
yán yǔ shí bié
  • speech recognition
  1. SPLS通过引入相位信息提高了汉语的声调识别率,以及噪声环境下的言语识别率。

    The SPLS strategy improved both the Mandarin tone recognition rate and speech recognition rate under noisy environments for Chinese speakers by introducing phase information .

  2. 口头复述与书写反应方式对普通话言语识别率的影响

    Impact of Repeat Versus Written Response on Mandarin Speech Recognition Scoring

  3. 言语识别率测试13例24耳助听前后结果经t检验,差异无显著性意义(P0.05),3例4耳助听前后比较差异有显著性意义;

    Speech identification rates were significant elevation ( P0.05 ) in 3 patients 4 ears with or without the hearing aids .

  4. 对拟行人工耳蜗植入手术的双侧极重度耳聋患者进行助听器试戴和语言训练,并定期作言语识别记分(SDS)。

    Patients with bilateral profound deafness were fitted with hearing aids and given auditory training prior to 22 channal cochlear implantation .

  5. 方法:对14例(28耳)听神经病患者进行纯音测听、声导抗、听性脑干反应(ABR)和畸变产物耳声发射(DPOAE)、言语识别率检查。

    Methods : Fourteen patients ( 28 ears ) with auditory neuropathy were evaluated who accepted pure tone test , acoustic immittance , auditory brainstem response ( ABR ), distortion product otoacoustic emission ( DPOAE ) and speech discrimination score .

  6. 助听器配戴与感音性聋患者的言语识别

    Speech discrimination rate of the sensorial deafness patients with hearing aids

  7. 母语为汉语患者应用多道人工耳蜗的言语识别

    Speech Recognition in Mandarin-Speaking Patients With a Multichannel Cochlear Implant

  8. 智能方向性技术对噪声环境下言语识别率的影响

    Effects of precision directional imaging on speech discrimination score under noise environment

  9. 单、双耳阈上不同给声强度对言语识别率的影响

    Effects of variable supra-threshold intensity speech on speech recognition

  10. 测试材料的滤波通带对言语识别率的影响

    Effects of filtered frequency bands in test material on filtered speech recongnition score

  11. 声音的时间信息和频谱信息对言语识别非常重要。

    Temporal and frequency features in acoustic signals are important for language recognition .

  12. 单通道与多通道自适应方向性麦克风助听器对正常成年人噪声下言语识别率的影响

    The Influence of Different Channel Adaptive Directional Microphone Setups on the Spoken Language Understandability

  13. 方法比较单耳和双耳助听后的言语识别率。

    Method The speech discrimination rates between uniaural and binaural hearing aids were compared .

  14. 匿名信案件的言语识别与侦查破案

    Language Identification and Investigation of Anonymous Letter Case

  15. 言语识别中的时域及频域信息

    Temporal and spectral cues for speech recognition

  16. 言语识别及其影响因素

    Speech recognition and related factors

  17. 老年人在嘈杂混响环境下会面临更大的言语识别困难。

    Recognizing speech in noisy , reverberant environments is more difficult for old listeners than for young listeners .

  18. 聋儿单侧植入人工耳蜗对侧配戴助听器后言语识别率研究

    The Study of Speech Recognition Score for Children Who Use Hearing Aids in Conjunction with Cochlear Implants in Opposite Ears

  19. 结果表明,听障儿童在双耳双模式状态下,噪声下的言语识别能力比单侧人工耳蜗状态时存在显著的优势。

    The result showed that the SRT of binaural-bimodal condition is lower , which has significantly more advantages than unilateral Cl condition .

  20. 听力正常青年人独立调幅调频反应与言语识别率的关系

    Auditory Steady-State Responses to Tones Independently Modulated in Both Frequency and Amplitude and Word Recognition Scores in Young Adults with Normal Hearing

  21. 术后1年评估患儿左右耳单耳及双耳人工耳蜗助听听阈和言语识别率,以及言语清晰度。

    One year after the secondary CI , the cochlear implant aided hearing threshold and speech discrimination rate were tested for both ears separately and together .

  22. 言语识别率8例双耳为0%,5例为6%~20%,1例为30%。

    As for speech discrimination score , 8 patients obtained zero , 5 patients did 6 % ~ 20 % , and one patient did 30 % .

  23. 目的通过对两例双侧人工耳蜗植入患者早期言语识别率的分析,探讨双侧人工耳蜗植入对言语识别率的影响及中枢对双侧信号的处理机制。

    Objective To evaluate and analyse the results of speech recognition in two patients with bilateral cochlear implants , explore the way that the auditory system integrate information provided by two devices .

  24. 结果单耳助听后的言语识别率,单音节词为77.53±2.07%,双音节词为86.82±4.36%。

    Results The speech discrimination rates after uniaural hearing adis were 77.53 ± 2 . 07 % for monosyllable words and 86 . 92 ± 4 . 36 % for , bisyllable words .

  25. 实验结果表明:目标增益曲线和介入增益曲线相吻合越好,患者对助听器的主观评价越好,言语识别率越高,助听器的助听效果越好。

    Result : the better target gain curve compared with insert gain curve , the better patients ' attitude toward hearing aid evaluation , the higher SRT ( Speech Recognize Threshold ), the better the effect of hearing aid .

  26. 个人言语风格识别技术在案件侦查中的应用

    Application of Personal Speech Style Identification Technology in Case Investigation

  27. 言语过滤识别方法:一种新型的说话人识别方法。

    Speech Filtered Recognition , a novel Automatic Speaker Recognition , and discuss its goodness and badness .

  28. 比如目前的技术包括言语和手写识别系统,当系统熟悉了用户的风格后,就可以提高识别的准确率。

    Examples with current technology include speech and handwriting recognition systems that improve the accuracy of their recognition as they become familiar with the user 's style .

  29. 语言习得视角下的大学英语课堂教师话语研究从法律语言学角度看言语与说话者身份识别

    A Study of Teacher Talk in College English Classroom-From the Perspective of Language Acquisition

  30. 其中,言语过滤以语音识别为技术支持,可以剔除嘈杂背景,限制冒名顶替,排除语音赝本等等;

    Among them , voice recognition is the technology support of speech filter . It can remove background noise , restrict impostors , and eliminate the counterfeiting of voice , etc.