行测试生成的有效算法和基于遗传算法的自适应测试生成。

    Based on a Hopfield neural network model for combinational circuit test generation , a test generation algorithm with global searching ability of chaotic neural networks and a self-adaptive test generation based on genetic algorithm is analyzed .

  27. 自从Hopfield神经网络(HNN)成功地解决了旅行商问题(TSP)以后,HNN系列混沌神经网络被广泛地研究和应用于各种优化问题。

    Since the Travelling Salesman Problem ( TSP ) was solved successfully by Hopfield neural network ( HNN ), the HNN series has been intensively studied and applied in various kinds of optimization problems .

  28. 基于Laguerre函数模型的自适应预测控制方法中的性能指标,在有约束的情况下往往难以达到全局极优,而混沌神经网络(CNN)可以有效地避免优化过程陷入局部极小。

    Performance index of the adaptive predictive control strategy based on Laguerre model is hard to converge to global optima . And chaotic neural network ( CNN ) can effectively avoid local optima during the optimization process .

  29. 首先求出将KTSP转化成TSP的换位矩阵,然后用基于退火策略的混沌神经网络(ACNN)模型求解KTSP。

    Firstly the relation matrix changing KTSP into TSP is got , then applying chaotic neural network based on annealing strategy ( ACNN ) solves KTSP .

  30. 仿真试验表明,在控制适当的扰动系数时,带扰动的混沌神经网络能有效地求得TSP问题的合法解和最优解,体现了混沌神经网络有很强的鲁棒性和抗干扰能力。

    Extensive numerical simulations show that the chaotic neural network with disturbance can get legal solutions and optimum solutions of TSP , if the disturbance coefficient is controlled properly . Therefore the very strong robustness and anti-interference ability are embodied in chaotic neural network .