
  1. 现代日语中的若者言叶特征分析

    Features of Young Generation 's Jargon in Modern Japanese : An Analysis

  2. 同时,“若者言叶”又显示出了年轻人意在避免和对方正面冲突,不伤害对方同时也避免被对方伤害而有意识地与对方保持一定距离的心理。

    Also ," young generation 's jargon " is a display of the psychology of this group of people : keeping a certain distance between each other to avoid direct conflict and mutual harm at the same time .

  3. 本文从词形、词义、语音语调、语法四个方面对日语中的若者言叶进行了归纳、分析,并借此对当代日本青年的语言心态作了探索。

    This paper summarizes and analyzes the " young generation 's jargon " based on the four aspects of the language including the structure , meaning , phonetics and grammar , and in turn explores the language mentality of modern Japanese youth .

  4. 我认识一个叫桂言叶的姑娘,刚和她丈夫度完蜜月,就在机场碰到一个带着孩子等他们的姑娘,你懂的。

    One woman I know arrived home with her husband fresh off her honeymoon , only to find a woman with a baby waiting for him at that airport . I don 't need to tell you who was the father of that baby .